Compared to any other country, the US maintains a lot of military bases around the world.
According to the Pentagon's own list PDF, the answer is around 865, but if you include the new bases in Iraq and Afghanistan it is over a thousand. These thousand bases constitute 95 percent of all the military bases any country in the world maintains on any other country's territory.
Many people, especially many Americans, see these bases as playing an important part in maintaining US national security.
Other people, especially those people in foreign countries impacted by US military bases, see these installations differently. For sure, some people see the US military bases as important for their country's national security, but certainly not everyone sees the US bases in that light. Others see the US military bases in their country in less positive terms. For instance, many of the people living in Vieques, Puerto Rico were unhappy with the use of their island as a bombing range by the US Navy. There have been protests in Seoul, South Korea outside US military installations against US involvement in North-South Korean relations. Japanese citizens living in Okinawa have reservations about US Navel and Marine bases. In Ghana, Kwame Nikrumah, an important African politician and anticolonial intellectual, argued that:
Foremost among the neo-colonialists is the United States, which has long exercised its power in Latin America. Fumblingly at first she turned towards Europe, and then with more certainty after world war two when most countries of that continent were indebted to her. Since then, with methodical thoroughness and touching attention to detail, the Pentagon set about consolidating its ascendancy, evidence of which can be seen all around the world.
What do you think?
Do you think that it is legitimate to call the US a neocolonial power? Why or why not? Can you see how foreigners may dislike US military installations in their country? Or, can you not really see it? Do you think that arguments like this are bogus? Is it more the case that US military bases are more a benefit to the locals and their national security? Should the US be concerned with what locals think about its military installations? Are US national security interests too important to consider local peoples' concerns about the military bases?
I think that US military bases offer little in the way of protecting our national security. I think of Okinawa foremost, and that base does very little for us. It is highly unlikely that someone who wishes to do harm to the US would come from that japanese prefecture. Japan is one of our strongest allies, and our need to police them shows our distrust.
ReplyDeleteThe US should definitely be concerned about what locals think of the bases in other countries. If the opinions of those living near the bases are the same as those who don't, and the opinions are negative, they may wish to do harm to people working there. It's not right for us to just plop down a base wherever we see fit. In some countries, I could see the benefit to our national security, but for the most part we're just meddling in other people's business like we always do.
Rebecca Herbert, Psci 100.05
I can see why forgeiners may dislike US military instilations in their country because I don't think the US would take to kindly to it. I really dont' know if US military bases are a help to locals and their national security but with the negative views that some local people have on them they must not be functioning in the way the locals want them too.
ReplyDeleteThe US should be concerned with what locals think of about the military insilations because if civil unrest happens and the military bases happen to be there the people in them would be in trouble. Not everything involves the US national security and we should take the locals opninions into consideration because they should be thinking and working things out for themselves.
Jessica Hall, 100.04
I can totally see how other countries would be uncomfortable with having US bases in their country. Just think about how we would feel if another country had a base here, or more than just one country because im sure the countries we have bases in have other bases of other countries there too. i believe that it does help our security out but there is a point where these bases and the US wanting to take control is too much. We are not the national police of the world. I think that for the most part we are helping the countries but some people like living how they are and they do not need us there
ReplyDeleteColin Springer 100.03
I do see where US bases in other countries could create a problem. People have privacy barriers that they do not want broken. As everyone else has said, what would we say to another country installing a military base in the middle of our country and expecting us to be okay with that. I feel that it helps out with security in some ways but it violates countrie's boundary lines at the same time. Brandi Parsons PSCI 100.04
ReplyDeleteI can definately see why other countries have resentment toward the U.S. bases being in their territory. I think the U.S. would have a fit if another country did this. On the other hand, I think weaker countries may see these bases as a sort of free protection that can help secure their boundaries against enemies. This can play both directions. I feel that the surrounding area of the bases should be taken seriously about how people feel about the base being there. This can cause a terroristic attack on our soldiers as well as harm the neighboring civilians.
ReplyDeleteIf other countries had military bases all over our country i feel that most people, myself included, would feel very displeased. I can assure you that there would be multiple revolts against them. If there were not any revolts I may go out myself and attack. I would not like that kind of looming control over me and I certainly do not blame other places. For the most part i believe that other countries have stopped installing such bases. If the US continues this kind of behavior we are sure to have a war against us very soon.
