Sunday, April 8, 2012

American exceptionalism: What do you think?

This week we are still talking about US foreign policy.

It has been commonplace for American policymakers and citizens to claim that the US is exceptional. American exceptionalism is basically the belief that America is a unique nation and the "leader of the free world." Therefore, the US should be able to intervene in world affairs regardless of international law -- the idea is that the US intervenes for the greater good to ensure global free trade, democracy, and peace.

Not everybody in the world agrees with the claim that America is exceptional. Some critics argue that American exceptionalism is a myth. Others argue that American exceptionalism is leading to the decline of the United States in world power and prestige -- America is falling apart domestically and continuing to spend large amounts of money to wage war, and war makes many foreigners view American in negative terms.

What do you think?

Do you believe that there is something exceptional about the US? Should the US be able to carry out foreign policies that are against international law? Or should the US be restrained by international law like other states? If you believe that the US is exceptional, is it totally beneficial? Or, do you think that American exceptionalism comes with some negatives -- such as foreigners and other countries seeing the US in negative terms?  


  1. I think that the US should be restrained by international law to an extent. If they are intervening in things to help those people and do something good for the world then it should be fine, but if we are just wanting to get involved in everything and go to war then i would say no. I think the US being so involved with everything/everyone does cast a negative shaddow on us. We act like we are so better then everyone else, like we are the top dogs and no one can touch us and im afraid it could come back to haunt us in the long run..

    Tim Hoover
    PSCI 100.04

  2. Nowhere in our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the American Anthem, or even in the swearing in ceremony of the President does it say that America is "exceptional". I agree that we are a great Nation, but that our status in world is has declined to an all-time low.

    The U.S. has been trying to intervene and spend the hard earned dollars of it's citizens since the Vietnam War..oh, I am sorry, it was not a "war", it was a POLICE ACTION. From then until now, America has thought that it has had the right to go into any country that it did not the politics in and try to change their political system.

    The U.S. should have to obey the law, just a citizen of it's land. If the President thinks that he is above the law, then he needs to be brought into a tribunal court of other nations, as well as ours, and have to explain the thought process as to why he feels that America has the right to go beyond the law. Of course, if he does it at home without being held accountable, then why should he be held accountable on a global scale???

    The negativity toward American's when they travel abroad has increased exponentially. It used to be that you could travel to Orient, Australia, or Europe, or even still, the Middle East and be treated with dignity and respect. Now in most countries they will answer your questions IF they feel like it. Most will ignore, make rude gestures, or even spit at your feet showing disgust. This is NOT the traveling atmosphere that I grew up enjoying.

    Would you like to tell your children or grandchildren the story of a once great and respected nation fell from grace and became the dredge of the world?

    Gary Fry
    Poli Sci 100.05

    1. The US should be restrained to some degrees because if not then there will always be fear that this power would be abused. If I understood the international laws I would be able to have a better idea but it's the idea of the US thinking they can do whatever they want because they have the power.

      Stephanie Camacho
      Polk sci 100.03

  3. there is a cristian phrase that say in a paraphrased manner that you cannot help your neighbor remove a splinter from his eye if you have a branch in your own. They say might makes right. in this case that is true, we believe that we are the moral authority in the wqorld but we have the highest social dysfunctions of any other "1st world country" We have the 2nd largest social divide and drasticly more murders. How can we judge others when we ourselves are fucked up. Michael Ray Farris 100.4

  4. I think that our national perception of ourselves is extremely inaccurate. I love living in the United States of America, but I feel our country's current state is far from exceptional. Additionally, the United States should not be able to break International laws. They were created for a specific purpose, and should not be able to be broken just because it's being done so by America. This attitude, which our nation holds, is extremely detrimental when it comes to other nation's perceptions of America. I believe this hinders our nation's foreign affairs.

