Friday, November 12, 2010

Are Americans Hypocritical? The Problem of Undocumented Immigration

In a widely read Opinion Editorial that appeared in newspapers across the US, Gregory Rodriquez argued that basically all Americans are hypocrits when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration.

What does he mean that we are all hypocrits?

When it comes to illegal immigration, nobody seems to take responsibility, and we are all, through action or inaction, complicit.

It should be no surprise that illegal immigration is one of the primary means by which the U.S. economy gains access to low-skilled, low-cost labor. As the share of low-skilled native-born Americans falls – in 1960 half of U.S.-born working-age adults had not completed high school, compared with 8 percent today – employers have become ever more dependent on illegal immigration as a steady source of cheap labor.

According to a 2009 Pew Hispanic Center study, 40 percent of the nation's brick masons, 37 percent of drywall installers, 28 percent of dishwashers, 27 percent of maids and housekeepers and 21 percent of parking-lot attendants are undocumented. In California, those percentages are likely to be higher. A 2006 U.S. Department of Labor survey estimates that most California farm workers have no papers.

So whatever your feelings about illegal immigration, if you eat vegetables, enjoy restaurants, reside in a house built in the last 30 years or ever let a valet park your car, the chances are you're implicated in the hypocritical politics that allows 7 million to 8 million people to work illegally in the country....

And the more we blamed those awful illegals for coming to this country, the less willing we became to claim any responsibility for their being here – or for treating them decently. As illegal immigrants were increasingly cast as a threat, Americans cast themselves as victims.

What do you think? Are American's hypocrits on the issue of illegal immigration? Are American employers who are seeking out cheap labor partly responsible for the immigration problem? Are American consumers partly responsible for the problem of illegal immigration? In more personal terms: Are you willing to pay more for vegetables so that better paid, legal, American labor will pick and package the vegetables? Are you willing to pay more for your new home because it was built by better paid, legal, American labor? Or, is there no hypocracy here? Are American employers and consumers not at all responsible for illegal immigrants? Should Americans expect to have their cake and eat it too? That is, should Americans expect cheaper vegetables and houses, better wages for Americans to pick the vegetables and build the houses, and no undocumented immigrants? Whatever your response, explain yourself. Tell me why or why not you believe what you do?


  1. I personally cannot stand the topic of illegal immigration. It angers me that all of these people come here illegally when it really is not hard at all to become a citizen of the United States LEGALLY! I understand that our country has way better job opportunities for these people, but don't do it the wrong way. Do I believe that we Americans are hypocritical to this issue? Sometimes. However, I would very much so be willing to pay more for an object that was made or came from an ACTUAL American citizen, rather than doing it illegally.

  2. I am really 50/50 on the whole immigration subject. I think they should be here just as much as we should. They want the same thing as any American, to provide for their family. But I do not want immigrants here illegally, I feel we make it pretty easy for anyone to become a legal immigrant, so I feel every person should have to go through that process to be an American citzen.

  3. All I can say is that it's either illegal immigrants or outsourcing. Corporations just want cheap labor, why? They're greedy. Everyone almost is totally against it, but nothing really gets done. So there isn't anything to complain about. CEO's want cheaper labor to get more of the cash in their pockets. So I pretty much agree about it. If people were seriously against it, then nobody would get more of the cash. I don't see why people get so hot under the collar about it. I challenge someone, a farmer, a CEO to try and never accept cheap as dirt labor. Look at the profit margin before and after the possible use of cheap labor. Who would like to receive more money in their pockets? Who wants more money to go to research funding? Who the hell wants to pay more for the labor? It's all about the greed. Hell, sometimes the farmers can't help getting cheap labor because they can't afford other workers. I would assume it's due to laziness and greed. Root out the problem at the source and only then will anyone be able to be seriously against illegal immigrant labor. Destroy outsourcing, and more jobs will be created. Simple enough right? No, because of greed, and because of hypocritical people. Least that's my logical conclusion.

  4. After reading Rodriquez’s statement, I can see definitely understand why some people hold the opinion that American’s are hypocrites when it comes to illegal immigration. While I agree that illegal immigration is a huge problem and something does need to be done about it, I also believe that American employers, consumers, and even citizens, fuel the problem by encouraging the idea that illegal immigrants will find work if they come to the US. If we really wanted to make an impact on the companies and corporations that hire illegal workers, than we would stop buying their products, which would force them to reconsider their hiring practices, which seems as if it would cause potential illegal immigrants to think twice before coming to the US. However, I can see how it would be a problem to identify every company hiring illegal immigrants, as well as convince every American consumer to alter their buying habits.

    Erin Shaw, 100.05

  5. I agree with Bartos, in that everyone is greedy, including ourselves. My stance is that we complain about illegal immagration at this time because we have gone into an economis recession and need a scapegoat to point the blame at. Why not point the blame at people who have come to our country and work their hardest to make a living and try their hardest to support their families? Shouldnt we stop and think about how hypocrital we are being? I agree with what was posted above, speaking about how WE americans want everything cheap, everything now, and no taxes to go along with it. American Citizens are comparable to a big baby, in that it crys when it doesnt get what it wants, and when you can only have one or the other, it wants both. There has to be a compromise somewhere, maybe American citizens should hunker down, stop the spending and pay a much higher tax for a few years, and fix the problems we have. We say if its not broken, dont fix it? Well America is broken, and we keep hitting it in the same spot with a hammer waiting for a different result. If we really want to make changes, we have to put away what we want to do, and do what we need to do. Pay high taxes to fix our infrastructure that is breaking down, reduce the national debt, cut back on wasteful spending, like funding wars, and paying money to go after people like osama bin laden, whos goal is to terrorize us, which by making us spend all of our money trying to find him, is working out pretty well. Deal with the real problems and stop whining about the problems that dont matter like petty politcal debates. Please work towards something better than the crap we live in. Thanks