ReplyDeleteYasmin Modica
Political Science 100.04
I can see why other countries would be concerned about having US bases in within their grounds. I think that if another country put a base on our ground that we wouldn't be too pleased about it. I think that if we continue placing bases on other countries, something bad will happen. It only takes one country to voice their opinion on how we are taking a piece of their territory by placing a base upon it. It could lead us into a horrible war that we could possible never bounce back from.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Hudlow
psci 100.05
I can totally see what other countries dislike us as a nation. I did not know we had so many bases all over the world. I understand we are doing it, with an outcome of keeping peace and helping inside other countries. But at the same time other countries think we are "stepping on their toes" with power. With all theses bases we are in a sense saying to them; you cant run your country so we are going to put some Americans in here so if something happens we know it will get resolved with us here. Honestly I do not believe we have a right to just take over other countries and place ourselves in there and create bases and test other things on their land. I do also believe the United States needs to be concerened with what the locals think about them setting up bases. It could turn into a total up roar if they are not carefule and upset too many people.
ReplyDeleteLindsey Walls
PSCI 100.04
I think that the US can be considered a neo-colonialist country. All of the US military bases around the world are really unnecessary. Why does the US need to have so many bases? It is a waste of money and resources to have soldiers stationed all over the world and have them not doing anything major. When was the last time that we needed fighting troops in Japan? Yet we still send people over there. The bases do not help the local people and in fact tend to make them angry. They have every right to feel that way too. How would people in the US feel if every European country just came and put a base in some part of the US? People would get upset and go against it. It just shows that the US can be hippocritical and doesn't really care much about what we preach.
ReplyDeleteBen Hackett
If we didn’t call the US a neocolonial power what else would we call it? I believe 100% that’s what our country is, I also understand how foreigners dislike US Military installations in their country. We spend billions and billions on keeping this up around the world to make sure that there is no POSSIBLE attack on our country but more than likely we could give a damn about the peoples whose country we encroached upon. As far as the US being concerned about what the locals think, If that was the case we still wouldn’t be overseas taking up some other countries land for our own personal gain. The US spends all this money to make sure nothing ever happens (like in 9/11) I understand this, but there is no solid evidence that anything will happen yet we stay put. I was living on a base overseas when I was very young, and I’m now grown and old lol yet there are still military bases and the only thing that has come of this is 9/11 in 24 years since I’ve been gone. There’s no happy medium, I understand why we do what we do, but I also understand that its not right.
ReplyDeleteMarChell DeShong 100.4
The United States definitely seems like a neocolonial power. It seems as if the United States sets up military bases in other parts of the world to maintain national security, and they use this idea of maintaining national security as their reason for keeping the bases all over the world. Is there really a point for the majority of these bases though? We have bases in Germany, Japan, etc., but those countries are some of our strongest allies. Do we honestly think that they are going to go against us once again? The reason for us keeping military bases all over the world doesn't seem justifiable. I know for a fact that Americans wouldn't like other countries setting up bases within our own land. We'd feel timid and untrusted if we had so-called "foreigners" in our country to watch us to protect their national security.
ReplyDeleteKelly Sweeney
PSCI 100.05
Like everyone above me, I too can see why foreigners may dislike US military installations in their country. It is their country and we are sort of bombarding their space and what the US is doing, is leading to negative reactions. If another country had territory around the US, we would have a major fit which would make the US hypocritical. With all of the military bases I doubt that the locals and their national security are benefitting anything. If they were then there wouldn’t be any need or want for war. The US should definitely be concerned with what the locals are thinking and saying about them so that they can learn and fix everything that they can. Even though the US is all about helping everyone, I do however believe that they only really think about themselves. The US doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings because they only want to benefit themselves. If they want to continue having military bases in territories that surround other countries then they should listen to the locals feedback and actually adapt to them.
ReplyDeleteAlaina Meserole
PSCI 100.05
I do believe that United States is seeming like a Neocolonial power. I can see how having bases on our lands are giving us the sense of national security. I also can see why those of other countries do not like our bases on their land. Like everyone else has said it is crossing over their borders and losing their privacy. But I guess all in all we are there for a reason and privacy can't be anymore because there is a reason as to why we have a base placed on those lands. National security is important to keep our country the way it should be. But I feel as though sometimes we over step our boundaries and don't think about how we would want to be treated, so on and so forth.
ReplyDeleteHanna Simane
I feel like the US crosses way to many lines to defend themselves even if we aren't in danger. The US pushes government standards and religion onto other countries. I can see where foreign places dislike the US. Here lately the US has been becoming involved in several different disputes that are non of our business.