    Trevor Phadden
    PSCI 100.04

  5. I believe that the US is exceptional country just because we are one of the more free's countries in the world. We are a unique nation in everything we do people question what we excatally do foregion wise but we still get the job done somehow. This cant be totally benefical just because we need more allies then just ourself when if comes to decisons in foregin policies. Some countries look up to us in how we make decsions. But America i think dosent have the absoulate power to create new forgeign policies againast international laws just because it would be unfar to how unbalance this world is with different government systems and sayings. All countrys cant agree if this should be allow just because the US put it out there we are not a perfect special country.
    Brennan Fanning PSCI 100.03

  6. i feel as though we are a exceptional country for the fact that we are different we run our country with a little more freedom then others yes we have our rules but so do others . Many country look at us as leaders thats why were still at war.

  7. I think the US is an exceptional Country b/c of the freedoms that other Countries do not have, and also the unbundance of suppiles we have that others don't. I also think the US Foriegn policy is somewhat ok for these reasons we can communicate to other Nations but at the same time some Coutries or Nations don't like to have any involvement with the US. I don't think the US should be able to carry out all foriegn policies on international laws because it would be geared for the US to be above all other nations and wouldn't have any balance.

    William Mckenzie
    PSCI 100-03

  8. I don't believe the US should be able to intervene. If we truly are a free market, then we should be capable of accepting other systems as they are.
    Kimberly Clegg
    PSCI 100.03

  9. I don't believe the US is exceptional and should not intervene with other countries especially with countries that don't want the US help from the start.I feel that the US tend to abuse its power when it feels it can go above international law. The US should focus on repair its own country and accepting other systems and if the system is too extreme or goes against US beliefs of freedom then do not be involved with the country.
    Bianca Redmond 100:4

  10. I don't believe that the US is at all exceptional. I think that's the big issue: We stick our nose into other countries where we don't belong and we make those countries angry. Bin Laden even said that America isn't hated for who we are, but we're hated because we don't mind our own business. This country has enough of its own problems, and we don't need to sacrifice lives to prove nothing and fight other country's battles...especially since, most of the time, they don't want our help.

    Brittany Custer
    PSCI 100.04

  11. I don't think that the United States is an exceptional country. I think that is has some exceptional qualities to it, however, such as the amount of freedom that the citizens have. I do not think that overall the U.S. is exceptional although many people may view the U.S. as a super-power. I feel as though the U.S. often times tries to control other countries and put their nose where it doesn't need to be. We can't solve everyone's problems, especially when they have different views from ours; and therefore don't want our "help". For example, with North Korea some people feel as the U.S. should send over troops to try to "help" them. Maybe they don't want our help, maybe they like their lifestyle (most likely because they don't know any other way of life), but even so, not everyone needs to be exactly like the way we are or the way our government is set up. With this said, I do not think that the U.S. should be able to break international laws.

    Michelle Sentinella
    PSCI 100.05

  12. No I dont think that the US should be above international law but I think that it shuold be bent a little bit whenever we are dealing with foreign trade that will better the world or multiple countries. I think that many countries do have a problem with us wiht our "we can fix everything" mentality that the US seems to have these days. I would be upset if another country came in and said this is how we do it and this is how you will start to do things.
    Tyler Beard
    PSCI 100.04

  13. I do not believe that there is something inherently exceptional about the United States, and I think it is a shame that so many people believe that there is something exceptional about the United States. Within the past two years, I have visited both Brazil and China. While there, I was stuck with the way I was treated when people discovered that I was an American. People viewed me as superior simply because I came from the good ole USA. I found it disturbing that the connotation of being an American is that we are better than everyone else, but the sad thing is that many people in this country do believe they are superior. This situation then leads to other countries disliking the United States because of the selfishness and righteousness of its people.

    I recognize the fact that the country does have a massive amount of power in the world, but that does not necessarily make the country inherently exceptional. With this appearance of greatness, the country has come to hold an immense amount of power, and that comes with great consequence. Throughout history we have become a nation that is revered by some and loathed by others. We show favor to some while we bully others. It’s not a good place to be in.

