Compared to any other country, the US maintains a lot of military bases around the world.
According to the Pentagon's own list PDF, the answer is around 865, but if you include the new bases in Iraq and Afghanistan it is over a thousand. These thousand bases constitute 95 percent of all the military bases any country in the world maintains on any other country's territory.
Many people, especially many Americans, see these bases as playing an important part in maintaining US national security.
Other people, especially those people in foreign countries impacted by US military bases, see these installations differently. For sure, some people see the US military bases as important for their country's national security, but certainly not everyone sees the US bases in that light. Others see the US military bases in their country in less positive terms. For instance, many of the people living in Vieques, Puerto Rico were unhappy with the use of their island as a bombing range by the US Navy. There have been protests in Seoul, South Korea outside US military installations against US involvement in North-South Korean relations. Japanese citizens living in Okinawa have reservations about US Navel and Marine bases. In Ghana, Kwame Nikrumah, an important African politician and anticolonial intellectual, argued that:
Foremost among the neo-colonialists is the United States, which has long exercised its power in Latin America. Fumblingly at first she turned towards Europe, and then with more certainty after world war two when most countries of that continent were indebted to her. Since then, with methodical thoroughness and touching attention to detail, the Pentagon set about consolidating its ascendancy, evidence of which can be seen all around the world.
What do you think?
Do you think that it is legitimate to call the US a neocolonial power? Why or why not? Can you see how foreigners may dislike US military installations in their country? Or, can you not really see it? Do you think that arguments like this are bogus? Is it more the case that US military bases are more a benefit to the locals and their national security? Should the US be concerned with what locals think about its military installations? Are US national security interests too important to consider local peoples' concerns about the military bases?
I think that the reason why other countries are jealous is because they don't have as good of a military and protective sources as we do and therefore can see why they dislike the military installations. I think that the military bases are beneficial to the locals. The military protects us and without them being local how are they to protect? I honestly don't that the military should be worried about what people think about their installations because they are just doing their job and protecting the people in the United States. I think that the people should be concerned about the military bases but national security is just as important.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Didawick
PSCI 100.04
I agree with Tiffany, I feel that other countries envy our strong military and protective systems, therefore thats why they dislike the military installations. I feel that the bases are beneficial to the locals, and I wouldnt mind living near one as long as I knew one wouldnt be under attack. Most people should be concered about the military bases and how we support our troops before we ship them out to war.
ReplyDeleteJenna Hoffman
MWF 1110-12
PSCI 103
I think that the US is a neocolonial power because of our bases on other countries and our consistent involvement with their countries. I definitely can see why other countries would dislike this involvement of the US govt. I feel like in a way it is important for us to have involvement and bases in other countries for our security, however, why should we be spending our money on helping to form other countries governments when our country is hurting and in debt. The US should be concerned with what locals think because they're the ones who have to deal with it. Although it would def. have its safety features to it and knowing that you were protected, however, what if it were to be under attack? That wouldn't really be beneficial to the locals. We do have a strong military, which also might be a pro for other countries to be okay with us in their countries.
ReplyDeleteRose Walker
PSCI T TH 12:25
I agree that we are envied because of our strong military base and our security. In my opinion we are a neocolonial power because we do stay involved in global issues and we do have military installations world wide. Even though I think that military bases are critical I think security is just as important and often disregarded.
ReplyDeleteKaila Burch
PSCI 100.04
T-TH 12:25-1:40
I also agree that we are a neocolonial power, and agree with Tiffany that I think people envy us because we do have such a great and why people have such a problem with the location of a base, if you dont like it then move. They are in the places that they are for all of our protection. They are there for a protective military. I dont quite understand reason.