ReplyDeleteLacie Sirk PSCI 100.05
Having military presence in allied countries kind of shows a low respect for their capability to manage their own boundaries. Another reason other counties may not like US bases on their land is that any war against the US would mean those bases would become targets bringing fighting into these countries as well.
ReplyDeleteDavid Hickerson PSCI 100.3
I think that the United States can be considered an neo-colonial power. In fact colonialism is the very practice that founded this country. European settlers arrived , took the land and resources from the Indians and made them slaves. I feel that the United States involvement in foreign countries through things such as military bases are essential to our country. It is not only important for our national security but for foreign relations. It is important that our military bases maintain there presences but do not over emphasize there power, maintaining positive relationships. If not the United States could face backlash from these countries, which would lead to war.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the US is definitaly a neo-colonial power. Any country that owns so many differnt bases in so many different countries would be considered as such. I can definitaly see how other countries would be upset that we are there. If I were living somewhere and some other countries government moved in next door I know I would be furious too. While they are to protect the US, they don't belong there. That is someone else's land and home and the US has no business taking any amount of control there.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Martin PSCI .04
I also agree that the US is a neo-colonial power. If we were anywhere for someones benefit then we wouldn't be takeing land from people for their benefit, when it dosent benefit them, just us. So if we are going there to benefit them, then it should be on their terms, or at least without kicking someone off their land. As for the meddling in other countries affairs, just like it is here, they are big kids now, they can settle their own dissputes, unless it will affect us or others outside the disspute.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Kimberlin
100.05 PSCI
I feel that the US has too many bases all over the country. I don’t understand what they’re doing there. Yes, they are enforcing national security but why? Don’t other countries have as much or enough military power to hold their own? I feel as though the US is over involved in other countries business and needs to back down. Why does our government take it upon themselves to make sure other countries are running smoothly when some say that our country is in need of the very same thing? I think that the government needs to fix the US before it goes around trying to fix everyone else.
ReplyDeleteEmmi Shambeda
PSCI 100.05
I believe there are far too many military bases around the world. If another country had 95% of the bases stationed globally, I am sure America would feel threatened by them. I do not think our military does much protecting of the native people. While a base may bring in revenue to a town, at what cost? Typicallly military installations are surrounded by bars, strip clubs/ brothels, pawn shops and in the U.S., Quick-n-Loans. Very young girls often fill the demand for prostituition, in addition, many locals feel their culture is being disrespected by the the G.I.'s I think other countries have a hard time deciding whether we are defending or attacking; and when intervention is unwanted and the locals want you out then I think we are the aggressor when we remain. When I was Stationed in S. Korea, my base was on lockdown as the local Korean's protested outside our gate...they wanted us out of their territory and did not want our "help". I believe America has a neo-colonialistic agenda for sure. The U.S. loves power and we have the money till for the military stocked to ensure we keep it. We also have an excess of greedy corporations that will take whatever turns a profit. We definitely do not portay a nation that cares much for peaceful conflict resolution as we have our weapons pointing in every direction.
ReplyDeleteChristina Page psci 100.04
I believe that the United States is a neocolonial power. I can also see how other countries would feel having U.S. bases in their countries because if someone would try to put a base or bases in the United States, no one would like it either. I can see how it would help security but is there really a need for that many. No one wants another country to just come in and set up bases all over. It wouldn’t be as bad if everyone in that country agreed to it but when you just come and set up a base it’s going to cause some problems.
ReplyDeleteAshley Mellott
PSCI 100.03
I can see why foreigners may dislike the US military installations in their country because if the US were in the same position having another country put up bases on US grounds wouldn’t take too kindly to the idea. In a way US portrays itself to be the an international police and deems whatever it may to be a threat or not. In a way those bases help the US in it’s security because it is stationed in the countries letting those countries know that US presence is there and watching. It’s more of benefit to the US national security of having bases in foreign countries than the country itself that has the US bases on its grounds. So justly, ethically, fairly the US should be concerned with what the locals think about military installations, like the golden rule states “do unto others as you would want others to do unto you” but I think the US is currently more interested in it’s own national security to worry about what the locals concerns are about military bases. I think there are others ways to go about national securities and dealing with foreign affairs.