    I definitely do not think that the United States should be able to carry out foreign policies that are against international law. Why is it that the country thinks it can run the show? And why do we want all that responsibility? Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a responsibility as a human being to aid others and help others in need, but most of the time it seems as if the only times we really intervene for the good of others is when it actually is going to be very favorable for our own benefit.

    Heather Webb
    PSCI 100.03

  14. I think that America has brainnwashed us to think that we are the best. That everyone is out to get us and that we must help other people become as great as us. When in reality we are failing apart and are just a big front. We have a strong military but the people at home running the country are failing their people. America along with everyother country breaks laws all the time but with money no one gets in trouble. I think America doesnt have the right to do anything against anyone else with out them leget threating us.
    cody whetzel 100.05

  15. Yes the United States may be the most powerful, but I do not think that this gives us the ability to do whatever we want whenever we want. I think that if our country was not in an econimic hardship that it would be our responsiblity to some degree to help other countried. That does not give us the power to break International Laws though.

    I think that American exceptionalism comes with a lot of negative effects. Not only do countries look at the United States and wonder why we have all the power, but it is also bad for our country especially when we send money ot of our country. We need to keep our money here and help the people living in the United States.

    Shelby Knepper
    PSCI 100.04

  16. I feel like if America was such as exceptional country, we would pay attention to our own problems rather than sending our troops and protection out to places that we don't need to be. We have hunger and poverty right here in the states, but we send our lightly worn clothes to other countries instead. I see more homeless people in cities here than I do in other countries. Yes, they may have problems and need help fixing them, but we also have our own problems. When are we going to start paying attention to what's happening here? I think then we can become an "exceptional" country.

    Megan Casteel 100.05

  17. I believe America is exceptional because everyone wouldn't want to come to this free world illegally and legally if it wasn't. We have a alot of problems but alot of upside being in the United States. It has been happening over the years there are bad but good spot in our society and alot of other places that have great powers do not have as much freedom as us. We van intervene because of how loyal we are to our parties as well and we show this gratitude because we where once a little young state that wanted to be free from terror and destruction which is how we where made. So United States probley thinks to fight with these places and against the oppositions gains them an alliance with us.

  18. I believe that American has been exceptional but at our current state we are not exceptional. We are struggling to provide everyone with efficient food and a place to live. I do think that we should be able to carry out foreign policies but I think the U.S. needs to focus on their own citizens first.
    Tyler Messersmith
    PSCI 100:03

  19. i dont believe that America is the end all be all or is at all exceptional. I agree with Tylers post stating that as a county we need to care for our citizens first. i think that the government may have good intentions about helping other countries, but its hurting our own country. so i think that it would be in Americas best interest to step back and focus on our own country for a while, before intervening in other countries business.

    Amanda James

  20. I think that America thinks it is exceptional. I don't think it should be like this because there are international laws. We should not be held above the law. Free trade is good and we should promote it but does that mean we need to go to war to protect it? I think many of these matters can be settled diplomatically and not militarily and that our eagerness to go to war is a negative thing. I think this eagerness sets America up as a target for other countries and is hurting us in the end.

    Ellen Sassaman
    PSCI 100:04

  21. The idea of "American Exceptionalism" bothers me. I understand the thought that someone has to intervene on others' behalves, and that we're a good country for the job. I understand that nationalism makes us believe that our society has all of these great features that we want for other countries. I even understand declaring war on another country for national security reasons.

    The problem with "American Exceptionalism" is that it leaves no room for boundaries. So, instead of intervening in other countries' affairs only under circumstances of necessity or reason, we will intervene anytime we want to intervene. We will overthrow governments, wage war against countries without ground, and spend billions of dollars on a contrived defense budget.

    Personally, I align more with isolationists. Unfortunately, I'm in the wrong country for that.

