Sunday, February 12, 2012

Totalitarian American Politics

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to talk about totalitarianism. We'll talk about the origins of the word, the conditions out of which totalitarians forms of government emerge, its goals and features, the relationship between the government and the citizen, and a number of other interesting topics related to this type of political arrangement.

In a totalitarians system, like in North Korea or what is emerging in Iran, the state and its charismatic leadership become omnipresent features of peoples' everyday lives. Indeed, in the most extreme cases, the aspects of your life that you usually call "private" (e.g. life in the house, emotional and intimate relationships, business transactions, etc.) practically disappear. The state government becomes a feature of most every aspect of one's life. For instance, in Iran, there is a moral police who enforce a public dress and appearance code. It is illegal for men to wear necklaces and certain kinds of hair cuts are outlawed. Also, at Iranian universities, men and women may be separated.

During the 1930s and 1940s, many Americans started asking publicly: Can America become a totalitarian state? With the rise of Japan, Germany, Italy, and Spain under totalitarian governments, some Americans were concerned that in the case of a nuclear threat from a foreign enemy the US Constitution would be streamlined -- civil liberties would be curtailed and Americans' lives would be totally mobilized against the foreign threat.

Since 9/11, some people are asking once again: Can the US become a totalitarian state where American's civil liberties (e.g. freedom of speech, freedom to bare arms, right to a trial by jury, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble and protest, etc.) mean very little?

Naomi Wolf argued, for instance, that the Bush administration has started America down the path to a totalitarian system. She notes 10 steps the Bush administration has already taken, such as 1. invoking a terrifying domestic and foreign enemy, 2. creating a secret prison system (Gulag), 3. developing a thuggish groups of citizens, 4. setting up an intensive domestic surveillance system, 5. harassing citizens groups, 6. engaging in arbitrary detainment of citizens, 7. targeting citizens for assassination, 8. controlling the press, 9. equating dissenting voices with treason, 10. suspending the rule of law.

Similarly, Glen Grenwald has argued that the Obama administration has continued down this path. Particularly, the Obama administration has stripped certain US citizens of their civil liberties and assassinated them without their Constitutional rights to due process or freedom of speech.

The fear is that both Democrats and Republicans are ushering America toward an totalitarian state.

What do you think?

Do you think it would be possible for totalitarian politics to emerge in the US? Why or why not? Is it necessary in the fight against terrorism to limit Americans' civil liberties? Or, are civil liberties too important to give up in the fight against terrorism?


  1. Is it possible for totalitarian politics to emerge in the US? I think so, yes. Power corrupts, and we are one of the most powerful nations in the world, if it were not for our complex government and totalitarian-government-hating history we might be further along the path to corruption than we are now.

    I said this in class, and I'll say it again now: The terrorists won. We are terrified, and we are letting that terror rob us of our good judgement. Guantanamo Bay is a prime example of this, as is the NSA wiretapping, although I have less of a problem with that. But what I find almost laughably ironic is that what everyone was so worried about was that terrorists wanted to change our way of life or destroy us. But they don't have to, or rather they already have forced us to change...and through these changes we may destroy ourselves.

    Take for example the ads that advise people to report "suspicious activity" whatever that is...Or the fact that you essentially have to strip naked before you can get on an airplane or even into museums and the like. Obviously I exaggerate, but the point is there to see.

    Fear is a powerful motivator and it can either produce very proactive positive results like people bonding together and refusing to be intimidated, or it can produce the opposite effect, the spread of mistrust and people lashing out like chained and scared animals.

    Unfortunately I feel we've succumbed to the latter...

    Nathaniel Warburton PSCI 100:05

  2. I think it is possible for totalitarian politics to emerge in the United States but unlikely. Yes we are a very powerful nation but i wouldnt say that we are on the verge of becoming like North Korea. Terrorist are our nations biggest fear and i feel that it is neccesary to be scarred and doing everything you can to prevent it. They are doing this so something like what happened on September 11th or anything worth will not happen again. As an American citizen i think that the government should be doing whatever they can to protect us. I feel free and feel like nothing is being taken away from me or my loved ones so i am fine with whatever they are doing to protect us.