ReplyDeleteSofia Khan
PSCI 100.05
the US is a super power and as a imperialist and capitalistic nation we grab land and colonize. this is still true to day and why the military is tasked with rebuilding after war.i understand other countries may dislike the US in general and the presents of military installations in their country. if the US had military bases of other nations we would not like them too well either.the US believes that its is a international police or power of some sort playing big brother and decides to make anything they want to be a threat or not.the military instillations do aid into the security of the nation and in its global theater of action. Its a good thing to have in place but makes the country the base is stationed in nervous.the US is more interested in it’s own national security and its influence in the world to the opinion of the country or its people
ReplyDeleteCordova,J PSCI100:05
Sam Beatty 100.4
ReplyDeleteI believe that if the US has a military base in a country then there must be a reason. The government of that Country must have allowed that base to be built or the country was so weak that we only built the base in order to help that country. I can see why a 3rd world country would make the argument that the US is being nosey and budging into foriegn affairs that they should stay out of. But the US is a superpower and we can provide a lot of protection and support for other countries. It should be the US job to try and progess third world countries or countries in need. So if a military base needs to be built in those countries then so be it. I believe most of these countries should be thankful for this. And most of the countries must beneift from the base. Or else why would they accept the base in the first place? This is how I feel about the US military bases around the world.
ian hickman 100.05 We cannot be the world’s policeman. The U.S. has infringed upon far too many countries in which they claim to be there to ‘serve and protect’ the people of that nation, when in reality many times we are there to be close to vital resources, establish alliances, or be in position to attack surrounding areas of threat. When I think about it from the other citizen’s position, it would legitimately piss me off if there was such presence in my country from (for example) China. But not only in this scenario would China be in America, They would be in Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and many surrounding islands. It makes you wonder, are they there to truly serve and protect? I would argue they would be there for one reason; to establish their status as a world superpower and better there economical, political, and military influence across the globe. This is what the U.S. is doing.
ReplyDeleteEven if the reasoning we claim is true, we do not follow a well planned foreign policy for our troops presence worldwide. I think that:
First, when using force, we must establish a clear and specific goal. The objective of protecting civilians is consistent with our values. But it is inherently difficult to keep such an effort limited, often times we get caught up in trying to implement democracy or change the countries political regime, which can backfire on our presence in “their” country. Second, we should examine the circumstances in each country in terms of its specific conditions and seek to relate its culture and history to our strategic and economic interests. This will allow us to analyze the motives behind the various mass demonstrations and develop appropriate individual responses to each.
Third, we must know exactly what and whom we are supporting. Fourth, there must be domestic support in the United States, which should be obtained by congressional backing and mass public support.
Brittney Butler PSCI 100.03
ReplyDeleteI agree almost 100% with what Ian said. The US DOES get involved with many countries saying they are there to serve or protect and while we are there we do end up establishing alliances and attack surrounding areas of threat. Like Ian said, I would be very very upset if I lived in a country and another country came rollin up in.
Karen Martin
ReplyDeletePSCI 100.04
I can see why other countries are not in favor of the US having military bases in their country. It would be the very same reason the US would not want another country to have bases in our country. The US seems to think for some reason we need to flex our muscles and show how powerful we are. I think this can be done without infringing on the rights of other countries. We seem to know what other countries have strong militaries without them being in our face. I do think the United States should be concerned with what locals think about its military installations. We have created so many enemies due to this lack of concern.
I can see exactly why US military bases would not be wanted by other countries. It is absolutely ridiculous that the United States imposes itself and its ideals on almost every single other country. We should not interfer with other countries without their consent or serious deliberation. Even to simply have military bases in countries is ridiculous. In continuing with this week's class discussion, military bases are a form of colonization. The United States is extremely trying to impose its beliefs on most other countries because we automatically assume that our way is the correct way for everyone else, and that is simply not the case. I strongly believe that the US needs to learn to focus more on its internal affairs and less on "helping others" unnecessarially.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Trupo
PSCI 100.03
I can see both sides of the argument. I think I believe that the first reason why the US has military bases everywhere is because we want to protect our own national security. Secondly, I think the US chooses to try and reconstruct countries to help them. If that means trying to make them a democracy, then the US tries that. Although it seems ridiculous for the US to impose itself on other countries, I think we do it as a second step and to help them. I don't believe the US sets up a military base to purely try and make that country more like our own. However, those who believe that American is neocolonialist, it may be along the long of the cycle I learned about this year. Once a country helps another get started on a specific resource and become wealthy and more sustainable (which if often the case after entering a country with the US), they often always rely on the country helping them to get started because they are the big traders. So, trying to help a country, may not really benefit in the end.
ReplyDeleteHannah Hime PSCI 100.4
I think that US has some what a neo-colonial power. I didn't know that US had that many bases around the world. I think thousand bases are too much and we don't need that many. Sometimes like in the movie "rabbit proof fence", we think we know what is best for other people but in reality we don't. We are dis-liked when we charge in and try to change things. We might try to help and think we are doing good but we aren't. If we talk to the people and get an understanding of what they need, then we can help. We can be involve until the locals say that it's too much and should back off.
