Sunday, February 5, 2012

Economic Interests and Different Classes in America

Most people in Politics and Government commenting on this blog seem to agree that in America there are economic classes.

In The Iron Heel, Ernest says that these economic classes have distinctly different interests -- that means the wealthy man cannot understand or fairly represent the poor man's interest and the poor man cannot understand or fairly represent the rich man's interests.

Each economic class must have their own representatives in Congress who will fight for their class interests -- the poor must have representatives that are poor, the middle class must have representatives that are middle class, and the wealthy must have representatives that are wealthy.

Bernie Sanders, a Senator from Vermont, is neither a member of the Democrats nor Republicans -- he is an Independent. He is the only US Senator to describe himself as a "socialist." Watch this short video of Bernie Sanders on the floor of Congress. He argues that there is a class war being waged in America -- and the wealthy class is winning against the poor and middle classes:

Jimmy Hoffa, the president of the Teamsters union, also says there is a class war happening. Hoffa means that unions are having their legal ability to collectively organize and negotiate for better pay and benefits taken away. For examples, a newspaper near my hometown reported that local teachers have had their rights to collectively bargain taken away. Because the poor and middle class are those most likely to be members of organized unions, then not having the legal ability to organize is seen as a victory for the wealthy.

Instead of a war against the poor, US Republican Senator Paul Ryan says that President Obama is waging a class war against the wealthy by trying to increase taxes on those that make more than one million dollars per year. So, the wealthy being taxed more is seen as a victory for the poor and middle class -- and as a loss for the wealthy.

What do you think?

Do the different economic classes (poor, middle, wealthy) have different interests? Or, do the capitalist and the worker have exactly the same economic interests? Most Congress persons are wealthy, can the wealthy fairly represent the poor and middle class? No one in Congress is poor, but do you think that the poor and middle class could fairly represent the wealthy?  Is there a class war happening in America right now? If you think so, which class do you think is winning and which class is loosing?


  1. I think that the capitalist and working class both have very different interests for the most part. Clearly the majority of the capitalist class is only concerned about making more money for themselves and they do not seem to be very concerned for the other 99 percent of our country. I also do not believe that either class can fairly represent the other. Each economic class should have their own representatives just as each state does in order for our country to function properly.

    PSCI 100.05 Trevor McClain

  2. I believe that it depends on who s representing who. I feel like the poor could represent the middle or wealthy class, but the wealthy class cannot represent the middle or poor class. Only, because the poor want what the wealthy or the middle class has. they can relate due to the fact that they want to be like them. On the other hand the rich or the wealthy does not want to be like the poor or middle class people because they already have more. Now due to the fact that everyone in congress is wealthy, I do believe that plays a part in why the lower, poorer class is growing and the upper, wealthy class is shrinking. People like them want to stay rich and they will make it so that they do by any means neccessary.

    Morgan McDonald PSCI 100:04

  3. I think that each of the different economic classes have different interests. I think that the wealthy are only worried about themselves and making more money. I think the middle class are just trying to not become in the poor class and the poor or just trying to survive. I dont think the wealthy can fairly represent the poor and the middle class because they have nothing in common with the middle and poor class. they are all rich and getting richer and dont care about how the poor is doing. If everyone in congress werent all rich then i think the wealthy would have already recieved higher tax rates by now. i dont think there is a class war but i think there is a potential to have one..

    Tim Hoover PSCI 100.04

  4. I feel that all of the economic classes have different interests. I believe that if all classes had the same interests, the gap between the "rich" and "poor" would be closer. Additionally, I do not believe the rich can fairly represent the poor and middle class, as well as vice-versa. Currently, there is not a class war in America, but I believe we are on the road headed for one.

    Trevor Phadden PSCI 100.04

  5. We all want money. we all want to have as much money as possible so its impossible for a different class to represent another. the economy needs all the classes to survive. the lower class arent the backbone that works the machines that help to produce the products that the middle class buys. and the rich have the means to maintain and sustain these monsterous companies that provide the jobs for the lower and middle class... u hear alot of talk about the middle class...about it shrinking and the wealth goin to the rich...and that is because the government needs the middle class to consume and buy and stimulate the economy, but the weathy need the lower class to be the giant pool of low wage job workers. swell the middle class and the rich suffer in the short term...Michael Ray Farris 100.4

  6. I feel like the rich and poor should not be represented by the same person. I agree that if the rich and poor COULD be represented by one man or woman, then there would not be such a big gap between poor, middle class, and rich people. If one person could represent all then we would all be classified as the same, which is clearly not accurate. There is a fine line between the classes.