    Tim Hoover PSCI 100.04

  3. It is very possible for a totalitarian government to emerge in the US. Simply because it has happened in countries that were not originally governed in such a way. There is ALWAYS a change for a countries politics to alter due to desperation on the part of those who are in control... especially in times of war. I do believe that it is necessary for some civil liberties to be impeded on, mainly because of the fact that terrorists have become smarter and more adaptive... going so far as to plant themselves in our own countries for YEARS before carrying out their objectives. Certain rights must be sacrificed for the protection of us all.
    Chelsea Lemley
    PSCI 100.05

  4. I think it is possible for totalitrian to emerge with the US because like everyone else said in US we are a powerful nation and also because of the things our government has try to control and change a lot of stuff. I think as a US citizen we are terrified of terrorist a little bit because sometimes we just let them come over here push us over. But i think we not because we will always go over and fight back. But if we give up in the fight then they would feel that they have the power over us now.

    Kevin Williams
    PSCI 100.04

  5. Totaliterian could not emerge in the U.S. because the united states is about a country being all about peace and love. Loving and respecting your love one and to say if you separated the men from the women in a way that would be discrimmnating.

    1. Totaliterian could not emerge in the U.S. because the united states is about a country being all about peace and love. Loving and respecting your love one and to say if you separated the men from the women in a way that would be discrimmnating.

      Trevon Butler psci.100.04

  6. I think tote can emerge in the U.S. I say this because features of a toter government system are already taking place in our society. The fear of terroism taking place in the country makes it seem as if there are no limitations to what they'll do to prevent it. Especially after 9/11.

    Deandre Montgomery
    PSCI 100.04

  7. I think it is possible for our country to become a totalitarian government, but most likely unlikely. I would say we are the most powerful country, but we would never happen. Terrorists are now our country biggest fearand i feel that it is necessary for us to be scarred and continue to try to prevent it. The idea of traggic attacks to ever hapen again are not worth it and we want to do everything in our power to prevent it. As a citizen of this country I feel we need to do whatever it takes to feel safe and protected.

    Hanna Wharton

  8. I deffinatly think it's possible for our country to go the totalitarian way. There is always a possibility but it's not a good posibility that it would happen. Terrorist, suicide bombers, and others that need to be survailled should deffinately be survailled a lot closer. We need to do what is necessary for us to be safe!
    Latavia Smith
    PSCI 100.05

  9. I clearly believe that there is a great possibility of our country becoming this way. The government would be willing to sacrifice anything, including the lives of their own citizens, to protect our nation's national security. I believe that individual rights should never be hindered or taken away. It seems as if America is beginning to start sacrificing the civil liberties of its own citizens.

    Trevor Phadden P.Sci 100:04

  10. I think it is possible that our country could become a totalitarian society. We are heading that way right now because what we used to call "private" is not private anymore. The government will do anything to provide security even if it disrupts our private lives. I do believe though that our individual rights should never be taken away even if we are in war. The Constitution was set up for a reason and I think we should keep those rights that was documented 100s of years ago.
    Tyler Messersmith
    PSCI 100.03

  11. there is a reason that we as a country were supposed to be able to rise up and overthrow their government in the circumstance that the government became corrupt or was not doing for the people what the people wanted done. now that is outside of our capasity realisticly. so when power is taken from the people it is givin to the government. people are selfish in nature, and the government is made up of people, and people want power and security. as long as they are given the oportunity without oposition they are going to continue to want more security and safety. michael ray farris 100.4

  12. In a way our Country is look at totalitariandown the road like in the future from now because with so many things happen lately that the USA is become more involve with out in this world everything might just come down on us. What if our country wasen't as strong as say a weaker country like Iran? we would be in there shoes and nobody in the USA can't live like the people are in Iran. Also yes I think are civil liberties are too important to give up in the fight againast terrorism because terrorism is just too strong right now in this world it is spreading rapidly from another country to another and just maybe are country will become more of a terrorism location without our democracy government system.
    Brennan Fanning PSCI 100.03

  13. I think that it is possible that the United States government can become a totalitarian government. I think over the last century and now it has been creeping toward a totalitarian society. I know that government feels the need to do everything necessary to protect its citizen, but i do not believe that our liberties should ever be taken away.

    Bianca Redmond 100.04

  14. I believe it is impossible for America to turn into a totalitarian government. It is against what American stands for. We would not have our rights if we were a totalitarian government.
    Kimberly Clegg 100.03

  15. I think that it is impossible for this to happen in America beacause we are a country that believes in peace and equality. The moment someone were to try and take these rights away their would be problems.