ReplyDeletekathryn stevens 100.04 (above comment)
ReplyDeleteNeocolonial is used as a unfair use of political and economical power. A policy in which a powerful country like the U.S uses political and economic power over a poorer country for its own benefits. Yeah I would say we are defiantly that way. We have set up military bases everywhere to keep an eye on everyone and no one is aloud within our own to do the same. We are the top power and have set that clear through military use and intervention. Our country runs other countries affairs, by having our hand somewhere in the mix controlling the direction of where things go. Yeah other countries hate us not only for constantly having our noise in their business but because we act as if our shit don’t stink either. I can see how it might help a poor and high violence place to establish order but let’s face it we are not doing it for free, we are doing it for their resources. People should be able to have a say who controls them but no one ever has a say in that because they treat us like dumb children so they can do what they want. If the U.S really wants to help people then it could just open its doors to them and help them in coming here and living here instead of putting up gates and saying no. and that is because they don’t care about the people they care about the resources.
ReplyDeleteKatie Clevenger, 100.05
The fact that America has so many naval bases all over the world and all in everyone else's territory is disturbing. I am not sure if it is all necessary, other than just to show off one's power, but I do believe it's not fair and can understand the negativity coming from the people of these invaded countries. As humans we do not like to be forced into or told what to do, even as a young children we rebel against many of our parents orders so it's no wonder those who's land is being invaded and disrespected are not going to be happy about it. The neocolonial powers of the U.S. is pushing it's boundaries and as discussed in class even the most powerful empires get defeated eventually.
ReplyDeleteI believe the us is a true world power. We dont need to be in every location we are in. Some of thos bases are just to say "look at our power and if you dont like us your not coming to our country well fight you here." The bases we have all over the world are simply a public display of our broad influence. I understand local people wouldn't like having americian bases in their countries, but some countries might find it a scantuary. Weather we are just there or if we are defending the locals rights dramatically effects the out look people will have on the bases locations. I feel mostly it's just for show though. Anthony Harley 100.05
ReplyDeleteI do not consider the United States a Neocolonial power. A neocolonial power, to me, is a country who goes out of its way to totally colonize multiple foreign countries. Whether or not the multiple military bases in foreign countries are necessary or not, the aim of these bases is not to colonize countries. They are mainly used for the enforcement of US foreign policy and the protection of our country. I personally, do not believe the numerous amount of military bases all across the world are absolutely necessary but they do not constitute the US being named a neocolonial power. The negative reactions to these bases in foreign countries is completely understandable. The US's claim that these bases are mostly used for the benefit of foreign countries is rather hard to believe. Like I said, these bases are a tool for foreign power administrators and enforcers. We, as proud "Americans," would not stand for other countries having military bases in the US so there is no reason for us to be surprised when other countries show opposition when we station bases in their countries.
ReplyDeleteThese bases should not be a major concern within the US government or the people as there are other issues that have much more importance that should be dealt with in its place.
Sheridan Webb
PSCI 100.05
I think that the countries that have US military bases in them have a legitimate reason to get mad. If countries like Japan and South Korea had their military bases in the United States, we would probably not like that at all. And I know I definitely would not like if a military base for another country was put near me and having to worry about that. I think it makes the United States look very inconsiderate and kind of disrespectful when it comes to this point. Although it makes for some sort of safety, it is just going to cause problems in the long run. \
ReplyDeleteLeigh Ann Nelson PSCI 100.03
The United States having bases in other countries could create a problem. I feel like having bases in other countries over steps the whole purpose of privacy. Like other responses to this blog, how would the United States react to another country putting a military base in our country? I feel that it would increase security but it most certainly would violate the countries boundaries.
ReplyDeleteMegan Long
PSCI 100.03
I believe that the bases were built in that country for a reason. Maybe we're just trying to help them out. However, I do see why they would be upset. I would be upset if I were in their situation. I mean think about it. Wouldn't you be upset if another country came in and started setting up bases everywhere. I think for the United States its just about showing off. We like to look big and look in charge. No wonder we have the reputation we do. I understand us wanting to help another country out but if they don't want it. Hence the protesting, Then just don't do it. It would be wasting our time and money when we could "help" A country that does want, need, and accepts our help. Because of this I feel like the US is a Neocolonial power!