    Devin Raine

  6. In my personal opinion I do not feel that Americas as individuals are hypricates but as a whole nation, I do feel they are hypocrites. This is because as an individual I cannot do anything about illegal immigrants and I personally hate the topic of illegal immigration. When you have American employers who are constantly employing immigrants because they are cheap, they ARE helping the problem of immigration. Yes, the jobs that they hold are not the most glamorous job but when our nation is laying off so many people, the Americans that are jobless cannot look for these types of jobs because someone who is illegal has it and essentially making more money than the American without the job. That is not fair. And not only are these illegal immigrants coming in a working, but now there are so many that we are starting to alter our language for them. Every time I look at something I see under the English sentence the Spanish translation- so essentially we are saying “welcome.” I would 100% be more willing to pay more for a new home and vegetables and so therefore I do not feel Americans should have their cake and eat it too.

    Jenna Benke

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I do not believe that Americans intentionally mean to be hypocritical on the subject of illegal immigration. Since I as an individual cannot effect or change it in any significant way… I try not to concern myself with it. However, thinking about the issue on a larger scale it is a real problem. I am pretty much split down the middle on the subject. On one hand these people come here for a better life and to improve their own aspirations. They travel so that they can make a better life for their families. This is admirable because they are trying to improve themselves and the lives of their loved ones. Looking to the other side, so many people across America are losing their jobs to the immigrants who will work for these lowered wages. This affects America as a whole. This effects the economy and that effects every home. A possible solution would be to make immigration for these people easier. Make it so that they can be legal and work for the same wages as everyone else. Is just something we just have to deal with.

    Jessica Dant 100 05

  9. People have always wanted the best of both worlds. This could be included. People want cheap prices, but prefer to have Americans make the product. Many people like the thought of knowing their product was made by Americans rather than illegal immegrants; however, not many Americans are actually willing to go out and pick fruit or work in factories. People will complain how illegals are stealing our jobs when the reality is they are just doing the jobs that many Americans won't do. The cheap labor is obviously what keeps the prices of the products down. This is whats putting smaller businesses who have American workers out of business. The bigger companies can continue to keep prices low while paying illegals low wages and eventually knock out the competition. There are hypocrites all around. They say they want American made products but continue to buy and support the cheap products. Personally I probably would continue to buy the cheap product. As terrible as it sounds, I don't see much of a problem with it. Until Americans show that they are willing to do physical labor, I won't believe the argument that the illegals are stealing our jobs.

  10. I really cannot stand that there are a large amount of illegal immagrants in america. yes i realize that there are better job opportunities over here, but come legally. also people say that the illegal immigrants are only doing jobs that lazy americans wont do. i agree that a lot of americans are lazy but i know of many people who are out of a job right now and would be willing to basically anything to feed and clothe their family,and if all they illegal immigrants working for money under the table were not here finding a job would not be nearly as hard

  11. Yes, I believe “We” Americans are hypocrites leading to this main issue of immigration. If most of us didn’t count on the Chinese government or other foreign nation for cheap labor and materials, immigrations wouldn’t really be an issue. America isn’t a poor nation. It is understandable that some of us cannot afford some required nutrition to survive for example, but counting on a nation like China just reduces are market value while putting a huge gap on unemployment.

    We cannot all count on the upper class to restore the economy for they don’t need to buy cheap stuff like the lower class. They instead make more money on them by hiring these immigrants, making double money off them from the material they will sell us(since some of us like being cheap). If we keep our prices high not requiring cheap labor, a lot of jobs wouldn’t be lost. Especially starting with the telephones companies. True computers have a huge advantage on jobs while reducing stress from the managers, but they are just taking away jobs from individuals.

    We cannot hate technology especially when it Is created to make our life easier. I believe we have the knowledge as nation to over come China’s intelligence, hopefully crushing their market. Lastly, a lot of people are loosing or have lost their American Hope through this depression, but we cannot just simply blame the immigrants when we are the one’s demanding cheap supplies while the immigrants are simply fighting through the hard work to feed their families. If America doesn’t want to deal with immigration, “We” need to manufacture our own supplies. The only export we may demand is cotton or whatever is needed to manufacture that specific good.

    Frank Oben

  12. After reading all of this information on the issue of illegal immigration; characterizing American citizens as hypocrites is an accurate definition in my opinion. I think that American employers could be held responsible for the extensive amount of illegal immigrants in America. If the opportunity for a better life and a more profitable job was not made available for any foreign person in American, they honestly would no be coming to America to solve economic problems they are faced with. Although I think this is hypocrisy I personally do not have any problems with illegal immigrants in our country, as for immigrants taking jobs, maybe one should become higher educated and more job opportunities will present themselves to you instead of blaming other people for your problems. The increase in prices of everyday products would be the result of the complete eradication of illegal immigrants. American citizens would be even more upset with this fact of price increase then they are about immigrants being in our country illegally.

    Charlotte Marion

  13. After I got out the service I worked in several fields in the Government as a contractor. One particular field was background investigations with the FBI in alliance with the Department of Immigration and Homeland Security. The process is lengthy to become a citizen but there are alternatives until you can become one.