    Cassandra Nipe
    PSCI 100.05

  22. Seeing as how today in class we discussed the interventionists versus the isolationists, I believe we would be slightly more exceptional if we as a whole kept our noses out of other nations' business occasionally. I work with a girl who is college age (21) and is from the Ukraine. Her family still resides there, and her grandparents are constantly telling her what a joke other countries see the U.S. as simply because our government tends to throw money around and give aid where it is not needed. This is similar to a parent helping their child leave home at 18. It may be helpful to fund for a cell phone and food money, but giving someone tons of money to get on their feet is more of a problem than a solution. I do believe that in situations of massive epidemics and genocide that our government should step in, but why step in against a country that absolutely wants nothing to do with our ideas and government?
    Brittney Mercer
    PSCI 100:05

  23. I too think the United States act like we're better than everyone else. I think if we change other countries for good then it's okay but killing innocent people and starting wars isn't.

    April Cave

  24. I think that the US gets involved in too many things around the world for "Humanitarian Reasons." We should let countries deal with their own problems, unless we are specifically asked to help.

    Daniel Huffine

  25. I think that the US shouldn't be involved as an international decision maker. We need to worry about our own problems, and not other countries. We have. Big issue with sticking out nose in things that aren't our business.

    Taylor Hardee
    PSCI 100:05

  26. I don't think America is any different than any other country. If a country other than America did the things America does because we think we are "exceptional" the world would call them out on it. But because we are American, a lot of the world looks the other way. The problem we have today is the world is getting sick of our involvement in their problems and don't want to look the other way anymore.

    Timothy Folk
    PSCI 100.03

  27. There is no reason why the United States should be considered as exceptional. Everything we have learn this semester has made the United States seem really foreign; policies, laws, rights and freedoms, economy and our place in history. The United States should stay out of other countries affairs. We have been dragging ourselves down with other countries issues; both economically and politically. The legitimacy level "the people" seem to feel is being lowered.

    Blaine G Gibson
    PSCI 100.04

  28. I think that America is better than some or most govnment systems but certainly not exceptional. If we were exceptional we would all be out having a good time at the movies and later talk about how we have little student debt. Other countries do say that we are exceptional as a way to jab at us. Most countries resent our freedom and power and want to take us down a notch. Other countries fear the rumors about us and quake. Not to say that we aren't dangerous at times but for the most part we are just a lot of talk. We are not exceptional never were, we could be some time far far in the future but...

    Joan Conte
    PSCI 100:05

  29. I dont think that the United states is exceptional from any other country. Honestly i can agree that we think that we are better than other countries but that is not a good look. I feel as though everyone should have to abide by the same laws and not be able to carry out foreign policies that are against international law. I believe that it is totally beneficial too.
    Andre' Makell PSCI 100.03

  30. I don't actually view America as exceptional. We aren't the only wealthy and powerful country. I don't think that America should be able to carry out policies that are against foreign law. The law is the law and we should abide by it like other countries. I think our leaders should focus on the problems that exsist in the U.S. and interfere with other countries less.

    Amber Ugorji
    PSCI 100.04

  31. America is not an exception. Thinking you are the exception will only get us in more trouble. We stick our noses into other countries little arguments and try to start bigger issues that arent neccessary. I believe The United States thinks they can do this because of the outcome of World War II. However, we dont need to keep to ourselves. It is good to help out in other countries, just when it is needed.
    Jenny Cavey PSCI 100.04

  32. I do not think the U.S. should be an exception when it comes to international law. Our government should be forced to abide by international law just like every other country. I believe a lot of the negative opinions of America come from our previous actions regarding international law and i feel if we just stopped interfering in a lot of international affairs then these negative emotions might not exist.

    Nick Mullican PSCi 100.04

  33. I don't think the US is exceptional and this country shouldn't feel like it has the right to do what it wants. There are rules in place in and out of America that the government takes advantage of and it is not fair to the other states or its own citizens for the government to act in such a manner.
    Sarah Barry
    PSCI 100.04

  34. I would say that the United States is exceptional, yes. Though whether that's a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. Plus, if we're exceptional simply because we're the only country at the moment that is quite like ours, is that even a desirable position?

