At the height of its empire, the British had around 30 navel bases located around the world. Below is a map of the British Empire, which is marked in red:
Many people have argued that the US is at the height of its power. The US also has a large number of military bases around the world. Here is a map of US bases located around the world. US bases outside the US are marked in red.

Compared to any other country currently and compared to the British Empire at its height, the US maintains a lot of military bases around the world.
According to the Pentagon's own list [PDF], the US maintains around 865 bases. If you include the new bases in Iraq and Afghanistan it is over a thousand total bases. These thousand bases constitute 95 percent of all the military bases any country in the world maintains on any other country's territory.Many people, especially many Americans, see these bases as playing an important part in maintaining US national security.
Not everyone in the world agrees. Some see the US bases in negative terms. For instance, many of the people living in Vieques, Puerto Rico were unhappy with the use of their island as a bombing range by the US Navy. There have been protests in Seoul, South Korea outside US military installations against US involvement in North-South Korean relations. Japanese citizens living in Okinawa have reservations about US Navel and Marine bases.
In Ghana, Kwame Nikrumah, an important African politician and anticolonial intellectual, argued that:
Foremost among the neo-colonialists is the United States, which has long exercised its power in Latin America. Fumblingly at first she turned towards Europe, and then with more certainty after world war two when most countries of that continent were indebted to her. Since then, with methodical thoroughness and touching attention to detail, the Pentagon set about consolidating its ascendancy, evidence of which can be seen all around the world.
What do you think?
Do you think that it is legitimate to call the US a neocolonial, imperial power? Why or why not? Can you see how foreigners may dislike US military installations in their country? Or, can you not really see it? Do you think that arguments like this are bogus? Is it more the case that US military bases are more a benefit to the locals and their national security? Should the US be concerned with what locals think about its military installations? Are US national security interests too important to consider local peoples' concerns about the military bases?
I would say it is legitimate to call the US a neocolonial, imperial power. I say this because we have so many bases around the world and try to controll everything around us for our own benifit. I can see how foreigners dislike US military installations in their country because i know that if another country did that to us all hell would break loose and no one here would go for that at all. I think the military wants us to think that it is more a benifit to the locals and their national security but im not so sure that is why. The US should be concerned with what the locals think because it could cause another war. I think having bases where we see a threat to the US is okay but having all of these bases every where around the world is unneccesary.
ReplyDeleteTim Hoover
PSCI 100.04
I understand why some may think this but I do not think that the US is a empire. For one while we do have bases all around the world, we are not actively trying to control most of the countries that we have bases in. It is also not just in our interest to have bases all around the world, but the world benefits as well as we typically use are military to help out in crisis when no one else will. Without our bases around the Indian Ocean we would not have been able to respond to the earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteIan Keller
PCSI 100.05
I believe that the fact that the United States has so many bases cannot be a reason to call us an empire, or neo-colonial. That being said, I also believe that the United States does have a lot of characteristics of an imperial power. I think that this odd combination of non-imperialist imperialism is a whole other thing entirely.
ReplyDeleteIs this good? Well, I don't believe so. I think it leaves many opportunities for the US to offend other countries and lead to international relation problems. Frankly, I can't even come up with a reason for why we need so many military bases. It seems excessive to me.
Cassandra Nipe
PSCI 100.05
I believe that it is reasonable to call the United States an imperial power. I believe our country has one of the most dominant military systems in the world, and additionally our country is also extremely stable. On the other hand, I can see why foreigners become very annoyed with the United States, as well as the numerous amounts of military bases. I do not think that they are extremely beneficial to the locals, but i believe the United States should be concerned with them.
ReplyDelete^^^ Trevor Phadden PSCI 100:04
DeleteIn a way i do think you can call the US a neocolonial imperial power because as you can see our military force is becoming more dominate and stronger each year. with the US having 865 bases station around the world you can tain we have establish something. I can see many foreigners disliking the US military intallations because they want to live on there own with whats around them but they cant because with our strong military presents there will be less violence and chaos happening. Nothing is bogus about this issues because its true. No i dont think the local people concerns about the military bases are to important to effect how the national security decsions because locals like women and childern would love to have the presents of miltary personal to protect them from terriorest and violence. (Brennan Fanning PSCI 100.03)
ReplyDeleteI think it is reasonable to consider the United States as a neocolonial imperial power because of the large number of military bases around the world. I can understand how foreigners would dislike the US military being in their country because they would like to live without the military.The US military could be beneficial to countries in which there is civil war going on but to countries that are at peace there is no reason for the US military to be there.