    Taylor Hardee PSCI100:05

  7. There are gaps between the poor and the wealthy in America. However, I do not think that there should only be one representative for the three groups. I feel that the views of the upperclass, middleclass, and lowerclasses wouldnt be fairly represented by just one person. The lowerclass is getting bigger while the upperclass is shrinking and it should be the other way. It would be nice for everyone to be middle or upperclass but I dont think thats going to happen, but until then it would be nice for people to find jobs that actually pay enough so they wont have to live from pay check to pay check. Kiana Weller PCSI 100:05

  8. I think that the economic classes have different interests, if the interests were the same then there would be less inequality among the classes. The views of the lower and middle class cannot be fairly represented by the upper class and the poor and middle cound not represent the upper class.One class could not represent the other classes since there are three separate classes ans not one. The is not a class war happening,but tension is rising and if nothing changes to fix the growing gap, then there will be a class war.
    Bianca Redmond

  9. Of course different econcomic classes have interest because due to the amount of money you make and the standards you live in that person who is in that same classes needs to support and withheld or increase you standards for a better living. I believe some of the wealthy can because some wealthy men had to work there way up to get to these position but then the person that is hurting is the man with no fork or spoon and no food. Although the wealthy have spoken for us recently you can see more of an insight from a poor man. Although by doing that, that poor man might get out of hand and not no how to control himself due to the anger in the style hes living. Their is a class war happening because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more poor due to taxes, gas and war. The rich is still winning and will continue to if we dont do something more about it.

  10. Yes i do believe that all 3 classes have different interests in where they are situation in this world. All three economic are going in different directions in how successful they will be. We all aren't equal in the money we make but everybody works there hardest with whats around them the best. Also, its pretty much where you grew up into with your family tree if you family is wealthy then you with be wealthy if your family is poor then you will be poor its hard to say this but its true. It depends wealth people don't really believe in the poor and middle class because they have never experience this but Congress should have a great represention for the poor and middle classes because most of this country is either in the poor or middle class group. There isn't really a war breaking lose between each classes because if there was then this country will just look different if there was a major economic shift. Brennan Fanning PSCI 100.03

  11. Yes each class definately has different interests, everything that they do in everyday life is different. Rather it would be the work environment or the home environment. I think that someone who represents a class should have at least been brought up through that class or is now living in that class. They must have walked in their shoes to totally represent that class. I still think that there is a war going in between classes and the wealthy are winning. They have been winning. Just as they say the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
    Tyler Beard
    PSCI 100.04

  12. I believe that each class has different interest. I think that your representative should be someone from your own class. If they are not, then they will not help your class very much. They are only going to benefit there own class.

    I do not think that their is class war happening, but if nothing helps or fixes the gap between the classes then there will definitely be a class war.

    April Cave

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think it's pretty obvious that the upper class is winning this war, and Yes there is a major war going on between the classes. I think Sen. Bernie Sanders couldn't have put it more bluntly if he tried. The taxing on this country is outrageous. Why should the poor and middle classes have to give more taxes when they don't have the money to give? And the rich just sit on their money, or spend it. Ridiculous! I believe that we need to get someone in there that can represent all classes, meaning a person from each class or someone who did struggle to rise to the top. Someone who appreciates the hard work done by the 50% that sees that we can't afford to give up what we've made for ourselves and our families.

    Megan Casteel

  15. I believe that the economic class most definitly have different interests. I believe there are different agendas for each social and economic class that exists in America today. Better representation is needed in Congross.