    First, there are ways to collect visa that will enable you to work, go to school, and much more. You can use these methods of remaining in the country as you wait for your citizen papers are approved. My own mother is not a citizen but a registered permanent resident that has been married to my father for great than 36 years.

    Second, it is not entirely the fault of many illegals but the employers that higher them and do not follow the immigration guidelines in concern with documentation. Many come here to leave a country that is harsh on the general population and want something greater for themselves or their families.

    Third, this country is founded, built, and still incorporates immigrants to make this country thrive. Proper avenues to obtain a living element to this country are no problem to most Americans including myself. There has to be a method that is general without underground and back door deals for one group and not another.

    Illegals is a problem but looking at the numbers from news medias and census reports, the numbers are more than 12 million ( that are reported. The next problem is our borders need to be more secure from illegals. We experience every day illegal activities from illegal aliens that use hard working innocent immigrants to operate their drug empire that is killing people; killing people in the thousands. Tax payers are forking over the bill because illegals do not have health insurance so they go to emergency rooms for treatments because they cannot be turned down.

    My mother is a northern European, Scottish woman that had her wallet stolen a few years ago. The process she had to take to prove she was a legal resident was frustrating. One week passes after she finally was able to retrieve new papers and documentations when she was pulled over by a trooper. Her rear light was out and only a citation was given. As the police officer conducted his duties, he asked her for license and registration but heard an accent from her. He asked her where she was from. She told him and then she was asked for documentation of proof of residency. She was not angry but pissed because she always carries it and is willing to produce it but many lie and complain about their current citizenship and have right groups protecting them. She was not profiled but was asked and she did it without hesitation.

    We need to protect the US citizens. Drug cartels, terrorist, and much more will use these avenues to enter our country. It has happened and it will again. Look at the deaths in Arizona from drug cartel and illegals crossing the borders. These fact or well documented and reported. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", is outstandingly recognized with the Statue of Liberty and is inscribed on a plaque in the museum in the base. Immigration needs to continue but restriction must be implemented to protect the USA and all people, foreign and domestic, who want to live within our borders.

  14. One last thing; Look at Mexico's immigration law. It makes ours almost saintly. Check out USA todays (a liberal media station) web page, Also, Google other countries immigration law and compare it to the USA.


  15. Americans are, by far, hypocrits at heart when it comes to immigration. They want to buy their cheap products, but display strict animosity when they realize an illegal alien picked their vegetables or prepared their food. I agree with Devin's statement that America is just a cry baby nation and only wants what it cannot have. Indeed, America is broken and I feel that one can only take one stance on the issue. In my opinion, it certainly isn't fair to the hard-working Americans to have their own job stripped away just so businesses can continue to outsource. Why not pay the high prices for homes and the high prices for goods? I realize that it's not an easy choice for sure, but in the end, if someone wants a legal, documented American performing such tasks, they must make the sacrifices to do so. America is stricken with hypocracy and I certainly don't see an end to it anytime soon.

  16. I can’t speak for all Americans. I can only speak for myself, and no, I am not a hypocrite when it comes to the subject of illegal immigration and its so called benefits. American employers are not partly responsible, but mostly if not fully responsible for or illegal immigration problem. It is the jobs that bring people to this country. These employers need to be held responsible for turning their back on the American people that need jobs. As a consumer, I would have no problem whatsoever paying a little extra if it means that an American citizen gained a job. I would be willing to pay more for a home that was built by American citizens as well. We have learned already that illegal labor built homes are not very good quality (in this area at least). I believe it was Ryan’s homes that we talked about in class that were of poor quality. I would rather have better quality goods altogether and pay a little more than to see an American’s job taken by an illegal immigrant.

  17. For me it is a hard line to draw with illegal immigration. I personally believe that yes it is wrong that they did not have to go through all of the steps that other immigrants did in becoming citizens. At the same time there are reasons that they are leaving their countries (usually Mexico, it seems, who is in a particularly bad state of government right now, with drug lords pretty much controlling the country). And these immigrants, illegal or not, working incredibly hard for their money, although taking away jobs from US citizens. I feel like if there was a more friendly looking step first into the process of getting a citizenship, maybe that would help. The problem of illegal immigration can be attributed to the work force because they hire these people. And although as consumers we buy these products and buy the fruit and vegetables that these people picked or made, how many alternatives do we have if we want to buy apples? Most of them are going to be picked by an illegal alien, so unless we are going to boycott our favorite fruits, I don't know how to get consumers to stop contributing to the problem.

  18. I must admit when I think about the subject of illegal immigration I find that I am somewhat split where this is concerned. I do feel we as Americans take advantage of the fact that these immigrants will work for so much less than members of our own country. This is viewed as a way to be cheap and save money, all the while we know these individuals are not supposed to be here. It is not very hard to become a legal citizen in this country and many of the illegal people are just content with living here when they know they should take the steps necessary to fix the problem. This is where I reach a level of frustration with the deal.The reason I admit I am torn on the subject matter, though is because if I want to be true to myself, I have to agree I do not want to pay any more for my vegetables or fruits at the grocery store. I feel I am already paying enough for these items ,and who does not want to save when one can? I do not want to give more money on a home simply because the people who built it need to make more money, or feel they deserve more because they are not illegal immigrants. I agree with Ellie in that we as consumers will continue to buy these items and unless we do boycott them all, we will always contribute to the problem. I do believe these people deserve to have a nice life and this is why they come to America. They have the same hopes and aspirations as we do but it is important for them to strive to become citizens of our country and to be here legally.It is true the workers who come here illegally work for much less and they tend to take employment out of the hands of some Americans. On the other hand, many Americans will not do the jobs these immigrants are willing to do. I just do not visualize how we can end this vicious cycle. Laura Remsburg, 100-04

  19. Most Americans are hypocrits when it comes to illegal immigration. I don't know anyone who goes out and buys everthing that they know was produced my American labor. Almost everyone likes to buy everything at a cheaper price; they don't find out if it was produced illegally. Then I could talk to these people about illegal immigration and almost all of them would be totally against it. I believe they don't take time to understand the cheap labor that goes on for their products that they are buying. They just want what will cost them the least amount of money. I believe that employers and consumers are partly responsible for the immigration problem. When they buy cheap labor or cheap products they are supporting the low payed illegal immigrants; possibily unconsiously but it is still happening. Also I don't believe this is going to change. People want things for cheaper and as long as they are satisfied they are not going to ask too many questions.