ReplyDeleteKyra Fox
PSCI 100.04
T.TH 12:25-1:40
I believe that the United States DOES have neocolonial power. Because our bases are spread out throughout the world, we are extremely powerful. I would completely understand if foreigners did not like us, considering we are invading their territory. I don't think that arguments like this are bogus because they are something that may really concern some people. I think the government should hear some people out on their concerns about this, however do I think they would change anything? No. Because this is OUR nation, the government should hear what some concerns are, that way they can settle any of the uneasy feelings. I do think that its great that we are expanded so wide, however, I think its a little over the top. There is no need for THAT many bases.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Shank
Politics and Government
The U.S. is a neo colonial power due to the numerous bases located in other countries. Our U.S. government gets involved with a lot of other country's government as well. I can clearly understand why other countries dislike U.S. military bases in their country. If the same situation was happening in our coutrny, our citizens and/or government officials would be irate guaranteed. As much "help" it is to those local citizens to be protected by our troops, I personally disagree with all of it. I think there are enough problems in our own country that our government and military should be concerned about other than what occurs on another continent. If citizens don't like the bases being there, then why should we go against their wishes. Why should we endanger our own people for those that don't wish to be helped.
ReplyDeleteJessica VanFleet
PSCI 100:04
In a lot of these places the local people are happy to have the safety of the base. The fact that we are strong and wealthy enough to establish all these bases would make other countries jealous. We are a major power and we are feared but we are also respected for our military strength.
ReplyDeleteAbbie McMullen
I can see why foreign countries don't like us invading their land. I mean if were them i would be very pissed off too. US acts as a neocolonial power because they protect themselves and others. We dont think on the word survive of the fittest we always try to help a country out. Its very beneficial because they would have defense and they should feel safe about it. The locals have a right to fight for what they want but when Us and another country make an agreement on it. Most citizens cant change the fact that there is a base there.
ReplyDeleteChris Smith
The US is a neocolonial power. We have so many bases all over the world so its hard to argue. I see how foreign countries would find our military presents as being a bad thing. I wouldn't want another country setting up a base here in America. I think its good for the locals security but we should still respect their land and opinions. We are there only to help and if that isn't the case, we should leave. The security of the US should not effect the rights of locals.
ReplyDeleteCorbin Clark
PSCI 100.3
MWF 11-12
I do see the US as a neocolonial power and as a soldier in the US Army who has been staintioned at bases such as Misawa AFB Japan, and Clark AFB Philipeans, I believe it is nessisary to maintain these bases. The US has threats from all over the globe. While living in Japan I would watch American and Japanese fighters take off and intersept Russian Migs flying over the base and escort them away. We also need to maintain bases in both Iraq, and Afganistan as these are hot spots of terrorist activities. I understant that some foreign Govts. dont want our bases in their country and depending on the true nessesity of that base, I would say remove it or leave it. As far as Purto Rico complaining about the Navy using their island as a bombing range....well I dont agree with the face that Purto Ricans get the same US benefits as us but dont have to pay taxes. Suffer. Chad Watson PSCI 100:04
ReplyDeleteI think it is legitimate to call the US a neocolonial power, we are unwantedly spreading ourselves through out the world. If the people of the other places do not want us there we should not be there unless we really are there for security matters like fighting a war.
ReplyDelete-Katlyn Kettering
PSCI 100.03
MWF 1110-12
I can see where foreign governments could view us as a Neocolonial power, but I dont feel that Neocolonialism is our countries intent. I feel these military bases are mostly established as a means of our national security. Although I fail to see how these institutions would really benefit the locals, I think that OUR national security takes presedence over local concerns.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Etube
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12
Yes, I can see where other countries citizens would view us as Neocolonial and not like the fact that we have military bases all over their territory. I do feel it is necessary however. It not only helps to protect American, but to help keep their people in line also. I feel we should protect our own before others and that is what we are doing. The only thing is that we are also protecting them. In my view as an American it is a win win situation. I would not like it if other countries like Iraq had a military base in my back yard though. So I completely understand. In the end it keeps us as Americans more secure and call me selfish, but that's all I care about.