  16. I do think the different classes have different interests. It's obvious that the wealthy class can afford to go on extravagant vacations and join country clubs because they have an abundance of money to spend on things they like. The poor and some of the middle class is living paycheck to paycheck trying to put food on the table for their family. That doesnt mean they wouldnt like a vacation but they cant afford it. I think if the members of Congress have been there at one point in their life or if they truly stand up for the poor and middle class then they would be a good representative. However most wealthy people are sometimes naive to the struggles some face and what it would be like not to have money laying around to spend. Its very obvious who is winning the class war and that is the wealthy class. They are treated like everyone else and arent taxed on the luxuries they buy while the poor and middle class work very hard for everything they do.
    Jenny Cavey PSCI 100.04

  17. While I do believe their are some things we agree on as different classes, the main interests of the classes are different. Lower classes are more interested in making ends meet, and higher classes are more interested in spending money.
    Kimberly Clegg 100.03

  18. As different social classes we do have different interests across the country for what we would like to see happen, and what we think is fair when it comes to money. Money may not buy happiness, but it does buy a lot of nice stuff and a roof over our heads and food for the dinner table. Being from Maryland, the taxes on land and income are quite high, so while my parents are what is considered to be middle class, they potentially pay more than a multi-millionaire would simply based on our location and other extenuating factors. As a college student with debt, and a minimum wage part time job, I do not believe that the wealthy members of congress fairly represent those of us that work hard and struggle regularly to pay bills, because they do not see that issue as fully legitimate. It is assumed that there is a class war because the poor are very poor in most areas, while the rich are very rich. Obviously the rich are winning because they are typically paying reasonable tax percentages while still having tons of money to buy whatever else they want. This is an issue that may never be fully addressed in our government.

  19. As others have said, I agree that other classes are unable to represent another class of society. However, the argument, in class, has been that we have been letting capitalist represent the middle and lower classes. At the same time, we do not really have a choice. The wealthy are able to gather money and campaign, meanwhile the middle and lower classes are able to organize a campaign but at a point have to drop out of the running due to lack of funds.

    An option that is possible for a member of a different class representing another class is the possibility that a person born into a middle or lower class of society climbs the political ladder or gains inheritance and is "promoted" to the upper class. The would be able to empathize with the middle and lower class and better understand their lives. However, the validity of that happening is slim and only possible in a "perfect" world.

    Blaine G Gibson
    PSCI 100.04

  20. With a few individual exceptions, the people of each class have the well-being of their own class in mind. The poor want to help the poor, the rich the rich, etc. Very rarely will a poor person say, "I think the wealthy deserve more tax cuts," and on the flip side, few wealthy people would say "I think I should pay more in taxes." It's a touchy debate, fueled in equal measure by poor people who want and need help, wealthy folks who think they're already paying quite enough, and the middle class that straddles a little of both perspectives. That being said, a wealthy man/woman CAN NOT effectively understand the demands of impoverished consituents, and a poor man/woman CAN NOT effectively understand the desires of wealthy consituents. Their perspectives are too vastly different, and neither has the capacity to recognize where the other is coming from.

    In answer to the final questions: Yes, there is a class war. One needs look no farther than facebook to find a gazillion and a half posts about "I am the 99%", and that's just the tip of the iceberg. So far it has been a relatively peaceful war; whether that will continue remains to be seen. But as of this moment, neither class seems to have the advantage; if one did, I get the feeling it would be like putting a crack in a dam. That trickle of an advantage would grow quickly into an explosion, helped along by our wonderful Congressmen who so desperately seek reelection that they'd hop on whichever bandwagon rose to the top. Until that day, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

    Ian Karraker PSCI 100.05

  21. The different classes do have different interests, but all in all, I think people just want to live a nice and easy life. I think that this is a common interest among people of the Uniter States because we are all so lazy and just want everything handed to us. We all do have other interests, but for the most part we are alike.

    The congressman are wealthy, but for the most part I do think that if they have common sense they can represent the middle and lower classes to an extent. No they will not be perfect, but I still think that they can represent the classes if they are willing to try to help them. On the other hand, I do not think that the lower class can represent the wealthy becuase they would have no idea what to do with the money and I think if you are wealthy, you are under a lot of pressure in society today. The lower class would not be able to deal with the pressure of society.

    There is a class war and the wealthy are winning becuase they keep getting money while the lower classes keep losing money.