ReplyDeleteBianca Redmond PSCI 100:04
I think we are becoming an imperial power. This power is both good and bad. It is good, when we use it to aid countries like Haiti in order to restore their government. However, We also use this power to try to turn every country into a democratic republic. Our government should be more understanding that we don't have the solution for every government.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Clegg
PSCI 100.03
I continue to state that might tends to make right. The problem at this point is that we bully the rest of the world and have our hands in affairs that are not ours. Eventually another country will bound forward and become the new economic super power, which might not be in our best interest as we are now. Michael Ray Farris 100.4
ReplyDeleteThe only way I would call the US a neocolonial imperial power is due to the fact that we do have such a vast amount of military influence pretty much everywhere in the world. That being said, I feel like that is a waste of our funding and it's just going to piss other countries off and also some of our own citizens. WE need to have a little bit of decency and mind our own business, while still being AWARE (not involved) of everyone else's.
ReplyDeleteMegan Casteel 100.05
I agree with Megan, above me. It is hard not to call the US imperial when there are so many military bases all over the world. I think it does help national security. We are always aware what is going on in other countries. However, that could be a bad thing. We have no place to interfer, the US is not the world's peace keeper. I can see how it is an issue for people in other countries. I would feel very dominated and controlled by someone who is not form my native country. The US should have respect for the people that live there and reserve their homes and land.
ReplyDeleteJenny Cavey PSCI 100.04
The U.S. gets in wars just to gain certain right of the land or people. Keeping military bases in those countries allows us to make sure they are doing what we want. If other countries had bases here Americans would flip out and say that the government if a push over and resist. On the other hand the troops in other countries still have to follow their rules along with the militarys and they generaly do not run around destroying that country. America is a power house and controls or trys to help in the worlds policies.
ReplyDeletecody whetzel 100.05
I believe the US can be looked at as imperial because of the ample amount of military bases in the US but also around the World this gives the United States somewhat of an advantage on other nations because they have sources all over the world so they will be hip to all new information first before anyone else which gives them the upper hand and helps them make decision on certain things faster then other nations, it can also be bad for the US because some Countries feel as they are being disrespected that the US wants to be involved in there problems and trying to help them which makes other Nations mad at the US. America is one of the biggest nations and the one of the most powerful in the world and helps many other Countries when there at a time of need, but sometimes they out step there boundaries. But that is just the way of Americans to help people out so that will never change. And the US will always be one of the most powerful nations in the world and will remain imperial./
ReplyDeleteWilliam Mckenzie
PSCI 100-03
Well, I do think that the U.S. could be considered somewhat imperial, or at the very least has been in the recent past. However, there is a difference between maintaining military bases and attempting to dominate and control those countries. I think that generally speaking our military bases maintain peace with the countries and individual communities in which they lie; speaking as the son, grandson, nephew, and brother of military servicemen/women and veterans, and having grown up listening to many, many stories about military life (including during war), I have a hard time swallowing the idea that people everywhere hate U.S. military bases. More likely (in my opinion) that is just a vocal minority. Many people are thankful for the security and services that the U.S. military provides to their communities.
ReplyDeleteIan Karraker PSCI 100.05
I DO think that the U.S. is somewhat imperial. I think that it's important to maintain military bases in other countries, but over 800 bases seems excessive. I think we like to stomp into other countries and act like we own the place, and we expect the peoples of those countries to accept it. I think that this is why so many countries resent the U.S. Using countries to test bombs doesn't seem like the most respectful thing we could do. However, in return for occupying these places, we offer them security, so I don't think it's a huge issue, although I'd be resentful also.
ReplyDeleteBrittany Custer
PSCI 100.05
I think you can definitely argue that the U.S. is a neocolonial, imperial power. The United States has military bases all over the world, which creates a force of power over the culture in which it is situated. I think this can potentially be quite detrimental to the image of the country because people in other countries may view the United States as meddling in everyone else’s business, or they may view the United States as a protective older sibling. I can definitely see how foreigners might dislike the military installations in their country. I imagine we would get pretty upset if another country came and set up military bases in our country. I do not think the argument is bogus at all. I do believe that the United States should be concerned with what locals think because it is not safe to live in an area where animosity builds and then eventually ruptures into violence. I think that the military needs to be aware of the reaction to its presence. We are not so high and mighty that other people do not matter; however, I suppose a good amount of people believe that the United States is superior and has the right to do whatever it wants. I, however, do not.