    Hayley Glover 100.03

  16. I agree that it is possible for a totalitarian government to emerge in the United States. The reason is that as we have discussed this many times in class it is due to fear. People are letting go their freedom for a little security. While all these new laws are being passed in the name of "security" people do not realize they are being stripped of their rights.This is leading us down the path of totalitarian rule.

    Maryam Khan

  17. Yes,I think it is possible for totalitarian politics to emerge into the United States. I think it is very unlikely though. It would take all of our rights away. One of the biggest fears in this country is terriorism, especially after september 11. We should be doing everything they can to prevent terriorism and to keep citizens in the U.S. as safe and free as possible

    April Cave

  18. i don't think that our style of government the way it is set up could ever be truly totalitarian, but the government wants its citizens to be as lazy and ignorant as possible, especially when it comes to what americans believe that they are entitled to (the rights and freedoms that americans like to lord over others). with the way the government is set up any branch can look at another and say stop, whether they do or not isn't always apparent. the government, however, has adopted a control over its citizens that is more totalitarian than previously seen prior to the terrorist attack. whether they adopted a more totalitarian style in reaction to the tragedy or if they used the terrorists to legitimize what they do is debatable. like we said in class the terrorists don't really pose a big threat to america, i don't really see a reason to worry about the people that americans consider to be the "enemy", they just don't pose a big enough threat to the world like other wars have. now if there was a major power in play against america then a limit to what gets out about america and its citizens, but not necessarily limit what happens inside the country, just what information leaked to other countries. as an overall i think that the american government will do what it wants, whether its citizens approve or not, but the government is so worried about how it looks to other countries that it could never be a type of government that overly controls its citizens in the way that a totalitarian government does, it does. however, control its people in other ways, just not with force (mostly).
    Sarah Barry
    PSCI 100.04

  19. I believe it is pretty unlikely that the totalitarian system will emerge in the United States, of course all of us love to say "no not here" but with the consistent changes in presidency, if the disapproval was too high then those that were attempting to fully take over our lives may not be voted in in the first place. The idea of a totalitarian system brings to mind George Orwell's 1984 in which the characters were under surveillance 24/7, I do believe we are being monitored sometimes, but I doubt the government would ever completely watch over us to that extreme and control our actions or how we live our daily lives as long as we are doing activities within reason.
    Brittney Mercer
    PSCI 100:05

  20. I believe our government is capable of a totalitarian state. Our government likes to be in complete control already, whether they are able to and are is a completely different question. In this fight against terrorism the government is already closely watching suspicious people and accusing people of being a terrorist. The slightest thing may trigger the government to thinking your a terrorist. Our country is in fear and that fear will definitely take a toll on the citizens. The government will strip us of our freedoms and have complete control over us to make sure were not the ones causing threats on our own country and obeying the authority at hand.

    Jenny Cavey PSCI 100.04

    1. i think it is completely possible for a totalitarian government to emerge. today in class we talked about the 3 features of authoritarianism, which is one step closer to totalitarianism. the 3 features were obedience, traditional values and aggression towards outsiders. we see all three of these features in todays society. and i think year by year or even month by month, they will continue to slowly take our freedoms and rights away. but i dont think society will react until it has hit to close to home and by that point we will be well on our way to becoming a totalitarian government.

      Amanda James 100.04

  21. I believe that America is to stron for a Totalitarian Dictatorship because the type of people we have grown to be. The uprising of people and the structure we bet are life on will conflict with Totalitarianism because we have such a humanist and individualist mind that it wont just comply to one man with out proper vote. Although we have people terroist today you realize that we have so many branches of government that serve and protect and that will risk lives to see these men down which actually contradicts any attempt of totalitarianism because of the men we have raised in this nation

    Parris Baxter PSCI 100-03

  22. I think that America itself is to strong for a totalitarian government. I say this because most americans don't like being told what to do to begin with. If the government moved towards that more and more eventually there will be a revolt of some sort (at least I would hope). I think that it is fair for the government to check in on civilians. If there is nothing to hide then it should be quick work anyway. Therefore I think that american citizens would not allow a totalitarian style governmental takeover.