    Shelby Knepper
    Psci 100.04

  22. I most definitely think that different classes have different interests. The classes may have the same common interests, but it varies per class still. The upper class generally has it easier than the middle and lower, especially seeing that in most cases they inherit their wealth. The upper class does not understand the struggles that middle and lower classes have to deal with, sometimes just on a day to day basis. Although, in a sense it is the middle and lower classes fault for repeatedly voting in the upper class, there isn't much choice. It requires money to campaign, that which the middle and lower classes lack (at least in comparison to the upper class). Also, in today's society I feel as though money means power and because of this if the citizens of the U.S. see that someone from the middle class is trying to run for president they may not see them as powerful. Also, I believe that if there were to be a "winning" and "losing" class, the winning would be the upper class and the losing would be the lower.

    Michelle Sentinella PSCI 100.05

  23. I think the economic interests are the same and that is to make more money. The working class and middle class, however, probably have better reasons to want more money. I don't think the wealthy can represent the working people. Most of them don't know what work is. They don't know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck or worry about feeding their family. There is no way to put themselves in the working class' shoes. Plus, I don't think the rich have any interest in what the working and middle classes do anyway. I also think the middle and working classes couldn't represent the wealthy class because, again, we don't know what it's like to have that much money. There is definitely a class war, and the rich are winning. They have the power right now. I'd say paying 13.6% on taxes when you earned 23 million last year definitely shows that the rich are winning.

    Hannah Piper PCSI 100.04

  24. I beilve that there is a class war. Despite what Obama says he has never really acted upon it. Granted if Obabama did understand and wanted to help us few wealthy people would agree, since most of congress in wwealthy the proposal would get squashed. I think that each class only has there own interests in mind. The problem is no one but wealthy people can campaign because of lack of funds and time. There is also a clas war in the form of politcal campaigns, they are a clear sign that only wealthy people can run and they do it this way why? For many years a person could run for office with little money? Myaye its the travel tme...

    Joan Conte PSCI 100:05

  25. I would definitely say that there is a class war going on atm in America. Like discussed in class the gap between the wealthy and poor is getting larger and larger, and with more of the wealthy in congress there's not as much working class representation. I find it difficult for the opposing class to fight for benefits of the other, because let's face it in America we are worried about one person and that's us. So I definitely think there's is an undercover war going on.

    PSCI 100.03
    Skyler Bartles

  26. congress could represent the poor and they claim to but they dont. they choose to help themselves make more money and the richer they become the more they can spend on compains to get re elected. no ones follows poloitics until they are directly effected by a new law or agenda.
    cody whetzzel 100.05

  27. Yes, I think all the classes have different interests. The wealthy class is worried about when the ladies are going to get a new "coach purse' and when the men are going to get a "new truck". As for the poor class, they are worried what they are going to eat the next day. The middle class knows what they will have to eat and can dream to have a new "coach purse" or a "new truck". I think the wealthy could never go down to the poor class because they couldn't survive down there. It is easier to climb up the ladder than to climb back down.

    Beth Ann Haymond
    PSCI 100.05

  28. I think the classes have very different interests, but as we've discussed in class, unless you're wealthy, you're a "cog in a wheel." We continue to vote capitalists into office, or we don't vote at all because either way, we know our votes really don't count. Even if a socialist who is concerned with helping the lower classes wins the popular vote, the electoral college, which is also comprised of mostly wealthy people, has the final say, and therefore, the capitalist still wins. I don't think that there is a war between the classes because everyone but the wealthy feels defeated and accepts that they're almost oppressed... unless they're completely ignorant to everything, which is a majority of the country, and well, in that case- ignorance is bliss.

    Brittany Custer
    PSCI 100.04

  29. I also agree that the classes have different goals they would want to achieve and will not see eye to eye. The wealthy represent us because they have money to advertise and stand up there but also because they have gone through better schooling than I would think a middle class individual although i could be wrong. I feel no matter who runs neither class will be able to understand one another.