    I think, speaking from an entirely cynical standpoint, that the US is exceptional BECAUSE it is the "leader of the free world" it's not the leader of the free world because it's exceptional. Which, I understand, can be written off as having said nothing. Let me put it another way, there are a lot of things this country has gotten right, things I love. There are also a lot of things that this country has gotten wrong, some of those things, I suspect, are what got us into the position of power we enjoy today. Another country could just as easily be the leader of the free world right now, were it not for us. Rome in it's day was considered the leader of the world (a relatively free world, though not in the same ways).

    Which is what concerns me, we are starting (to me at least), to look an awful lot like Rome. I know it's cliched, but as Dr. Stump pointed out, this is the longest war in US history, and now we're involved with Libya, and there's talk of engaging Iran. Rome fell because it spread itself too thin, and couldn't maintain control of what it *did* have. I'm worried we will do the same. I'm not trying to make this about immigration, I don't think that issue is discussed properly or sympathetically enough. I'm speaking solely on Rome's military expansion and how it backfired on them horribly.

    I really, really don't want to see that happen to the US...Or maybe I do, maybe that would finally fix something, if we realized we were hitting rock bottom. Let's pray it doesn't come to that...

    Nathaniel Warburton PSCI 100:05.

  35. U.S. exceptionalism would negatively effect our prestige and power by possibly making all the other foreigners and countries be against us because we would be the only other country able to act outside of international law. This could cause a huge international controversy that we don't need being as though we are already at war. All states should be equal.

    Deandre Montgomery
    PSCI 100.04

  36. I feel as though that America is not really expectional country . I think that the U.S. is more fortunate then other countries but that dont make us better.

    Trevon Butler
    PSCI 100.04

  37. I think that American's are given a bad reputation because how we are always trying to implement American laws and regualtations in other countries. We are constantly trying to tell other countries how they are to run things. I think that we should not be entittled to do so. Because by going over seas and doing whatever we please and telling people that what they are doing is wrong only creates negativity and hostility for future times.

    Hayley Glover
    PSCI 100.03

  38. The U.S. is a super power. That having been said, being a super power requires an "exceptional" mind-set. I do not approve our selective humanitarian missions conducted only when we stand to benifit nor do I approve of flexing our military power to influence other countries. Despite my views, I do believe that in order to continue to stay a super power such actions are needed to preserve such a status.
    Bradley Meacham PSCI 100.05

  39. I agree with Bradley i think the US is a super power and we have been since WWI and beyond its our interest to help make other nations democratic. We use are military might to persuade other countries to follow suite. Yet some international conflicts we should stay out of other countries politics. We are a super yes, we just need to pick and choose our battel

  40. I believe that we are a free country but we try to make other countries the same. We need to focus on our country and just protect us. We can protect other countries, but we need to come back to the US and protect us and the people in it.

    Beth Haymond
    PSCI 100.05

  41. I do not believe that the United States is exceptional and the US should not be able break international law. The US should be restrained by international law just like every other state. We have a lot of problems to take of here in the United States. Sometimes we get involved with too many problems of other nations and put our own problems on the back burner.
    Joseph Waters PSCI 100.03

  42. I do believe that America is exceptional because we are made up of free people from all around the world and that influence us through the culture they bring with them. We are the only country in the world that has large communities of people from every single place in the world, so when there's a problem in one country, we should be allowed to intervene as it effects us as we will be influenced by the culture that country devolves.
    Ian Keller
    PSCI 100:05

  43. I think that the US should back off a little when getting into other countries situations. We have enough on our plate to worry about as it is. I feel doing this, plus being engaged in war does put a bad taste in other country's mouths when it comes to the US. Although I do feel there could be some exceptions made when the US "should" become involved in a situation.