    Tyler Beard
    PSCI 100.04

  23. I do think that America could turn into a totalitarian government I think we are already on our way there. It's said that the democratic party is in favor of "big government" while republicans are not but as you saw after 9/11 republicans and most of America turned in favor to big government. Most Americans are unaware that their rights are being taken away I know I was that is why I think this can happen. Like we said in class terrorists couldn't end the world as we know it so I'm not sure that giving away all of our civil librities.

  24. Sorry I forgot to put my name on the post above ^

    Ellen Sassaman PSCI 100:04

  25. This is a difficult question to answer, especially without stepping on anyone's toes. However, it is my personal belief that in a state of war, some civil liberties must be limited. The degree of limitation is certainly up for debate, but it seems to me to be necessary to take certain precautions at home when dealing with threats abroad. For example, limiting the press by forbidding them to publish troop movements. A terrible violation of the First Amendment? Perhaps. But is the ability to a sell a few more newspapers more valuable than countless lives?

    Within reason, I support the idea of "you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide." If you have something to hide, then perhaps there is legitimate cause for concern.

    All this said, have we overstepped our boundaries? Are we on the fast track to totalitarianism? Is the world going to end in December? I think we definitely need to keep our eyes peeled and our ears cocked, but it's doubtful that Bush and Obama have done any more than countless other presidents have done without the media there to call foul. In a country where people are secure in their ability to do whatever they fine well please - as long as it's not hurting someone else's ability to do the same - I think we are more fortunate than we like to think. My quality of living here in this smelly college dorm sharing a bathroom with 12 sweaty guys and living out of a single shared room (all while accumulating a spectacular sum of debt) is still better than the average Joe's quality of living has been for the past...forever. Not that we shouldn't question our leaders, but I think that we are a far cry from totalitarianism.

    Ian Karraker PSCI 100.05

  26. I do not think that it is possible for the United States to become a totalitarian government becuase I am sure that people would get really upset at the government if that happened. People would actually rise up against the government. If the government deceived the people and changed our way of thinking over time, then maybe it would happen, but it would take a long time for people to change their mind about a totalitarian system.

    I think we need to keep our civil liberties. The government might want us to have security, but I believe that they are taking away our security by take awkay our freedoms.

    Shelby Knepper PSCI 100.05

  27. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I see the elections and how people get rallied up and really excited, they will follow whatever politician gives them what they want to hear. Freedom and lower taxes, cuts and breaks that benefit everyone, and so on... But when does that really happen? When do the promises of the politician ever become reality? Our country just wants someone up there that can talk eloquently and who makes big promises, and we have voted in some "un-qualified" presidents into the oval office. (only in my opinion, not trying to step on anyone's toes) I think that, maybe in a few 10-20 years, America could very well walk into a totalitarian style government.

    Megan Casteel

  28. I think that it is possible for our country to become a Totalitarianism, but I do not see it likely. Yes our country is fearful of terrorism and have made many of our actions based on this fear, I don't think it will cause our government to take away all liberties and rights of the citizens just to be considered "safe". We are a strong country and I feel that we use fear to fuel our fire and make us powerful. In this sense we need fear to bring us together. A perfect example of this is after 9/11 people truly showed their patriotism and appreciation for the U.S. As a whole, the country became much more united and this made us stronger. It's unfortunate that it take's a tragedy like 9/11 to occur for people to feel as one united proud country, but sometimes it's what is needed. I believe that it is possible to become a totalitarian government, but very unlikely for the near future at least.

    Michelle Sentinella PSCI 100.05

  29. I think to an extent it might be safer for Americans to give up certain civil liberties if it ensures the safeness of citizens. I think it's very possible for our country to become a totalitarianism state. I can't say that will be a good idea though. Personally I believe more problems will occur within the country if the totalitarian government goes to far with their power. It might be safer in terms of terrorism but people within the country might not like how things are going and will cause them to rebel.

    Lauren Tyree
    PSCI 100.03

  30. I definitely think that there is a chance at being a totalitarian government in the united states.. It seems that our government is already on it's way there as it is, it's just a matter of time before all of our privacy rights are corrupted, and every "right" that we have as American citizens to be seized.. It's a scary thought to think about, but it's something I think most Americans haven't put into consideration, and it should be.