  20. America is very hypocritical. And I also believe Americans are as well. We (as a nation) complain about and try to control immigration, yet we want to get our hands on the most products for the cheapest value. I think Americans need to accept the idea that people are immigrating here not to take over our economy, not to overrun our government, but to get out of a bad situation in their own country and start a nice life for their family. It's hard to imagine us in a different country but I think if people put themselves in these peoples' shoes they would find themselves doing the same thing. America does just people initially on their profile, and we do want them to speak English. But what do we do for them? Ok, now I know that yeah, we live here, and we shouldnt have to do a thing for them, blah blah. I understand that. But we are all about diversity, and as Americans we ARE encouraged to learn others' cultures. But when we go to another country, chances are we are not fully integrated into their culture/traditions/language entirely at first either. I honestly think that we should try to compromise and find a mutual understanding. If they choose to practice a tradition outside of American culture, who is to say they cant? Are they physically harming anyone? I think a major issue is that Americans are not made aware of all the situation. We are blind, we only know what we see sometimes. For example, I am sure a lot of people who complain about immigration never considered themselves to be a part of what is contributing to them arriving over here and getting jobs. Illegal or legal, it does post a problem. Largely because it is what we make it.

    Kristi Barrett

  21. Americans are hypocrites when it comes to immigration. Americans want the work done, but to pay as little as possible. I think the illegal immigrants should become legalized citizens. It's not the employers fault; they know what they need to do to get their work done. Everyone loves cheap things, whether it's food or labor. Cheaper is always better in Americans eyes. Immigrants are the reason for the cheaper things in life, so blaming and hating on them just make people hypocritical.

  22. I think that Americans are hypoctites when it comes to immigration. Liek we talked about in class we are mad because they don't pay income tax or sertain taxes but if we get paid under the table neither do we. It is the American Builders falt not the immigrants. I understand why people want to be int his country. It isn't as easy as people think it is to become a citizen, but I think they should at least be working towards it.

    Megan Williams

  23. After reading the posts above its hard deciding on what to write and how to put what I feel into words. As my grandfather was from Ireland, during his 20's (He served in the Irish Army in WWII) he came over to the United States illegally. In my opinion I feel that as individuals we are hypocrates and as a nation we definitely uphold the standard as being one as well. As stated above in several posts, about the United States being a "cry baby" and only wanting things we can't have, I feel that this is very true. We give way more to other countries than recieve very little in return. While we have immigrants working to produce certain products and work in the labor field, I feel that they should then work towards becoming a citizen. As I explained that my grandfather was from Ireland and came to the United States at a young age I can remember what he told me before he passed on, he said "I came to this country, to better myself and for the family I would someday have. To bring my culture and to learn another, I wanted what was best for me in my life. It was and always will be the best decision I have made." Soon after arriving he became a legal citizen of the United States. Immigration itself is a very touchy topic, but its good to see the differences and similarities other viewers might have.

    Elizbeth L. Higgins
    PSCI 100.05

  24. I think that American employers are part of the problem when it comes to illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants can obviously find jobs when they cross the border and it’s the legal business owners giving them the jobs. Cheep labor is hard to pass up and it’s apparent that many of our business owners can’t pass up the offer. Am I part of the illegal immigration problem? In a way I guess we all are because we give into buying what the immigrants produce. But it’s not like we can hold off from buying the things we need because they are not made in America. I think the people employing the immigrants are more to blame than anyone else.

  25. I think that Americans can be very hypocritical. THe people that imploy illegal immigrants are definitely at fault. They don't have to. I'm sure they like the cost of this labor, but they could easily use American citizens, which would also help with the job situation. Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem paying more for vegitables if they were made by citizens. If paying more means citizens have jobs then I'm fine with it. Convenience does help one to be hypocritical though.
    Laura Gentile

  26. I think many Americans are hypocritical about immigration, if people wanted it ended so bad then why would they continue to hire them and pay them under the table? Plus even if they did stop hiring them, who would be willing to work for the wages they do and doing the things they do? I feel putting up a wall and keeping all people coming from other countries to America wouldn't help either because even if everyone is legal then the argument will change from that to,they got the job over me because they're such and such race. Either way we look at the situation there are faults.

  27. I agree that we are hypocrites. We don't want illegal immigrants in our country doing cheap labor but we want our costs to stay low and not rise. Well i feel that if all the immigrants became legal then we still wouldnt be happy. If they become legal then they wont work as cheap because they can make as much money as legal citizens do. I really do not want to have to pay more for vegtables and things and i know a lot of other people that wouldnt want to also. But if we want immigrants gone then we will start having to. It really doesnt make sense why some people make a big issue about having illegal immigrants working. They dont make as much as we do and they usually dont stay here that long. They work long enough to make some money then they go back to their countries since their countries are probably poorer it is hard for them to find employment there that makes a decent salary so they come here work then return to their country.