ReplyDeleteAmber Kollar
PSCI: 100:03
mwf, 11:10-12
I would say that we could probably be considered a neocolonial power. We have the military presence similar to what Great Britain did during it's empire era and we exert a tremendous amount of political influence and policies throughout the word into countries that we do not own, or are represented in as a political body. I think that is a lot of what the U.N. has become: a political body used to carry out the best interests of the United States government.
ReplyDeleteBrendan Darby
PSCI 100
I can see how the U.S. is viewed to some countries as a Neocolonial power. Since we have so many bases set up all over the world, it is understandable that other countries would take that as us invading their territory. After all, alot of our bases are located in other countries. I definitely think the U.S. should take this into account, because it is not really fair to these other countries. Howevever thats not to say we shouldn't continue to extend our military to other parts of the world, because in the end it benefits us and keeps us secure.
ReplyDeleteSara Paquet
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12
I also can understand why countries don’t want the United States invading and setting up a base in their countries. I would think it allows the US to surveillance other countries and protect us from foreign threat. But I wonder how much money we would save if we limited our existence in other countries. I am not educated on all the factors of the US bases in other countries but it seems like common sense that we need to help ourselves before we can help anyone else. I think there are exceptions like natural disasters but why are we pouring money into other countries for education and trying to establish their government when ours is nearly crumbling. I don’t understand why the United Nations doesn’t do more and US does less. The UN should be the neutral helping countries in need.
ReplyDeleteJessica Bailey
Psci 100.04
TTR 1225-145
The amount of bases around the world is kind of ridiculous. Bases on major European countries is ok but not on lands around the whole world. Other countries probably hate that we use their land for bombing raids and combat training because that land is sacred to them and has been for their entire existence. I don't think that the United States should interfere in everyone's business because of the protests and hate towards the United States on or near these military bases. Our security is very important but for us to have so many bases, I believe that the public needs proof of the existence or need of U.S. military presence.
ReplyDeleteTroy McNeill
PSCi 100-03
MWF 11:10-12:00
I can see where other countries consider the United States a Neocolonial power.I agree with what was said above we are unwantedly spreading through out the world. If the people of the other countries don't want us there then we clearly should not be there unless we really are there for security matters like fighting a war. We wouldn't like it if they did it to us.
ReplyDeleteAmber Collis
PCSI 100-03
MWF 11:10-12
I believe that the amount of bases that we have are needed. There are less basses now there there were before due to BRAC. I can see why other countries would not want us in there country. I wouldn't like it if some one else came in to our country. I believe that we are considered a neocolonial power. I agree with troy that the public needs proof of the existence or need of U.S. military presence.
ReplyDeleteKatie Reeg
Psci 100.04
TTR 1225-145
The United States' Military is a global force, and to maintain a global force there needs to be bases from which to operate. I personally believe that this is a reassuring fact because it shows that there is a presence keeping us safe all over the world.
ReplyDeleteT TH 12:25-1:40
I can understand why other countries wouldn't want the US in their countries completely. I think the US is too concerned about what is going on, on the other side of the world, rather than the troubles that are going on on their own soil. Many people in the US are suffering because of our efforts in other countries. People in the leadership role of our country need to step back, and rather than move the troops we have overseas to a different, upcoming problem, they need to realize what's going on here, right now today. It's great to help other people, but whatever happened to "in the end we all have to worry about ourselves," as in the US.
ReplyDeleteAshley Bryant
PSCI 1225-140
I do see us a a neocolonial power. If we have these bases all over the world, i believe every other country has that right. However, you don't see every country doing that, by any means. How much would Americans freak out if a Iraqi military base was placed on our soil?
ReplyDeleteAmanda Lundstrom
PSCI 100:04
TR 12:25-1:40
I think that it is good that United Satates has so many military bases. I can see how this may come as a threat to other countries. I could see how the US could be seen as a Neocolonial power.