    Maryam Khan
    PSCI 100.04

  30. In each of the three class lower middle, and upper they all have different views on life. Based on what social class you are in you like and live life totally different. So i don't think think the upper class can represent the lower or middle because they don't know the life style threw endure everyday. And the lower and middle couldn't represent the upper class because more than likely they don't have the education and intellectualness that the wealthy has. When you are wealthy most of the time money controls your life and when your not as wealthy you are just trying to do enough to get buy and provide for your loved ones. No matter what the government does the wealthy will always continue to win this war over the classes because at the end they have the money and with money comes respect and it makes people listen to what you have to say.
    Andre' Makell PSCI 100.03

  31. the economic classes have different personal interests, the rich want to stay rich and the poor want to be richer, but as a whole for the country i think all classes have the same basic interests just different ways of doing what is best for he country. the wealthy aren't fully aware of what is best for the classes that they aren't apart of but the wealthy have a greater chance of getting any thing done or just being heard than the non wealthy in our country. but even though the wealthy have an skewed view of what is best for other economic classes they could have a better grasp of what is necessary if those of other economic classes would tell there representatives what they think should be done, not saying that anyone would listen but if enough people complain then someone is bound to take notice. as an overall the poor have different views of what should be done than the wealthy and the wealthy have a different view of what is necessary, but i think the poor would have a better chance of changing our country because they see what needs to be done and the wealthy just want what they feel they need at the moment, which is necessarily best for the country as a whole. the majority of Americans don't want to believe that they're in a low class, everybody is middle class, and for there to be a proper upheaval in our country then there has to be a distance line and honesty in where the poor class ends and the middle class begins. until this line is established then and outcry or protest that happens isn't going to have the support it needs for the class struggle to be rectified, but no matter when or if this struggle takes place the wealthy will always win for fear of being in a situation where they could lose what they have.
    Sarah Barry
    PSCI 100.04

  32. I would most definitely agree with the statement that the different economic classes have different interests. However, at the same time, I do believe it is possible for a wealthy person to promote the interests of the poor and vice versa. While they may not be able to intrinsically know the feelings, emotions, and desires of the other class, some individuals can recognize the needs of a different class and not simply focus on their own selfish desires. I wouldn’t say that the wealthy could “fairly” represent the poor and middle class, but I think that they can make efforts to better understand the lower class situation in order to represent them better. However, I don’t see this happening, which just perpetuates the problem of class conflict. I would not promote the idea that there is a “class war,” but I would definitely say there is growing class conflict, which is evident with the Occupy Wall Street movement. I personally don’t like the use of the term “war” as a form of rhetoric. Not that I don’t think the conflict is serious, it most definitely is a serious matter, I just don’t think it is at the point where the word “war” applies. However, it may develop into a war. I find it ridiculous that people are claiming Obama is declaring war on the wealthy by attempting to require more taxes from them. That is like arguing that affirmative action is abominable act of reverse racism. Simply because the ones with more power are being put at a disadvantage, it does not mean that the act isn’t fair. It is trying to reconcile the unfair treatment of those who have historically had less power. Perhaps Congress needs to become an equal opportunity employer and give some members of the middle and lower class an equal chance at having a voice. Like that would ever happen. The members of the wealthy class are definitely coming out on top.

    Heather Webb
    PSCI 100.03

  33. Everyone has their own interests. Each level of the economic classes has different interest and different perspectives on what is going on, but I doubt that most people in the poor/middle class realize that there really is a war of finance going on in our country.

    The wealthy use there influence to get breaks in taxes and upping the cost of products in order to nickle and dime the American people right out of their hard earned pay-checks. I have said it before and I'll say it again, Congress and Senate decide to give themselves a pay raise every term, or so it seems. Where does that come from? OUR taxes!

    They have the audacity to sit and talk about being concerned about the budget, but they're part of the problem. Why not increase the amount of fund that those on Social Security, Social Security Disability, or pensions be able to something equivalent to a pay raise? Sure they give them a pittance of change compared to the millions of dollars that Congress and Senate combined give themselves.

    And then there is the wealthy. The men and women who sit in their high-rise offices shuffling papers and holding meetings on the golf course deciding the fate of "the little guy" who's in the factory or even the same office building. Mr. High-and-Mighty exec who runs off to D.C. and sits with the same Congress and Senate that THEY funded to put in office.

    Could a poor/middle class individual adequately and fairly represent the wealthy? Probably not. Does the wealthy adequately represent the interest of the poor/middle class. Definitely not. Is there a way to balance the system? Probably. President Obama is trying to do something about it, but then the wealthy and those in Office on Capitol Hill want to block him because he wants to dip into THEIR pockets and take away THEIR tax breaks.