    --Sabina Nicewarner 03

  28. In my opinion the US are hypocrits because in one way or another everyone is an immigrant. Our ancestors came here and did not have permission so wouldnt that make us all illegal immigrants. There were people here before the Europeans and we threw them to the side like nothing matter. We treated the native americans as if they were the ones that were wrong for being here. Europeans were wrong for the way they treated the natives they should have been more like they were there for a reason and not like just a nuissance. I guess in a sense we are doing the same things to the mexicans and other nationalities who have immigrated here.

  29. I believe that everyone is a hypocrite on some level. I'd say no one person is to blame for this "problem". Its the illegal immigrants fault for coming over here and its our fault for making it so easy and not doing anything about it. Of course Americans aren't going to like people from other countries coming over here and living simply because they're different and, well foreign to them. I personally don't like the idea of illegal immigration but in all reality what am I gonna do about it? I honestly don't care enough or have the will for something to be done about it and this is a problem that so many other Americans have as well and it's why nothing substantial has been done so far. If enough people wanted to fix this they could, but in todays world you have to be politically correct and not piss anyone off. Also people these days can't seem to ever agree on anything and these are all reasons why nothing ever gets done. But what do I know, i'll be the first person to admit that I'm not a good American and don't really care about these things. Maybe that makes me a bad person but i'll just keep sitting back and observing from a distance.

  30. I not going to deny that there are a lot of hypocritical Americans, that wouldn't be very bright. however I think it is a stretch to say that because an American eats at a restaurant or lives in a house built in the last 30 years they're a hypocrite. What are consumers supposed to do, grill every restaurant owner and real estate agent about whether or not illegals had anything to do with their purchase? They probably contribute to illegal immigration as consumers always looking to be cheap, Americans tend to be a thrifty lot, but just because something is expensive doesn't mean illegal immigrants weren't a part of it. There is no way for the average American to insure that everything they buy was made in America by legal Americans. Calling them hypocritical for that doesn't seem right. That said I'm sure a great many people would be pissed and revolt if prices skyrocketed because cheap labor from illegal immigrants was stopped, which would be hypocritical. Employers tend to be greedy capitalists, always looking to make more profit at everyone and anyone else's expense. This means getting cheap labor anyway they can, definitely contributing to illegal immigration. In the past making profit and decreasing costs was not just about cheap labor, it was about technology/innovation. If we get back to that, then maybe Americans can have their cake and eat it too. That is what I want, and if skyrocketing prices and replacing illegal immigrants with legal Americans will do it, I can live with that.

  31. I have conflicting feelings on illegal immigration.
    The issue of immigrants,(illegal or not), not learning English is a large argument that I've often heard.
    When illegal immigrants come here and do not learn anyway to communicate with the people in this country, it sets up a language barrier. To better communicate with people in a place that you are probably going to be living in for a long time, it is probably important to learn how to communicate so that you can get what you need, help others, and have life run a little smoother when there isn't a barrier.

    100.04 Meredith Blady

  32. The American employers who are giving these jobs out to the illegal immigrants are a big reason as to why immigration is a problem today. Then again we shouldn't complain when we hear about those illegal immigrants working when we want the cost of things to stay low. So therefore, we can be hypocrites but would like to see the illegal ones become legal that way it would be fair to everyone.
    -Rebecca Harrelson

  33. I feel like the people who are employing illegal immigrants are a major part of the problem with immigration today.These people want a better life in America and there are people here who are willing to give them jobs so why they not take the them.American employers want hire people who they have to way the least amount of money to.Thus they hire illegals.This is just a never ending circle.
    Blair Jewell

  34. I believe that most Americans are partially hypocritical on the issue of illegal immigration mainly because of the fact that we are all descendants of immigrants. American businesses are partly responsible for the illegal immigration problem, but the fact that prices for all consumer goods in the United States is so high also causes problems because wages have to be increased to help overcome the price hikes which cause businesses to suffer from employee costs. I think that prices are currently too high for everything in the United States and that no matter whom low-end jobs are worked bye I am not willing to pay more for what I get. I do believe that higher paid skilled workers would result in a better outcome for the consumer in the end. All in all, illegal immigration is a problem in the United States and is something that needs to be addressed. The fact that some goods are cheaper due to immigrant labor, for now, is just a fact of life that has to be accepted until it is changed.

    Chad Starner

  35. First of all: Legal immigrants, fine. Illegal immigrants, no. But it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it seems to bother others. Illegal immigrants are generally used as cheap labor. People complain that they're coming to America and taking our jobs, but, let's be honest, many of those complaining would not do the work that the immigrants do. Or for the price they do it. They're just working their hardest to support themselves and possible families. I think it would be better off for them to become legal citizens, of course. I think too far into things and get disgustingly sympathetic, and part of me winds up feeling bad for the immigrants who just want a better life and are being payed far too little for the jobs they're doing. Americans are just looking for a direction in which they can point their fingers for the current economy. Now on hypocrisy: I think that America is hypocritical, no necessarily AmericANS today (I mean, of course Americans are hypocritical, but that's another unrelated story for another day). The US was created by immigrants who were not really ILlegal, but we not legal by any means. So, on the subject, we are hypocrites (in a way).