ReplyDeleteRebekah Knipe PSCI 100.04
Yes I do believe the United States is a neocolonial power due to the large amount of military bases that it has around the world. Before reading this blog, I did not realize how many countries the United States has bases in and I’m sure the average American doesn’t know either. For this reason, I can see why some consider us a neocolonial power and I understand why foreigners may dislike it. However, I do believe that some of the military bases do provide benefits to some of the locals, but I feel like having that many military bases around the world is not necessary. Rabbit-Proof Fence was a good way of showing another perspective on colonialism. Americans certainly would not approve of other countries moving in and telling us what language to speak and what religion to follow. I believe that the U.S. should take the time to understand the people they are watching over and that their interests matter.
ReplyDeleteJenna Peck
I believe that in some way the U.S. military and government is going overboard in regards to this situation. I know that the government is trying to protect American citizens from any other dangerous circumstances by basing military installations around the world. However, I believe that by us doing this it means that we are invading other countries that haven’t acted in a threatening way towards the U.S.. Whereas, in other circumstances, it would be understandable for the U.S. military to protect us from being attacked if those countries being invaded by U.S. military bases were threats. As of today, the US military does not pay much attention to foreign countries opinions about whether it is right for the US military to do this or not. So in some ways it wouldn’t matter if the U.S. stops to think if this was something that should be cared about more. I do believe that instead of the U.S. government spending so much money on this we should start thinking and worrying about what’s happening within our own country and how to start solving those problems.
ReplyDeleteJorge Alvarez
In some ways I think it’s legitimate to call U.S a neocolonial power. They very much try to control a lot of things in other countries. I feel that a lot of foreigners are upset with U.S for having their military bases all over their countries. The U.S benefits from having bases around the world in many ways. They can have a stronger national security form being able to be involved with so many other countries.
ReplyDeleteWayne Fleming 100.4
I can honestly see why other countries feel uncomfortable with the United States military installations in the country. The United States has all these bases all over the world, that in some way harm or benefit the surrounding community. If other countries were placing bases in the United States we would feel violated and react accordingly. So why be so hypocritical? Although I do feel in some cases that other countries benefit from our military bases in there country for many reasons. One example would be for protection, when there is unnecessary military action near the US base they usually intervene to ensure safety. I believe in some sense that its more then national security and it becomes global security.
ReplyDeleteBen Goldman 100.03
The United States definitely have a significant amount of military power around the world. This obviously is of some concern for other countries that may not have as much power as the U.S. or doesn't do exactly what the U.S. wants them to do. As a country, the U.S. tends to use military power pretty loosely, as of late. I can definitely see why other countries are concerned and feel that the U.S. should as least back off a bit on military enforcement in other countries, especially if those other countries do not pose a direct threat to national security. Overall, I would say it is save to say that the United States is a Neocolonial power.
ReplyDeleteSarah Jeffries, PSCI 100.05
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think that the US is absolutely a Neocolonialist power. I do not think it is OK for the US to take over other countries' lands because it does not belong to the US. I understand why other countries are upset about the US using their land for training. If I were a person living on an island occupied with US troops I would be outraged. No human is more important or entitled to things over any other, unless they are guilty of such things as stealing other countries' land to practice how to kill other people. The US needs to get the stick out of its ass and its nose out of the sky.
ReplyDeleteSteven Orrence
I guess i can see why there is resentment towards the United States bases being in their country. It is meant to serve protection for them but I also think that if other countries put their bases in our land, we would do anything we could to destroy those bases. The whole intention of the bases is to protect us, try and help them and to have a sense of power over other countries while we are outside of our homeland. I think other countries could see the bases both ways but are probably just still unhappy that the United States decided to come take over their land like that, because i think that's how the US would feel if we had other countries bases on our land.
ReplyDeleteKindra Bittle
PSCI 100.03
I can fully understand other countries that have our American bases on them. I would be upset too if there was an Iraqi base on American soil. When I lived in Germany there were things that Americans needed that were not on the base that they were staying at. Or if they wanted to tour or go places they would have to spend their money on German things. Buying a car putting gas into the car other foods not found at the grocery. There is a lot of money stimulation and the Germans also took advantage of their prices to make good money. Then again it’s the Americans that everyone turns to on the allies side that want protection if anything were to happen to their country or if they went to war. The bases that are no longer of use to us and are not that very important should be converted into airports for the country that the base is on.