ReplyDeleteHeather Webb PSCI 100.03
I can definately see how foreigners could look at how the US bases are stationed around the world in a negative outlook. I would too if say Korea sat up bases in New York, Chicago, L.A. and so on. I think that the US should take out some bases that are not needed throughout the world. I think that they should stay where they are if it increases national security in the US. I dont think that the US should be concerned with the locals of their bases. They should try to get along with them because it was cause a lot less tension around the globe. I feel that all bases should remain where they are.
ReplyDeleteTyler Beard
I do think that it is legitimate to call the US an imperial power because we are the world's superpower as of right now. Foreigners may dislike US military installations in their country because it is loud and they see that their lang could be used to their benefit instead of the United states benefit. I think that theses bases do however provide them more security. I think I would have to live in the situation to really have a good view on this matter. The U.S. should have a little concern for the people who live near the military bases, but I do not think that the people that live there can really do much about it because if you rise up against a military base, you are going to win.
ReplyDeleteShelby Knepper
PSCI 100.04
I think it is reasonable to call the United States an imperial power. We do have a huge military and we have bases all around the world.
ReplyDeleteI do see why foreigners dislike the United States installations in their country. If othter countries did that to the United States, the United States would be pretty mad about it.
April Cave
I can see why the US is seen as a neocolonial power because similar to the Europeans in the 1800's we have our own bases which they would have seen as their colonies in a similar light. We are at the height of our power with involvement in many other countries, so the foreign affairs are constant with interactions in the middle east staying constant and naval troops stationed in Japan and other countries constantly I can see why other nations dislike our interaction, but it is also positive for their economy and getting travelers to visit the bases and local areas can only help them further their own foreign relations.
ReplyDeleteBrittney Mercer
PSCI 100:05
I think the US has its head in the right place trying to help all of these different countries out. Where were messing up is, we're in some countries that don't really want us there. I think before we just set ourselves down in a country we should talk to the people who are leading that country, and if they don't think that they need us then we might be wasting resources if we go anyway. I personally think we should be keeping more of our resources in the US and fixing our own problems before we fix others.
ReplyDeleteStephen Stupar
PSCI 100.03
I think that this is conclusive evidence that we are more like an empire- is that good or bad? This depends.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should ask if the governmemnt of each counrty really wants us to have a base there before we slap one down. But there have been some upsides to having bases in other countries. Also this is an incredible waste of money if the people don't even wnat it there.
Joan Conte
PSCI 100:05
I wouldn't say that the US is quite imperial yet, but we've been growing towards it for years. We have a lot of bases in several countries and honestly if it wasn't for the threat of nuclear retaliation, I think America would be taking over other countries. We have the means to do it, we have strategic bases in probably every major country. If nukes weren't in the picture, it would be hard for any country to stop us. It does benefit us because other countries knowing that we have a military presence in their country kind of deters them from doing drastic things. But it also builds a lot of animosity toward our country, which we are starting to have to deal with today.
ReplyDeleteTimothy Folk
PSCI 100.03
I think the U.S. is an imperial power. I think these naval bases are good and helps with national security. I can see where foreigners are upset because other countries might attack the U.S. base in that other country. I think the bases are good and should not care what the locals think. They are there to protect us and those the locals.
ReplyDeletePSCI 100:03
Tyler Messersmith
Hah! I think it is a very legitimate argument to call the US an imperial power, because changing the name of your actions to Democratic reformation does not change the overall purpose of American modern politics.... colonizing. I completely understand the foreign view of Americans; they feel intruded upon and wonder what right America has to impose its will upon them. I think these kinds of arguments are very important. I think that bases are purely security measure for the US. We like to know anything and everything that everyone is doing. In countries that have become our allies, we should not have to worry, but in countries where we are blatantly not wanted, to worry would be the best.
ReplyDeleteChelsea Lemley PSCI 100.05
Honestly i think that there is enough proven facts to call the U.S an imperial power because look at how big our military is and not only that there are plenty of bases to all over the country. We just seem to take control over other countries as well with our big military groups.
ReplyDeleteAndre' Makell PSCI 100.03
I think America is an imperial power because it has a large amount of military bases around the world. They have more bases than other countries. I think these bases can be viewed as a positive and negative. The bases play a part in maintaining national security. It can be viewed negative because some countries territories are being invaded and used as bombing ranges, which can be potentially dangerous and interupt normal every day life. I can see why foreigners are upset about it. I think the U.S should listen to their concerns.