    Taylor Hardee PSCI 100:05

  31. I believe there is a chance of the United States having a totalitarain government because the government is slowy taking control over everything and also trying to put major taxes on things. A lot of rights have been stripped from us and without us knowing the government can basically do whatever they want without being question because they are the "GOVERNMENT" I think Americans haven't noticed this because are society is very materialist and not up to date with what are government is trying to do.

    WIlliam Mckenzie
    PSCI 100:03

  32. I would have to agree with others before me that there is certainly a chance of America becoming a Totalitarian government because of the increases in security. There is some evidence from the video we watched about the Bush Administration using AT&T to spy on civilians in order to prevent any possibilities of terrorism within America.

    If America were to become a Totalitarian government, we would certainly have to give up the "freedoms", which we give lip serve to, that we already seem to have no control over. However, if it became like North Korea, being hunted down if you try to leave the country, people would become more of the idea of Cogs on a Wheel as well as becoming more docile.

    Blaine G Gibson
    PSCI 100:04

  33. I would have to agree with everyone on this one that there is a chance in which American maybe come a totalitarian government. I think we are already becoming a totalitarian government because the government is trying to control our lives. They want everyone to do what they say and what us to live by their rules.

    Beth Haymond
    PSCI 100.05

  34. I think that is possible for complete totalitarian politics to emerge in the US, but I hope it does not happen. As said in the post, the Bush Administration started American down the path of totalitarianism. Administrations have power. The country could become totalitarin if administrations decide to run the counry that way. Our governemnt already has alot of control and American citizens do not have total privacy. Totalitarianism is an extreme form of government. I would not like to see our country ran in a complete totalitarian way and have our freedoms stripped away.

    Amber Ugorji
    PSCI 100.04

  35. Despite the fact that the United States government has checks and balances and other concepts that are implemented in order to prevent excessive power in different sectors of the government, I'm not sure how much protection citizens truly have when it comes to governmental power. With this in mind, I suppose it is possible that a type of totalitarian politics could emerge in this country. I feel like a lot of people would sacrifice their so-called “freedom” for security, especially in times where the government constantly reinforces that citizens are in danger because of terrorism. Furthermore, I think that a totalitarian politics could emerge covertly. People choose to remain unaware about politics and what is going on in the world, so there would be a possibility that people would not even realize that there was a transition taking place. I’m not sure how I feel about the subject of terrorism and limiting civil liberties. I would advocate that the limitation of civil liberties is detrimental to society; however, I’m not sure if fighting terrorism in the way that the government sees necessary is possible without placing at least some limitations. I personally think that civil liberties are crucial to the whole idea of “freedom” in the United States though, and we should be able to hold on to those liberties.

    Heather Webb
    PSCI 100.03

  36. I do believe it is possible for American to mutate into totalitarianism. In the world today, everyone is fearful of nuclear attacks. One little "BOOM" here or there would be enough to keep us on edge and strip away civil liberties in the name of security. I could easily see the government playing the role of an extremely over protective parent. I don't believe the fight against terrorism requires us to give up our freedoms (though we are). I can understand how the fewer liberties we have, the "safer" we could be; however, our freedoms came to be because of the suffocating effect the lack of those freedoms caused. If we created inalienable freedoms to escape other's ruling governments, how could we deem it necessary to give them up to our own government?

    Nicole Lloyd
    PSCI 100.03

  37. I think it IS possible for totalitarianism to rise in the US, but I think most Americans would be completely ignorant to it. I think that most people have absolutely no clue what is going on in politics, and they just accept what they can't change. I don't think it's necessary to give up civil liberties to fight "terrorism," but once again, I think people just accept whatever the government says/does. I think the fight on terrorism has turned into a fight for many other irrelevant things (such as the fight for oil, etc.), so we're giving up civil liberties for many other things than just "terrorism."

    Brittany Custer
    PSCI 100.04

  38. I do think it is possible for totalitarianism to become present in the U.S. And I do think it is important that we try to fight it. As private as we are as a whole in america, you dont want everyone to know your business. People would have no private life, or any other of the civil liberties that we have now.

    Morgan McDOnald 100.04

  39. Totalitarian politics could emerge in the United States. Americans are now letting people make them live in fear. The fear makes us change our way of life to feel more secure. More and more laws are proposed and implemented at the state and national levels for “security”. Civil liberties are too important to give up in the fight against terrorism.
    Joseph Waters PSCI 100.03

  40. I think after 9/11 the U.S. did show characteristics of a totalitarianism government because they were doing things without citizens knowing such as installing these surveillance systems. However I don’t believe that we will ever completely become one because Americans have such strong opinions and take pride in their rights that they would never agree to just allow one person to speak for them.