ReplyDeleteJoshua Labuhn PSCI 100.03
Yes, I do think that the United States are a neocolonial power. The United States has to get involved with every other country's issues and attempt to install their beliefs and values on the people that live there. The United States has so many ports throughout the world to maintain national security but to also show their power over the whole world. We have to manage or supervise the whole world and be involved in every issue within a country. The idea that the United States knows what is best for everyone else is completely absurd! We can't even maintain our country let alone help other countries. There are people here who have to choose between groceries or prescriptions but we sure as hell know what is wrong with other countries and how to fix it!
ReplyDeleteLaura Bright
I agree that the United States is Neocolonial power. The Untited States should be aware of what is going on in other countries, and I do not see a problem with their being so many military bases. However, when our government starts medeling needlessly in other countries affairs and begins neglecting domestic affairs that becomes a major problem. There needs to be a clear balance between the two, and I do not believe our government has reached that point. Right now we are to focused on foreign relations rather than the debt our country has racked up and other issues that are relatively more important.
ReplyDeleteEmily Liber
PSCI 100.03
The U.S. is definitely a neocolonial power. This country insists on taking it's values to other countries even if the citizens don't want any involvement with the U.S. Many countries don't have a good opinion of the U.S. due to our constant control and dominance in other nations. I can understand why citizens of other countries would have a negative view of the U.S. and I feel this country should take the citizens of the countries we have bases in seriously. Their concerns should be heard and listened to. There is no way the U.S. would ever stand for another country putting a base on Americal soil and yet we do it all the time. This is just another example of the hypocrisy that is so evident in out nations government and politics.
ReplyDeleteMiranda Beahm
PSCI 100.05
I definitely do see why other countries don’t like having U.S. bases in their areas. The U.S. would never accept another countries bases being here. Like what Christina said, it could be taken as a form of free protection to those weaker countries, however we’ve never confronted them about it. People should be more involved about these military bases and these bases should listen to what the people have to say. This is a very serious matter and protection from attacks are needed everywhere. The U.S. also needs to take their own countries matters into hand. The U.S. needs to focus on our own problems before trying to solve other countries problems. Like in the last blog or so, the U.S. is not the police of the world.
ReplyDeletePamela Smoot PSCI 100.04
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ReplyDeleteNo because we aren't using these bases to control the population around them or make them conform to our ways. I understand why foreigners can dislike these bases because it is more of a nuisance/intrusion than a helping hand and that they may feel that their country does enough as is and our help would just be in the way. It is not always a benefit because it can cause more problems than it would solve plus some countries can maintain peace with their own military powers and bases. Yes it should be concerned because like i stated before it can cause more problems than it solves especially if they feel that it is some form of invasion. Are US national security interests too important to consider local peoples' concerns about the military bases? No because it isn't always about ones-self, it is also about the people that these bases would affect, for instance it could take away land that the country could use for a new building or even farm land.
ReplyDeleteErik Peat PSCI 100.03
Once again, I think the United States needs to stop trying to control everyone and everything. I understand keeping an eye on some people, but I think the amount of bases in some countries is rediculous. That is also a lot of money being spent that the government does not have. If I was a native, I would feel invaded. I don't think Americans would like other countries putting random basese over here. I think it is a good concept, but only for a certain amount of time and there should be less bases. After awhile, they loose their affect.
ReplyDeleteAmy Sultner PSCI 100.03
Being the most powerful country on the face of the earth almost gives our government or military big heads. We feel that it is our place to step in wherever we want to or wherever ther's a problem. We are a neocolonial power in that aspect. We have military bases all over the world, over 200 in fact. Half of which is where most of the fighting takes place, the middle east. Us interfereing makes absolutely no sense but that;s how we are. Its basically the American way.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that we know we are the biggest threat to most almost gives us the mindset that we need to be world peace givers. this in my opinion is some bull. if other countries need our help they would ask. and the military bases all around the world are practically useless. we should and can operate around the world with bases only in our country.
ReplyDeleteRobert Hayes Psci 100:04
It's somewhat an advantage to have neocolonial power, but it can also be a disadvantage. We can become allies with countries by doing this, but we can also be targeted by other countries as well. I feel like some foreigners would dislike US military installations in their country if we are over there taking control of their country. We do need to worry about protecting our own country first rather than protecting other countries.
ReplyDeleteShayna Landis 100.03
The U.S. does seem to be a neocolonial power. But it doesn't seem to be an advantage. The average U.S. citizen probably doesn't know the number or locations of our foreign military bases.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. is seen as intruders by most countries where bases are located. Americans intrude on local customs, culture and landscape. We don't seem to do much to improve the areas in which bases are located by economics, education or health concerns.