ReplyDeleteKaitlyn Matthai
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12:00
I do think calling the US a neocolonial power is a legitimate argument in some aspects. We talked about 3 features of colonialism in class: global trade networks, military bases, and slavery. While these military bases in other countries may have the first 2 characteristics, but they lack slavery, unless you define captured prisoners in times of conflict as slaves. I can definitely see how locals might not like US military presence in their town, on their land, and messing with their affairs. They see the US as sticking their fingers in someone else's pie.
ReplyDeleteMichael Citro
PSCI 100-03
I see how the US is considered a Neocolonial power and I understand why people are bothered by our military's presence in so many countries. In my opinion its slightly like invasion of privacy but what we really need to realize is that if any of the countries we have bases in had bases here, that we would be all about getting them out of our country, because its OUR country. We don't like other people/countries sticking their noses where they don't belong so why must we do it to everyone else?
ReplyDeleteBrianne Fisher
PSCI TR 12:25-1:40
Well I can see why we would be a legitimate neocolonial power. And I understand that we have a lot of bases and I really think it is a good thing and that is shows how strong our military is. But at the same time I see how other countries would feel uncomfortable, because of things like bombing going on it would probably scare me too. I think with all the bases it just proves the strengths that we have.
ReplyDeleteRyan Potts
T-R 12:25
I think we are considered a neoclonial power due to the fact that we have so many military bases spread throught the world, not just in our country. Our military is one of the strongest, if not the strongest in the world and I can see why foreign countries don't like us being stationed in theirs. I think most of us would not be too thrilled if other foreing nations put bases in our country.
ReplyDeleteBriana Simpson
PSCI 100-04
T/R 12:25-1:40
I don't see why we should have so many military bases all around the world. Sure, it makes Americans feel more secure, but other countries already hate us and taking over parts of their country isn't going to help. I feel that we stick our noses in everyone else's business when we shouldn't. We try to fix everyone else's problems when we already have so many of our own.
ReplyDeleteKourtney Weld
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12:00
I don't understand why we need all of these military bases everywhere. I feel that maybe if we left other countries alone the threat of terrorism would not be as high. Maybe its the fact that our military being there is what pisses these people off.
ReplyDeleteAshley Wright
psci 100.03
mwf 11-12
I believe the reason our nation is so strong is because we maintain a world wide presence. I think it's very important that we do have bases around the world. The results of having so many bases around the world appears to be because of past military conflicts. (Middle East, Germany, Japan, etc) These bases give us better national security intelligence and I always want our country to be ahead of the game when it comes to security.
ReplyDeleteAlex Bibby
PSCI 100:04
T/R 12:25
I can see why other countries dont like our military bases there. Although it could send a sense of safety it also could be a sense of threat. I think we dont need all these bases everywhere because its just asking to put our nose in everyone else's business and its not nessacery!
ReplyDeleteAlexis Kun
Psci- 100:03
MWF 11:10- 12
I do feel and view the US as neocolonial power. I also feel, due to having military bases outside the US, many citizens from other countries carry the same opinion. Is it necessary and beneficial for our world-wide bases? Our military is a major part of our country's safety and security. Therefore, I find it very necessary. The US has a strong military put in place, both in and outside the US, to maintain strong support against terrorism and foreign attacks. If our military coverage weakened and diminished, so would our means of safety and security. I am sure many of our US citizens frown upon the expense the US spends for the world-wide military bases and feel many more should be eliminated. However, these same citizens would be the first to complain and knock our military the very minute an attack was made on the US killing many innocent lives. I have made the comment before in regards to being part of a military family. So in conclusion, it is hard to visualize and sit around waiting for your Dad to return, but at the same time, it is nice knowing he belongs to the military, serving and protecting OUR COUNTRY, and knowing our country is supporting him and ALL our military.
ReplyDeleteMegan Manuel
PSCI – 100.04
I can see why other countries dont like that we have military bases in their country but I think the benefits of it outweigh the negatives. The US is a neo-colonial because we have so many bases in so many different countries and I think our intentions are for security for us and for them.