    Brandon Coffey PSCI 100:04

  44. I don't think the US is completely exceptional. WE may be the most powerful country but that do nest give us the right to try and control other countries. I also believe we shouldn't be able to break international laws. we are a free country but we also have a lot of problems that we need to take care of and worry about ourselves our military is strong enough to protect out self if something happens
    Aron Shiley PSCI 100.03

  45. Oh yea, I believe the US is exceptional alright. Exceptional because we had a.great opportunity to be a good leader of the free world and we pretty much are continually blowing it. We should not be able to overstep international law and intervene where ever we like. It's just bad business amd in my opinion is hurting america in alot of ways (our economy, our reputation, etc).
    -Nikki-Lynn Lloyd
    PSCI 100.03

  46. I think the US is a good place, but i believe it would be even better if we stopped focusing and everyone else and tend to our own needs. I dont think the US should be able to intervene whenever they want, and they should follow the same laws as everyone else. Kiana Weller PSCI 100:05

  47. I see the U.S.'s involvement in non-aggressive country is a waste of our time and man power. Sure there may be minor benefits from having bases outside our borders but they're nothing we couldn't afford to scrap altogether.

  48. Do you believe that there is something exceptional about the US? Should the US be able to carry out foreign policies that are against international law? Or should the US be restrained by international law like other states? If you believe that the US is exceptional, is it totally beneficial? Or, do you think that American exceptionalism comes with some negatives -- such as foreigners and other countries seeing the US in negative terms?
    I do think the US should be restrained by international law. I dont think the US should be above the laws that other countries abide by. I believe that the US is unique and until the last several years were the "leaders of the free world". A negative aspect of exceptionalism is the "big head" factor. Leaders feel like the US is the best and doesnt need to follow rules so that in turn causes problems and does show us in a negative light to people of other countries,
    Danielle Francesconi-Wolford
    psci 100:3

  49. I believe that America is exceptional because we have so much power along with a strong military that we can pretty much do whatever we want like carry out foreign policies that are against international law. But I think this makes people see America in a negative way because we are doing whatever we want to do.

    Jordan Dixon
    PSCI 100.04

  50. I do believe that there is something exceptional about the United States but that doesn't necessarily mean that this country is better than others or perfect. There are many countries who view the United States in a positive light, treating it like the land of opportunity, and there are other countries who have very negative thoughts toward the country. I think what makes the United States exceptional is that the country is willing to take risks and try out new policies even if they are not destined to work perfectly.

    Lauren Tyree
    PSCI 100.03

  51. This is a complex issue. I do think that the U.S. is exceptional; but that carries many consequences, both good and bad. We are in some cases right to intervene in foreign affairs, because those with the power to help others have a responsibility to do so; however, we are not above international laws, and it does not do to stomp on the very laws to which we hold others. I very much hope that the U.S. can regain it's footing in the coming years, but I have little expectation of it happening overnight. That being said, we may very well decline as a world super power: all super powers fall eventually. At this moment, however, the more pressing issue is how to handle the power that we currently hold. That, I'm afraid, could lead us down a multitude of political rabbit holes.

    Ian Karraker PSCI 100.05

  52. I do not think that there is anything exceptional about the US. I think we have an egocentric society that is not justly based, but based on willful blindness and an inability to see the good in the forms of other governments. As I posted on the discussion forum, I think that it is alright to have bases in other countries during times of war, but to keep bases in countries that we are now allies with is major slap in the face of the host country. It screams of our eternal distrust and encourages distrust on the country where our base is located. The US exceptionality views definitely encourage an amount of loathing on the part of foreigners. They see many Americans as conceited and 'exceptionally' arrogant. And we do nothing by being ignorant to rebuff these views.

    1. The above comment is from: Chelsea Lemley PSCI 100.05

  53. The US needs to get its act together. After being in war for 10+ years, we are just now pulling out of the war when we should have left a long time ago to fix our own country.
    Mollie Kilmer
    PSCI 100:03