    Eventually, a war will come. I'm not talking about a war on paper or in banks or in mutual funds. A war is coming where the poor and middle class will rise up and challenge the wealthy. Guns will be drawn. Machines will be used. And the worst part of it all is that the wealthy will win that one as well. Who do you think controls the weapons that the military uses? When I say control, I don't mean they order the military...though if you look at the military officer to enlisted pay structure, that to is uneven. The control I am referring to is the manufacturing of said weapons.

    Right here, right now, a war is going on. A battle of survival for the poor and middle class. A battle for the wealthy to continue to find a way to keep getting wealthier.

    Gary Fry
    PSCI 100.05

  34. The poor is at the point of survival of the fittest and hunting gathering ways of living and they don't have money to sometimes feed themselves so their interests would be solely on surviving. The middle class people are struggling providing for their families because of the economy and there are less jobs now meaning less money so the middle class is slowly but surely depleting and turning into the working poor so their main focus is on their car payments, mortgages and things of that nature. The wealthy people in america don't have to worry about survival nor providing for their families so their focus turns to their investments, golfing and stuff rich people do.

    Congress represents the people of the 50 states and Washington D.C. but none of them are rich and representing the three different classes I don't think they are fairly representing the classes wealthy people will always be taken care of before the middle, and poor class people this is because money is power and without money you have little to no power. How can someone who has never been poor more then likely truly understand how the struggling america is living and feels they can't. Poor and middle class people can't afford health insurance and without this you can't even get serviced at a hospital and this is an outrage. The economy is messed up and without people that truly care about the classes well-being and not statistics their will always be any chance for poor and middle class folks to be #Winning. The wealth of the people will always give them the power or upper hand. #Winning

    William Mckenzie
    PSCI 100-03


    The poor is at the point of survival of the fittest and hunting gathering ways of living and they don't have money to sometimes feed themselves so their interests would be solely on surviving. The middle class people are struggling providing for their families because of the economy and there are less jobs now meaning less money so the middle class is slowly but surely depleting and turning into the working poor so their main focus is on their car payments, mortgages and things of that nature. The wealthy people in america don't have to worry about survival nor providing for their families so their focus turns to their investments, golfing and stuff rich people do.

    Congress represents the people of the 50 states and Washington D.C. but none of them are poor and representing the three different classes. I don't think they are fairly representing the classes wealthy people will always be taken care of before the middle, and poor class people this is because money is power and without money you have little to no power. How can someone who has never been poor more then likely truly understand how the struggling american is living and feels they can't. Poor and middle class people can't afford health insurance and without this you can't even get serviced at a hospital and this is an outrage. The economy is messed up and without people that truly care about the classes well-being and not statistics their will never be any chance for poor and middle class folks to be #Winning. The wealth of the people will always give them the power or upper hand. #Winning

    William Mckenzie
    PSCI 100-03

  36. Different classes do have different interests. For example the middle and poor class are more interested in job creation, health care, social security. Members of the wealthy class have good health care and good jobs.

    I do not think that the wealthy can fairly represent the middle and poor class beause they cannot relate to their issues and concerns because they are wealthy. Only someone who is apart of the middle and poor class and represent them and really understand what it is like to be apart off those classes.

    There is a class war going on. For example, Occupy Walstreet. The middle and poor class are struggling and angry while the wealthy don't seem to really care. They continue to get rich.

    PSCI 100.04

  37. I think the poor middle and wealthy classes have similar interests. They all want more money, either to keep the electric from being turned off, more food on the table, an upgrade in a home, from carpet to hardwood, or just to have as much money as possible. So whether you are poor rich or in between, most likely there is a common Im not sure whether the wealthy can fairly represent the middle class or the poor. It depends on the situtation. Is there any member of congress from the poor or working class and climbed to the wealthy class? Our government also has programs in place like welfare, medicaid, foodstamp programs, etc...would that mean they had the best interest of the poor at heart? If Obama would tax the wealthy more and the middle class less that would be a huge gain for the middle class. I do believe the middle class is being taxed more than they should and those who are very wealthy should take on more of the tax burden. If that means there is a class war I think the wealthy are obviously winning.