ReplyDeleteSteven Lesko
PSCI 100-04
TR 12 25
I can defiantly see why other countries do not like our military bases there. It would be like my brother putting a pile of his stuff in the middle of my room. That is their space and I would be furious if people used my space for their personal use. But for us it is beneficial because it makes us known world wide and almost sets a sense of power all around.
ReplyDeleteMegan Frazer
MWF 11-12
The US in my personal view is a neocolonial power and I can see why all the other countries think so too. I feel like the other countries may be jealous because we have so much military strength are have the most powerful military in the world today. The US has so many bases all around the world and I feel like even more will emerge from the next couple years to come. I think the bases are beneficial for US in that we have some control over that area in the country where it is found and having all of those bases may be a positive factor if a third world war was ever to exist. By creating these basis, we are preparing for potential threats of the future and are getting a head start.
ReplyDeleteI feel that we do not have the right to have so many bases everywhere. If we are allowed to have a base, so are other countries in our country. I do not see the point of this because it is just getting in people’s business and we are making more enemies than friends. We need to feel protected, but on the other hand, what if a country came into our country and was like I am chilling here. I do not think we would like that very much. We need to take other peoples boundaries into consideration before we just go. To me, it shows how young we really are.
ReplyDeleteHope Fraser
TR 12:25-1:40 pm
The US neo coloniel and i believe we should have bases in other countries to protect ourselves.
ReplyDeleteDwight Shilling
PSCI 100.03
If I were a citizen of a country other than the United States, it is most likely that I would dislike the US for for being a neocolonial power. I agree with many others about the US not having the right to put military posts in other countries. Yes, it may help us in some ways, but I honestly think it's probably doing more harm than anything because it could be making those countries resent us.
ReplyDeleteI think it's a good thing to have military bases in foreign countries, but I also understand why the locals would be upset.
ReplyDeleteKirsten Dorosh
PSCI 100.03
The country is trying to show its power by placing military bases all around the world in case something pops up and there is a fight. However, placing all these bases make locals thing that we are power crazy and want to show off to the world.
ReplyDeleteDanny Kremen
PSCI 100:04
TR 12:25-1:40
I think that the U.S. is a neocolonial power. It is completely unnecessary for the United States to have military bases located all over the globe. I mean, you don't see a bunch of countries putting their military bases in the U.S. so why should we do it to them?
ReplyDeletePSCI 100.03
I don’t think we are a neocolonial power based upon the fact that we don’t intend to occupy these nations and control them. It is important to note that we must have permission from these nations in the first place to be there. Also, there are likely many citizens of these nations that support the bases and do not get coverage because they do not seek it as the protestors do. I don’t advocate the U.S. being the world police, and we should do more in imploring other nations to take a major role in what our military currently does, but our nations actions (not all I might add) have helped so many. The U.S. should take individual protests into consideration but should also view it as what it actually often is: a small group of opposition not reflecting the view of the whole.
ReplyDeleteJohn Winterstine
PSCI 100.04
TR 12:25-1:40
i believe it is how you look at the situation, we feel like it's beneficial to us and others if we have military bases throughout the world, however some may think that they are invading space for no reason. From personal experience, it's very beneficial to have bases throughout the country. Having many troops spreadout through the world can make us look like a neo-colonial power.
ReplyDeleteDylan Nick
PSCI 100-04
TR 12:25-1:40
I do think that the US is a neo-colonial power. We try to control everything in one way or the other. I can see why people other than American citizens would be unhappy about our numerous military bases around they world. I can see how they would take it as a threat just as we would if Japan set up a military base here in Frederick it would be terrifying and I highly doubt it would be allowed. I can also see how haveing a military base could be seen as a benefit becuase if something bad happens anywhere the US is sure to stick its nose in it and come to the rescue.
ReplyDeleteHeather Burleson
Tu TR 12;30-1:40
I think that the US does do this to protect us but are stepping on the boundaries of other countries. The military of the US is very strong and I think the government wants to show the presence of the military to other countries. I can defiantly see why other countries don’t like our bases on their soil. Would we like for other countries to set up in the US... I think not.