    Kacy Cooper

  36. I am split on this issue. I agree that we are to blame... America is mostly made up of selfish people who, as you said, want to have their cake and eat it too. We depend on a cheaper cost a living that is only made possible by the extremely low-paid, unskiled work given to illegal immigrants coming into the country. The idea of the whole thing pisses me off. I know there are tons of people sitting at home without as unemployment rises and the economy gets worse are we eventually going to get to a point where we are willing to take those jobs again? And for less money than we typically expect? I don't really know. It seems like a vicious cycle to me, I don't see how we will break out of it. I would love to say I am willing to pay more to ensure I am only supporting the work of legal, american citizens, but I don't make that much money myself so it would be a tough sacrifice to make... and I'm sure many of us feel that way. What really makes me uncomfortable are the language barriers. I HATE that I can't communicate with almost half of the people I come into contact with... it's simply a source of frustration that there is this barrier I can't overcome between myself and SO MANY peole that live here because they are coming in and have no motivation to learn the language... or the means I suppose. So as a consumer that is what bothers me, but in general it is the lack of jobs for the legal citizens of this country. In short, however, of course we are hypocritical. We want things cheap and quick, and we cant get things that way if we stick with legally documented workers only.

    -Challee Blackwelder

  37. I also have mixed feelings about immigration. I believe that if people are going to come over here, they should do it leagally. I don't know how hard it is to become legal but if we were going to go to their countries, we would be put through proceedures in order to live there. I understatd why someone would want to be in America. Sometimes I think Americans don't realize how easy they have it. But in reality, there are not enough jobs here for everyone. Americans that have to pay more taxes than immigrants are being laid off or fired from jobs. Theres clearly no "easy fix" for this situation. I don't think anyone will ultimately have the same view on it and until that happens, nothing will change.

  38. I believe Americans are hypocrites and I don't just believe the consumers are fully responsible for the problem we have with illegal immigration. I, like everyone else, enjoy paying less for anything and everything. it is unfortunate that we must depend on illegal labor to have cheaper goods, but we all want, want, want. I don't like or agree with illegal immigration, but this nation can't afford to pay true Americans the money they deserve, or the money our government has told us we deserve. We charge outrageous prices for items that other countries barely charge anything for, and we won't look at their ways because we would be going back in time by reducing prices and wages. it is a very sad world nowadays, and either way we are going to lose.

    Anna Wilt

  39. In my opinion, I feel that the United States as a nation is definitely hypocritical when it comes to the issue of immigration. I feel that in a way american employers could possibly be a part of the reason why illegal immigrants are coming into America. I do feel however that illegal immigrants come into our country illegally because of what America offers for its people. For example, our freedoms, the ability to better yourselves and your family, etc. American employers are not the only reason why immigrants come to our country. American consumers can definitely be apart of the reason why illegal immigrants come to America. When it comes to paying more for food or homes I can definitely say that anyone definitely looks for reasonable prices that delivers good products. So, by saying that I can say that we are definitely hypocritical when it comes to this aspect of immigration. Americans definitely cannot as you put it "have their cake and eat it too" when it comes to the topic of immigration. If you can find legal people here to work for lower wages then we might be able to but it is not likely that people in our country are likely to work for low wages, especially in our economy now. I can not see anyone doing that, so that is why i feel that that cannot be done. You cannot have it both ways.

  40. I believe that the United States is hypocritical when it comes to illegal immigration. It's sad but very true. I really agree with just about everyone that has posted before me. We get cheap labor out of it so of course we are going to let it happen. It's not the right thing to do but it definitely happens. It's hard to find people that are willing to work for almost nothing, but a lot of immigrants do so. Companies just want the cheapest labor and they have found it. So many people can't stand having illegal immigrants, people that don't speak our language, but we depend on them for labor. So, yes, the United States is very hypocritical.

  41. I do think that Americans are hypocritical when it comes to the issue of immigration. We enjoy cheap labor because it brings the costs of certain goods down, but we don’t like cheap labor because it is largely provided by illegal immigrants. We want to have our cake and eat it too, but can it actually happen? No. American employers seeking cheap labor are not entirely responsible for “the immigration issue,” but they play their role in it just like every other American. The same goes for American consumers, including the illegal ones. I am willing to pay more for better and healthier products because they are better and healthier, not because the people making them are more likely to be legal. I don’t think about whether or not the people getting the products to me are legal or not. But in all honesty, I don’t really have a big problem with illegal immigrants other than the social crimes they commit (such as trafficking, hate crimes, and so forth), but I would say that of any human being. People complain that “They’re taking our jobs and our money!” What money? They’re working for two dollars an hour, aren’t they? What jobs? Do you want to pick fruit and clean up the slaughter houses? The only reason that I would ask “Are you legal?” before hiring someone is so that I don’t get arrested for hiring an illegal immigrant. Just because someone came to this country illegally doesn’t make them any less of a person to me. It signals to me that they might want to cheat the system a little bit, but who doesn’t try to fudge their tax returns as much as possible? I had a chemistry tutor in high school who asked to only be paid in cash. Is that any different or any more ethical than having an illegal immigrant working for you? I don’t think so.

    - Kyra Wood

  42. It is certain Americans that can be seen as hypocritical, but I would not say America as a whole is hypocritical on the issue of illegal immigration. Those American's that are not responsible for the use of illegal employment cannot be seen as hypocritical, since they may be the ones that would take these jobs. I do not believe that illegal immigration is at the fault of every American, but those that use illegal labor are partially at fault for this problem. I feel like the whole issue of illegal immigration is an uphill battle, even if we deal with this, then we do still have to worry about other forms of cheap labor. Greed is one of the main factors in these problems. BIg businesses are simply looking for the cheapest solution, and they will do whatever choice is best for themselves, not the massses.