    Danielle Francesconi
    PSCI 100.3

  38. Different economic classes do have different interests. That is why the wealthy cannot fairly represent the poor and middle class. Congress needs to find a better way to represent all of the economic classes. There is a class war happening in American and until the poor and middle class have better representation, the wealthy class will keeping winning the class war because they will always look out for their best interests first.
    Joseph Waters
    PSCI 100.03

  39. Yes I do believe that the different classes have different interest. The poor and middle class are more concerned about keeping a job/finding one, insurance, and needs of transportation. On the other hand the upper class doesn’t necessarily worry as much about these because they are already set for life in all of these categories with the amount of money they have. I don’t think the wealthy can fairly represent the poor and middle class because they do not know what it is like to be poor which is why there hasn’t been any change yet. The poor are getting poorer and the wealthy congress persons could care less because they are more worried about themselves.

    Jordan Dixon
    PSCI 100.04

  40. I do believe that the different classes have different interests. The capitalist class is most likely looking out for themselves and attempting to keep the rich rich. Not to say that everyone at Washington has it out for the middle/ working class, but most do not mind playing with the money of others. The tension between the middle and capitalist class is increasing due to the gap between the two widening, and also due to the increasing difficultly for the working class to get and maintain a job. There is a war and the capitalist class is in the lead. They have the wealth and they have control of the government. A pure socialist nation may not be the answer to America's problem, but if more politicians were not afraid to call themselves a socialist, the working class would have a bit more people looking out for them.

    Slade McDowell
    PSCI 100.03

  41. I don't know if the term "war" is applicable, but the drama of it certainly captures the emotion people have on this issue. I am a bad one to ask this sort of question, because I'm neither very rich nor am at risk of being out on the streets or losing my healthcare...I think if this country was less divided over so much, then people could represent each other's interest, but as it is, there is a huge disparity between "classes" (whatever they are).
    The social consensus seems to be that it's "us" versus "them"...The problem that I see with this attitude is that there may be social change because people are unsatisfied by the present situation, but it may be at the price of peace. What happens when the poor win the "class war?" Will they be willing to do the charitable thing and give the former rich the same kind of benefits they wanted, will they let the rich stay reasonably rich, or will they end up turning the tables. "If you kick a dog..."
    I agree that we need to level the playing field, but I hesitate to label it with the vernacular of war, if we make everything into a fight, the policies become battle strategies, the dissenters become the opponents, or the enemies and are dehumanized. The man starving in the gutter has just as much of soul as the man in the mansion on a hill.

    Why don't we try to show how leveling the playing field is like an investment with high returns? If your workers have good conditions/pay they will produce better products. The country as a whole will become more prosperous, that's the idea isn't it? If everyone starts co-operating and saying "what can I do for you?" instead of "what can you do for me?" then both of them will benefit, and a lot will be "done for them."

    Simply stated: Disagree with rich favoring policies? Absolutely, take care of those in need? Yes, yes, a hundred times yes! But con't crucify the fortunate.

    Nathaniel Warburton PSCI 100:05

  42. I suppose to get technical about things, the classes all have the same interests in mind… to get/stay rich!!! Considering that congress frequently passes legislation that exempts themselves, I’d say that we do not have the right kind of representation for each class (just like we discussed in class). I think the term “class war” is being used loosely in the media. I believe all classes are undergoing struggles of one kind or another (upper class wants to keep all their money and not contribute more to taxes; middle class wants more jobs, and lower class just wants to be able to feed their families tonight at whatever cost). You could easily say that by helping any of the classes in an area that another could deem it a class war on themselves.
    - Nikki-Lynn Lloyd
    PSCI 100.03

  43. If no one in congress is poor there is no way that everyone is being fairly represented. The poor and middle class could represent the wealthy better than the other way around. There would be more equal decisions being made. The wealthy, in my opinion don't have as much to lose which almost can persuade their choices. I think there is always going to be a class war even if it is not highly advertised. In our society the wealthy class is winning and that is not likely to change unless our whole governmental system does.