ReplyDeleteSara Balog
PCSI 100-04
TR 12:25-1:40
I do believe the US is a neocolonial power because we have power in other contries. To us, it's a matter of security, but to the other countries it's a matter of invasion. We try to "help" and stick our noses in everyone else's business. No wonder everyone hates us. If we just calmed down and stopped trying to be in other countries, we won't have such a problem with security...
ReplyDeleteKourtney Weld
Psci- 100:03
MWF 11:10- 12
I think that the UNited States can be seen as a neocolonialpower becaue we have military in other countries and we have power ib other countries. I think that other countries do not like having our military in their teritory because in a way it is somewhat controling of the united states. I think they should listen to what the citizens say because in certain instances they may not want our military in their teritory.
ReplyDeleteKaitlyn Matthai
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12:00
I believe the United States can be seen as a neocoonialpower. This is the case because of all hte involvment we have in other countries. We have military scatered throughout the world. I don't think it is right to have our military in other countries.
ReplyDeleteBrian Wilt
PSCI 100
TR 12:25-1:50
It could be seen as that. This is because of the involvement it has with the other countries. Even though our military is all over the place, we really should keep them and their bases over in our own country.
ReplyDeleteKayla Myers
PSCI 100.03
MWF 11:10-12:00
I would not personally say the US is neocolonial power because the countries where these bases are located are benefitted from the security and the change in regimes the United States helps with. The United States military bases are built with good intentions and we have no intentions of conquering these countries. We are just there to get struggling nations that cannot defend themselves on their feet and then we will cut all ties with them and hopefully add a formidable ally should we ever need it.
ReplyDeleteGarrett Hess
PSCI 100:03
MWF 11:10-12
I can see how countries would be upset that America has military bases set up on their lands. I dont think Americans would be too pleased if other countries just started setting up bases throughout the US. I know that they are important for our national sercurity, but having so many seems kind of unneeded.
ReplyDeleteTessa Rakowski
PSCI 100
MWF 1100
I can understand why other countries are anger, we would be too. Can anyone imagine what it would be like if say the Russians came in and built a military base in the middle of DC? I believe that the US uses our "super power" to bully other countries into allowing us to do what ever we want to do, where we want to do it. Sure I am glad that we have the stongest military in the world, but even the best military fails sometimes.
ReplyDeletePatricia Claude
PSCI 100-03
i understand the frustration that other countries may have with the U.S. and our foreign policy as a whole. but as long as what we do overseas has a focus and serves our interest without disregarding the sovereign rights of other nations just because of a sometimes misguided view of what "terrorism" actually is.. then as a soldier myself i think way the right to secure our interest and whether or not we win the hearts and minds of the locals should be left to the personel designated to handle those types of perception campaigns to foreign nations.
ReplyDeleteAaron Hylton
PSCI 100
TR 12:25-1:40
I believe that America's amount of military bases has become excessive. If, as the first quote implies, we do have 200+ bases in the Iraq/Iran area, then we are absolutely trying to set up our own system in that country. There is a line somewhere between doing things for national security and making everyone like us *because America would be safer that way*. By having so many military bases we are putting ourselves in a position where we very well could cross into trying to take over every country that is considered to be a threat.
ReplyDeleteCassandra Nipe
PSCI 100.05
TR 9:35-10:50
I think that taking over other countries security is putting us in jeopardy. If I was living in Iraq for example, and the US was protecting me, I would think our security does nothing. That if the US left Iraq, that the people would be in danger. I would want the country that I lived in to protect me and not have someone else's do their job. Other countries are going to get mad at us if we keep trying to take over there security. We need to fight for our rights, like being in a war in Iraq; and when we have won our battle, we need to leave the country and be done with them.
ReplyDeleteBeth Haymond
PSCI 100.05
TR 9:35-10:50