  43. I definitely think we as Americans are very hypocritical on the situation on immigration. We don't want to do the "low-skilled" work so people hire illegal immigrants and pay them under the table, then people complain about illegal immigrants all the time. At a job I worked at I saw a lot of illegal immigrants all the time and they weren't doing any harm to anyone and were some of the nicest people I worked with. I believe they are here just for money and a better life and I don't have a problem with that, who isn't going for that in life. I do think its wrong, just get legalized, but at the same time who am I to say anything.

    Emily Van Gilder

  44. I think hypocrisy is just the way of the world. I suppose that it could just be us though. As far as immigration goes . . . definitely.

    I, personally, would love to help out my fellow Americans, but unfortunately I need cheap stuff, or I can't make ends meet. I'm sure this is the case with many of us. If it's worth anything I do feel dirty every time I read "Made in China" on my stuff.

    I have wondered why it seems that illegals are held solely responsible with little being said about those that hire them. Whenever I apply for a job, I am asked to show proper I.D. and fill out tax paper work, so I find it hard to believe that an employer could just not know.

  45. In my opinion, I do believe that American citizens are always going against what they truly believe or said from the start. Clearly all illegal immigrants come over here for better jobs so the only people I can think of blaming for illegal immigration is American employers who higher these immigrants. Lets be honest, if there weren’t jobs that paid well and better homes there would be no illegal immigrants because they literally have no other reason for being here. I do not seem to have a problem with illegal immigrants just because they work harder in my eyes to get what they need rather than some American who seem to take advantage of having all the things that we have here. But I do believe maybe the illegal immigrants should become a little more educated before coming because these days you need to be educated in order to have a well paying job well at least from what I know.

  46. I think Americans really do want to have their cake and eat it too, but obviously that is not possible. We see immigration as a problem because immigrants illegal or otherwise are willing to work at a cheaper rate of pay that we would not accept. But if we really think about it we should be willing to pay more for the houses and vegetables that employ American workers at a higher rate. This is because the immigrants probably have very low work ethic meaning they are not willing to more hard or do their best because they are not being paid well enough to really care. They can probably find work anywhere at their low pay. So these houses they are building are not good quality reducing the value of the house. When the value of houses goes down people would not be willing to pay much for them. This hurts our economy in such a way we are in now. However, immigration will always be a problem. Cheap labor is very attractive to a business trying to make a profit and there is no way around that.
    Catherine Pevahouse 100.03

  47. we as americans see immigration as a problem because they are working harder for cheaper. We should make them pay more for houses and such due t the fact of there poor work ethic. I feel they have a poor work ethic probably due to the fact of not being paid enough to care. Honestly they can find work anywhere for these low rates, but if the value of the houses went down people wont want to pay more for them. immigration will always be a problem and this will always hurt our economy.

  48. Personally, I really hate the topic of Illegal immigration. Why should we let illegal immigrants take our jobs when they won't play by our rules? These tax invasion immigrants are stealing everyone jobs in an job shortage economy. Our economy is in a recession, so we should give jobs to our citizens instead of illegal immigrants. Also of the price in increased that just means that the legal workers will have more money to spend on other goods and therefore more jobs will be created. I believe that these illegal immigrants should have the chance at a better life, but only if they follow our law system.

  49. I feel like Americans are extremely hypocritical when it comes to illegal immigrants. This is even obvious in the some of the comments I've been reading on this blog post. Americans get all worked up and angry about illegal immigrants, but then they don't really do anything, or propose and feasible solutions to the "problem." Also I think most Americans think that all the jobs that immigrants take are jobs that are "beneath them." I've worked as a housekeeper for a short time, and even just mentioning to some people about this, the attitude towards anything to do with housekeeping is so negative. So really all Americans for some reason just hate the idea of people illegally coming into their country. They don't have options and alternatives, they just are are basically selfish about sharing the freedom that we have in our country. I'm not endorsing illegals, I just think a lot of Americans really don't have a basis for their prejudices.
    Jessica Lisk PSCI 100:05

  50. i believe that americans are hypocrits when it comes to immigrants. Americans love the hard work that these immigrants provide to american but they hate it when they see immigrants living the American dreams. As an american i do get mad when immigrant dont play buy American rules but i learned to get along with it. We all are people and should get treated the same

  51. I believe that if a person is going to come over here, they should od so legally. If they do not immigrate legally then there should be consequences. I fully understand that everyone needs a job, everyone needs to make ends meet. If an immigrant is illegally here, then I understand if they get a low paying job just to eat, but then do something about your situation, take responsibility for your lives. I don't have a problem with anybody who works hard for their food, clothes, and shelter. I honestly believe that they should have to pay all of the same taxes though. If not it just hurts our economy.
    I do believe that there is hypocrisy in America. Everyone is guilty of it. No one wants to pay high dollar for a house, but most people complain about immigrants. I honeslty believe that everyone is a person, not an obscene name a lot of people throw out. You have a right to eat, live, breathe, work, but there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it.

  52. The major part of immigration is we have no real plan to fix it. People complain how much they hate it but they are taking jobs that no one really want. they are doing the best they can to survive in a foreign country as we did when we first immigrated to america. america is about change and and opportunity and we seem to be keeping the same thing and illuminating opportunity by stopping immigration.