    Jordan Dixon
    PSCi 100.04

  41. I think it's entirely possible for our government to fall into such a regime. After walking through the propaganda room of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum a few summers ago, I really saw how easily through media and alienation tactics very disgruntled Germans were able to elect such a monster as Hitler into power. I think the economic and social situation our country is in right now coupled with constant warfare and fear could become the perfect storm for something like that to happen here. It's just so very important to be vigilant and not just believe everything you read and hear.

    Diana Everhart
    PCSI 100.05

  42. I would like to believe that it would not be possible for an elected official in the US to completely change how our government was run. I think the people of this country and members wouldn’t allow such a radical change in how things are done. The US is scared of radical change.
    On the civil liberties question, I’m not sure how to feel about that. In the case of Anwar, he was a known affiliate of Al Qaeda. The execution of that man could possibly have save hundreds if not thousands of lives. I don’t think that I can intelligently answer a question about civil liberties being taken away from alleged when I don’t have the same information our President or CIA has on these people. it’s a catch 22, start taking rights away from a few and what’s to say they wont start taking them away from everyone. Although everyone is not making threats and associating themselves with terrorist groups.
    Danielle Francesconi 100:3

  43. Yes, i do think that the government has been showing signs of a totalitarian government since the recent terrorism attacks.They feel as though it is better for the country to break rules by not letting us know when they are breaking laws. I feel as though we need to be trying to fight it and not let it go unheard.
    Andre' Makell psci 03

  44. I think it is possible that a totalitarian government could emerge in the United States, but I do not think that we are in danger of this happening any time soon. I think people are still very aware of the things that the government are doing, but once people stop paying attention, that is when a totalitarian state could emerge.
    Daniel Huffine
    PSCI 100:03

  45. I think that a totalitarian government could be formed in the U.S. because it seems that the federal government gaining slightly more power each time someone is elected. I mean for instance to day the government banned King sized candy bars, which is a breach of one of our most basic rights, the right to choose what you want to eat.
    Ian Keller
    PSCI 100:05

  46. I feel that there's always that possibility of us becoming a totalitarian govt., but I feel it is more unlikely to happen. We have too many citizens who are into politics, and know how things should be run. I feel that the citizens in the end would not let this become of us.
    Brandon Coffey
    PSCI 100.04

  47. After reading most of Sinclair Lewis's novel I now see the possibility of an unwanted form of government taking over. Just as long as the appointed leader has enough people backing him or her up they could do practically anything.


  48. I think Americans need to have civil liberties regardless of what is going on in the country or the world. At no point in time should our civil liberties be taken from us. It seems we are becoming more and more willing to allow this to happen though. I think this is a reason why totalitarian government could possibly rise in America. If we are so willing to give up rights and listen to whatever our government officials tell us then they become more and more powerful. We keep putting upper class people into office, while the vast majority of us are lower/middle class. Totalitarian government is a possibility everywhere if citizens allow it to happen.

    Ryan Miller
    PSCI 100:04

  49. I totally think totalitarianism is possible in the US. it happens even now, such as the "random" body searches of citizens in New York by law enforcement, by women being denied the ability to defend their rights for employer paid birth control under the new Obama regulation, and the violent responses to the non-violent Occupy protests.

    If my civil liberties need to be limited, I at least want a clear definition of what is considered "terrorism", and how monitoring the things I do would benefit the fight against it. Right now, the government seems to have a pretty broad definition of terrorism which leads to limiting civil liberties that may not or do not need to be limited.

    If the definition of the so called "terrorist" is one day more tangible, and the threat of such actual terrorism is more likely in the eyes of every day citizens, I think it is acceptable to limit some civil liberties. Until that actually happens, I still believe that as a US citizen I have a right to all the liberties as defined in the US Constitution.

    Alex Bentley
    psci 100.03

  50. I believe that one day our country could be Totalitarianism. I don't think it will hap pane anytime in the near future thought.I think we should be trying to prevent this from happing now so we have a head start in the future. The main reason for this is that the government is willing to do anything to protect our security even if it invokes our private lives.
    Aron Shiley
    psci 100.03