The U.S. should be concerned about how we are perceived by other countries. Instead of taking care of our own problems, we are interjecting ourselves into others problems.
In the end, we will be seen as a playground bully. We will have control through force, but we will have no true allies and we will distrust everyone because we will fear their ability to join together to overpower us.
I think it is a very big advantage to have neocolonial power, and i believe we use it for the good and the humanity of our country and other countries if needed. I don't feel like us having this power is a bad thing at all. We as America I feel have the right to have this power because we have worked very hard for it. I don't think it is anything we need to be ashamed of or hide.
ReplyDeleteCourtney Pepperling
I agree a lot to what ben goldman says. He brings up a good point if other countries were to have bases all over our country we would be in uproar about it and feel completly violated. And would not like to feel that way with other countries in our home.
ReplyDeleteThe other good point he makes was the fact of protection in the other countries which i feel we do give to other countries in the world. However, if the other countries had bases here i feel we would feel defeated and scared they were here not protected.
America is absolutely a neo-colonialist power. I think I've said that in the last three posts. I don't think it is good. I would be happy if other countries had bases here. I would like it if there was more even distribution of power. Why do we have to be #1 in military power but fall short in education and health care? I don't think it should be that way. I believe the U.S. being "the worlds only remaining super power" puts us in a position were we are constantly toeing the line between hero and villein.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't like having another countries bases in our country so I doubt they like having a US base in their country. I also wouldn't feel safe at all if that was going on over here. I feel as if they should be able to protect their own countries, just saying.
ReplyDeleteTheoni Kontos
PSCI 100.03
I understand why foreign countries have a problem with the U.S. having military bases on their land. I'm sure we would not take too kindly to having foreign bases in our country either. From one point of view, it serves to better protect us from harm by letting everyone know that we have a lot of security. On the other hand, we should leave other countries alone and focus more on issues related to home.
ReplyDeleteHeather Reynolds
PSCI 100.04
I would not call the US a neocolonial power. I believe this because the US only has its foot in the door in those countries, and is not trying to colonize or take over large sections of territory. I don’t believe the US should be too worried about what the locals think of them having bases. I believe they should interact as little as possible with the native people of each country. I believe the US should simply be seen but not heard when it comes to foreign politics and the bases that are designated in foreign countries
ReplyDeleteMatt Santmier PSCI 100.03
I strongly believe we need to stop having bases in other countries. We don't let other countries have bases in the U.S. and why? because we don't trust them. This is the problem every country has and no one want to fix it. If anything the U.S having bases in other countries makes it look like we don't trust anyone and we don't allow anyone to trust us. This problem has an easy solution. All or nothing. Either we have bases everywhere and everyone else has a base here or we end all bases everywhere. If we would to solve the problem we should stop making problems.
ReplyDeletePSCI 100.05
Susan Stout
(sorry i have to use yasmins account )
i do think we should not have bases in other countries. Most countries could do very little harm to us due to our strong border control and monitoring of things coming into and out of the country. The fact that we have bases in other countries including some of our closest allies just shows that we cant trust anyone even when they have never been a problem in the past.
ReplyDeleteNick Mullican, PSCI 100.05
I think that it is a good thing to have neocolonial power because that way the U.S would be ready. It's an advantage because no matter where we are we can always attack right away if need be and its an advantage for the citizens of the U.S because it serves as a form of protection if we were to be attacked.
ReplyDeleteMorgan Himmighoefer
PSCI 100.05
I can see how other countries wouldn't like the US having military bases in their territory. Its kind of like an invasion of privacy. Sure its for US security and for security of other countries, but it could also just create enemies for us if we involve ourselves with others too much. So yes, I do think the US is a neocolonial power.
ReplyDeleteChristopher White PSCI 100.03
I think that the United States has a good reason to be in countries with naval bases but that we spend to much time there. I agree with the fact that we would not want other people to put random bases here. I also think that we should spend more money here and stop spending it everywhere else. I also think that we should stop trying to control everyone else and focus on us here.
ReplyDeleteCourtney Owens PSCI 100.03
although people in the United States see the military as being helpful in other countires, i can see how foreigners may see US military installations as a problem. i think the US military bases are more of a benefit to the locals and their national security because we are monitoring the other countries actions to secure ensure their saftey and to make sure that people are getting a fair chance at the principles we believe in such as freedom. the US should be concerned with what the locals think because whats the point in having our military men and women in a foreign country away from their families when the locals dont appreciate or want our help. if they like the environment in which they are in then we shouldnt waste our time trying to make it better (in our minds.)
ReplyDeletekassi gardner