    Lauren Tyree
    PSCI 100.03

  44. I definitely think that the classes have different interests as a whole, but that the individuals just want to protect their assets. I do not think that wealthy Congressmen can fairly represent the lower class simply because they are only in a position to see from the view of the rich. For that same reason, a poor Congressman (if there ever were to be such a thing) could not represent the wealthy class. This divide and hostility between the classes could be called, in an exaggerated manner, a class war where the rich are winning as of now, but the poor will not stay the underdogs for very long.
    Chelsea Lemley
    PSCI 100.05

  45. Every individual has different interest economically. I do believe some lower class people could represent the weathly, I also believe not every weathly person represents the poor fairly. It is an American dream to to prosper and be worth more than the generations before you. I see the economic "war" more as a competition.

    Cody Barrett
    PSCI 100.04

  46. I think that each class absolutely has different interests. You're not going to think exactly like a poor person if you're wealthy and vise versa. I also believe that wealthy people can not represent the poor. The way of thinking is drastically changed between the classes. I'm not sure that "war" is the right term, but there is definitely competition at all times between classes and even within the classes to become wealthier and better yourself.

    Ryan Miller
    PSCI 100.04

  47. There are different interests in classes. There are just different mindsets for the different classes. While it is hard for a wealthy person to represent the poor, you must also consider that some wealthy people came from the lower class. In this case, they may know how to help the people of the lower class.

    Brandon Coffey
    PSCI 100.04

  48. I do not think that each economic class can fairly represent the other two classes. Each classes economic interests are different and they want different things for themselves. I think there is a class war happening and i think the wealthy are winning because at the moment the have some control over government and until the middle and lower classes can obtain some control they can't really change much if anything dealing with the economy.

    Nick Mullican PSCI 100.04

  49. I think that the rich should be taxed more than the average person, but I don't think that they should be taxed more than they are now. I think that we have a pretty good ratio of taxes right now, and it shouldn't be changed.

    Daniel Huffine
    PSCI 100:03

  50. Yes i think that the different classes do have different interests in our society. No the wealthy cannot represent the poor people or the working class citizen. The poor have different interests and the rich take advantage of certain things that the poor are gracious for. I believe there is a class war happening and i believe that the rich is winning because they are having to pay a less percentage of taxes and the poor are paying more. The rich also have the resources to fight for there rights whereas the poor do not.
    Tyler Messersmith
    PSCI 100.03

  51. Different classes have different priorities and issues. The rich or wealthy individuals cannot support the poor because they do not know from experience, exactly how the poor feel and at what stand point they are coming from.
    Latavia Smith
    PSCI 100.05

  52. Of course the lower class is losing. It is freakishly unfair how overly taxed the poor are and how under taxed the rich are. It honestly makes me sick. I want them knocked off their high horse. I wish the day would come where they finally understand where the lower class is coming from.


  53. I do think that the different classes have different goals, but the lower class goal is mere survival.
    I will admit that targeting the wealthy seems unfair, but as the video says poverty is increasing and if something is not done then the classes will take action for themselves.
    I really agree with Bernie Sanders, and wish something could be done to help middle and lower class; and if the wealthy aren't able to spend all their money or spend it frivolously the higher tax should not be an issue.


  54. Yes the poor, middle, and wealthy class all have similar interests, they all want more money but only the poor need it. The wealthy can not fairly represent the needs of the poor because they are blind to the needs of others outside of their social class, they are ignorant to the things happening around them. The poor and middle class can try to represent the wealthy but the wealthy assume lower class is not smart enough to get anywhere and that is why they are poor. There is a war against classes happening right now and the rich are winning, they can afford to buy their way to the top. The poor are loosing because they actually have to work for what they think is right unlike the ignorant rich.

    Stephanie camacho
    PSCI 100.03

  55. I think that American classes have almost the same interests anymore, that's why we don't really consider ourselves to be in any class and mainly describe ourselves by our political party. When you look at it we all want to be free to choose what we do and when we decide if and where we want to work (yes some people decide not to work) we try and make the most money possible at our skill level.
    Ian Keller
    PSCI 100:05

  56. Athought there are different classes i do believe they all have some of the same aspects. The one i feel that tries the hardest is the poor cause there striving for survival. The rich cannot represent the poor because they have never been in tat kind of situation.
    Aron Shiley
    psci 100: 03