  53. I personally see both sides of the argument when it comes to illegal immigration. I see the positives in that they do provide cheap labor that otherwise would be much more expensive. I also realize the fact that these illegal immigrants also are undocumented, do not have insurance (which could end up costing you a lot of money), and they also bring crime into our country that would not be there. In addition I do think that we as America citizens are hypocritical about this whole situation in that we want the cheap labor the immigrants offer, but at the same time we want them out of the country. In my own opinion, I think that the illegal immigrants in the country is a big problem, and one that should be adressed with a good solution, one that is fair to everyone involved.

  54. I have mixed feelings about this situation. I feel like this is a lose-lose battle. I don't particularly like all the illegal immigrants here. I think they cause a huge economic and political problem here. The thing is, is that yes many immigrants especially ones from Mexico come here and work jobs that no one wants to do and they're doing it for cheaper. That is definitely a good argument. It is sad that it has to be like that because there are plenty of people here in the US who don't have jobs and they could pick fruit for some income but that's said to be beneath them. I mean those illegal immigrants are often times doing jobs like that. But it still raises an economic problem here with that. When it comes to the immigrants from the Middle east people are mostly just afraid of them and that's why they get the reaction they do. I can honestly say that people from the middle east bother me more than the mexicans. This situation is very sticky. If we change one thing in means to the issue then it just poses another issue. It's hard to say what should be done about all this. I think something needs to happen though.

    Samanthia McQuade 100.03

  55. This subject is very vast in its complications. there is so much to consider when talking about immigration. I think that us as American's encourage it because people looking for cheap labor allow illegal immigrents to work there. That is unfair to the thousands of people out of a job now. I don't care of the people come here if it is the right way. I mean they should learn our language so they can learn and work effectively with everyone. It is so hard to work with someone who has NO idea what you are saying. Now, I would hate to have to pay more for a house that is build by all legal people but it is only fair for everyone to get their share of the profit and have an equal chace of getting the same amount of money.
    -Tiffany Anders

  56. I think it is very important for for immigrants to legally become citizens. The process is there for a reason. I do have a problem with illegal immigrants taking jobs because in these times legal citizens are struggling to remain employed. It isn't fair that people illegally obtain jobs while legal citizens suffer. If the process is too difficult to become a citizen, maybe we should try a new policy or something along those lines. Until things change, however, illegal immigration will remain a big problem.

  57. I would say that the American employers are mostly to blame. I'm sure they say, just like everybody else, that they are against illegal immigration and that it must be stopped. Yet it's mostly these employers who hire the illegal workers. Although, I can see the temptation to do so. But that doesn't make it right. While vegetables would probably become more expensive if there were no illegal immigrants picking them, I think I'd be willing to pay the price difference, whatever that may be. And, as some people have already said, I don't see why there are so many illegal immigrants here. It's not necessarily difficult to get here, just a little time-consuming. As far as I know, the thing that's expensive is becoming a citizen, which isn't really necessary, unless someone really wants to vote.

    Nathan Arch

  58. One can argue what they want, but illegal immigration is rediculous if they want a better life maybe their government should deal with that and clean the country up a bit and the crime. So what about cheap labor someone in this country would do it if they needed money badly enough thats not an issue, it's just that we'd rather make more than minnimum it's not that we would'nt. Also about dry wallers and all of that manual labor, people actually want those jobs its not just for immigrants my boyfriend wants a job doing manual labor like dry walling but he's stuck at his job for now again its not that we wont do it we'd rather not in general. Immigrants are also using our country to support their families, they need to stay in their country and get a life and are'nt most of us hypocritical at some time in our lives?

  59. It was once legal to call a Black person the nword. IT was LEGAL to have blacks and whites be separate. This will be changed too, this is moral and legal that is all. the united states is the land of opportunity and they are working the system.

  60. I guess on the surface Americans look hypocritical on this issue but i think it so much more than that. America is a wealthy country, even if you are poor there are governmental helps so people won't be starving. A lot of the countries these illegal immigrants come from are developing countries. I don't know if any of you have any idea what a developing country looks like, but people there starved; they look like skeletons. I bet a house from a ghetto neighborhood looks better than the conditions these immigrants had to live in. Illegal immigrants will take whatever they can, even lower pay, no benefits or whatever else. I think these immigrants would do whatever neccesary for them to survive while it is ridiculous for Americans . And it is wrong of employers to employ illegal immigrants. I really don't believe employers don't have the money to pay American more decently, I just think they want to shell out as little as possible for their workers in order to keep the extras in their pocket. It really is their greed and telling the workers 'oh we can't afford this and that' while CEO get BIG bucks for their bonus.

  61. I do believe that the United States is seen as hypocritical when it come to the topic of illegal immigration. But we as Americans just let it happen. We complain about how there is so many immigrants over here in America, yet we do nothing about it. We continually complain about how "they" are taking our jobs. All we do is complain. If its that much of a problem then do something about it. What jobs are "they" taking that we can't do; work at a fast food joint, landscaping, house keeping, etc. They are all low paying jobs, but we as Americans want the higher paying jobs. What illegal immigrant do you know of that has a high paying job? NONE. So why complain that they are taking all of our jobs if you're not going to do anything about it. Illegal immigration honestly isn't a huge issue for me, but if it honestly that big of a deal that "they" are taking our low paying jobs that we don't even do, then do something about it.

  62. I think America as a whole is uncomfortable with the fact that there are so many Illegal immigrants in the US. I agree, it is not good that there are so many people who cant be identified on paper. That means that in a way they are "off grid". People who are illegal cant be accounted for. If such person is involved in a crime, or any sort of legal actives. How can we identify them? i think the problem is accountability. With out any way to identify who a person is, how do you legally hold that person accountable to anything. It is a real problem, one that i think has no clear solution