ReplyDeleteAmber Ugorji
PSCI 100.04
American's attempts to influence and control all different parts of the world with its military bases proves that is is a neocolonial, imperial power.It is completely legitimate that other countries dislike the U.S. placement of military bases on foreign soil and attempts to solve problems it has no part in. Some of the minority of bases play a role in national security which in this case makes them important, but most are placed for no reason other than to maintain order and would be better if removed. The nation must consider how others countries feel about U.S. military involvement in these situations and act only when wanted or national security is at risk.
ReplyDeleteSlade McDowell
PSCI 100.05
i agree that we are imperial power, there are some good and bad services being done. we are good as we support with aiding different countries but bad when doing the total opposite.
I agree with what a lot of people are saying. I believe that it is legitimate to call the US an imperial power because of how big and strong of a military we have. Because our military is so powerful it only makes sense that foreigners dislike what we are doing. We feel like we can come in and set up military bases wherever we want and there’s nothing they can do about it.
ReplyDeleteJordan Dixon
PSCI 100.04
I do not think that it is fair for the U.S. to have bases in areas where they are not welcome. If another country attempted to have military installations in our country we would not allow it. I feel as if we could and should be using our resources for more important things with regard to our own country.
ReplyDeleteTrevor McClain
I can definitely understand how the U.S. could be considered an imperial power because we constantly do things to other countries that the U.S. would never allow to take place here. I am sure that foreigners dislike this but they may feel as though they can't do much about it. But if the countries could form an alliance it could become a very big problem for America.
ReplyDeleteDeandre Montgomery
PSCI 100.04
The U.S is definetely a imperial power do to the knowledge of techinology and trade . We have efficiently took over most of society beside china because of our weapons and freedom we offer. We just our bye far a powerful nation that require respect. As far as having problems with other countries , maybe because of how dominate we are. People may want to try an conquer us. That's are only possible problem.
ReplyDeleteParris Baxter 100.03
I believe the U.S is imperial power because of how powerful our military is. If any foreign country try to do the same thing that the U.S. do then it wouldn't be able to take place over here. I think foreign countries do hate us because our U.S. military has a lot more powerful weapons.
ReplyDeleteKevin Williams
I think the U.S is an imperial power just because of the fact that we have so many military bases across the globe. We can see any action a particular country may take just because of the fact that our military is pretty much everywhere. We may not be imperialistic like the pre WWII definition of taking over another country but we could act on any country within a moments notice.
ReplyDeleteNick Mullican
PSCI 100.04
I believe that the United States is an imperial power. The United States meets the criteria for being an imperial power because its military actions affect other countries. I can see how foreigners dislike United States military installations in their country. The US should be concerned with what locals think because it is their country and you should respect their opinions. Local peoples’ concerns should override the interests of the United States national security because they should be able to run their own country however they want.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Waters PSCI 100.03
It's absolutely legitimate to say the US is a neoclassical, imperial power. We are everywhere. I can easily see how foreigners could be upset by our presence in their country as we typically force our ways upon them. I know a lot of military members who are concerned by this and US in general should be concerned too. I do know tgat sometimes our foriegn bases are happily greeted but it's generally not for a long period of time and there are alot of mixed feelings regarding our presence. We tend to overstay our welcome. I believe our national security interests are important but also not always a legitimate concern. It's tough to say whether or not our concerns are more important than respecting locals. I'd love to say that, morally speaking, 100% of the time if it were up to me I'd always choose to leave everyone else alone. But if I felt tgere was a real danger I don't know what I'd choose to do.
ReplyDelete-Nikki-Lynn Lloyd
PSCI 100.03
I think it is legit to say the US is an imperial power. Our military is everywhere and I can understand why foriegners get upset and hate the US. If i was one of the locals I would feel like I was being watched the whole time and nobody wants their every move watched. As long as keeping the bases around the world keeps us safe I am ok with it. Kiana Weller PSCI 100:05
ReplyDeleteThe US is most certainly an imperial power we have bases throughout the world and still occupy at some degree every country we have ever been in.
ReplyDeleteI think the US can be called an imperial power. We occupy many countries in the world trying to impose our customs, politics, etc. I dont know if its good or bad to have our military all over the world. It can be both. It costs our country a lot of money to have bases all over the world. It does add to the security to the US. It can make the people of those countries angry but it also has made them happy because they have been liberated by the US. So I guess it just depends on how you look at it. There are negative and positive things with everything. It is ironic that the US is a country that fought against imperial powers and now we are a country that occupies other countries.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Francesconi Wolford psci 100-3