Sunday, October 28, 2012

Individual freedom

On the blog this week we continue to talk about the libertarian political position. As we've come to see, libertarians basically espouse the view that individuals should have the maximum amount of freedom with the minimum amount of government intervention in their lives. People should be able to freely act however they choose as long as they are not harming someone else.

There are a number of politicians in Congress who identify with the libertarian view -- Ron PaulRand Paul, Jim Demint, and Bob Barr are four examples.

In general, libertarians argue that Americans are too dependent on the government for help and therefore not as free as they presume. Dependency is not freedom. And Americans are really dependent on the government and, worse, basically delusional about that dependence. That delusion is seen no clearer than in this survey.

A sample of Americans who were already dependent on government assistance were asked: "Have you ever used a government social program?" The table below shows two things: 1. the percentage of people who were unaware that they were dependent on government assistance 2. and the government assistance program on which they were in fact dependent.

Percentage of Program Beneficiaries Who Report They “Have Not Used a Government Social Program”
Program“No, Have Not Used a Government Social Program”
529 or Coverdell64.3
Home Mortgage Interest Deduction60.0
Hope or Lifetime Learning Tax Credit59.6
Student Loans53.3
Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit51.7
Earned Income Tax Credit47.1
Social Security—Retirement & Survivors44.1
Pell Grants43.1
Unemployment Insurance43.0
Veterans Benefits (other than G.I. Bill)41.7
G.I. Bill40.3
Head Start37.2
Social Security Disability28.7
Supplemental Security Income28.2
Welfare/Public Assistance27.4
Government Subsidized Housing27.4
Food Stamps25.4

So, libertarians advocate less dependence on government. 

This means in house sex work should be made legal because criminalization is ineffective and consenting adults should be able to have sex with whom ever they choose without government involvement. 

According to Ron Paul, this means that the Transportation Security Administration (the people who search you at the airport before you board the airplane) should be closed because they are an "out of control organization" that "gropes and grabs" Americans and invades our individual privacy. Airline riders are dependent on the government for providing their security before they board an airplane and this infringes on their freedom.  

This also means for instance that during natural disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and so on, the government should not provide aid. Ron Paul, for instance, recently said that areas struck by tornadoes and hurricanes should not receive government assistance to carry out rescue operations, rebuild, or to prepare for future weather disasters.

What do you think?

Do you think that Americans are too dependent on the government? If you we are too dependent, are there ever times when it is ok for the government to intervene -- like during disasters or attack by foreign country? If you believe we are not too dependent, does our dependence on the government limit our freedom? When is there too much government assistance and individual freedom is being limited?  


  1. Many people think they there own views are the best. It's great that everyone has a say but in the end it does not mean anything. I think most americans are to dependent on the government because there are to many leaches in the society who want to just sit on there asses and get free handouts. People need to stop being so lazy and start being productive. Sitting around won't change anything but make things worse. The dependance doesn't limit our freedom it makes it worse. We need a change. (Romney 2012)

    Branden McLean PSCI 100.03 12:25-1:40

    1. The average food stamp value for a person per month is about $135 per month. That's not exactly a living wage. The fact is that it is harder for someone with nothing to make money than it is for someone who has money already. I am not saying that there will not always be a few of these 'leaches', as you call them, but these so-called leeches make up a very small percentage of the people on food stamps. Most of the people on programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are in a family with children, or elderly or disabled family members. Many of these families are single parent households. The average income of a household that receives food stamps is just over $700 a month. People in this situation do in fact need help in order to survive. Without welfare, what are these people supposed to do? Send the children off to work? Or the elderly or disabled family members? And if a single parent is trying to take care of all of these other family members by keeping a job that is paying $700 a month, how are they supposed to go to community college or job training in order to advance their economic position? And if this is the environment that the kids are growing up in, then chances that they can go to college are significantly diminished. Of course this is just a hypothetical situation, but it is much more likely than to have a lazy guy who just lives off the government. In fact, food stamp fraud is estimated as being less than 5% of cases, and many of these are college kids who list themselves as having little to no income. I guess the question I would ask is, Is it so bad to risk someone getting a $130 free ride to help 19 hard working Americans put food on the table for their families?

      Johnathan Ford, PSCI 100.03

    2. I think that people are in fact too dependent on the government.

      As a person who worked at a grocery store for four years i can say that the food stamp program makes me sick. Im not saying that people dont need help. That is why i am a strong promoter of the WIC program (women/infant/children. healthy food for young mothers). The problem i have with the food stamp program is that many people come into stores complaining about how little funds they get and then come to the checkout line with steak and name brand soda. In my eyes that is completely unacceptable. If we are to pay for other peoples well being i think that there should be strict regulations on what each person can purchase with their food stamps.
      Back in Kansas people also had a cash balance on their cards (typically around $200 per person) for "bills". Typically people would cash out their bill money and buy cigarettes, lottery tickets, and other things that are clearly not bills. Im not saying everyone always does this. Im just stating what i observed.
      As for the argument that they have children that need help... I feel for you... i really do. But was it your choice to have children? Did you look at the fiscal responsibilities that come with children before conceiving? And i know you might say i cant afford birth control. Well there is always the choice to stay abstinent so you dont have children that you cant afford.

      So you cant afford college to increase your economic situation? Thats what government grants are for. If you are in financial need then the government will help you out. No time for school? make time. Evening classes after work. You can do it.

      I agree, the lazy guy sitting in his house getting checks is probably about %5 of the people receiving help. I also feel, however, that a large majority of the people on these programs have reached a point where they rely far to much on these programs. They have the safety net and tend to stay with it. (IMHO!!!) They seem to be fine with staying in their situation and feeling bad for themselves.

      There is always a way up. Its through hard work and sacrifice. Stop blaming other people. Look in the mirror and become the change you need to succeed.

      Michael Ryan Rodgers PSCI 100.03

    3. Jordan Redmon PSCI 100.03November 3, 2012 at 3:16 PM

      I completely agree with this. We are very dependent on the government. Many people feel that the government should do everything for them like give them foodstamps or welfare checks when they are perfectly capable of going out and finding jobs. we are very dependent on the government.

    4. I really agree with Michael on this. A lot of the people that are recieving assistance from the government really do in fact need it. But there are always some people who take advantage of it. If they are handed everything their whole life, why would they need to get a job? They just expect the government to help them out. I think the government really needs to look into where the money they give out is going, and how the people are spending it. I don't think the government should stop doing these programs just because of the people who take advantage of it. Some people really rely on this, the government just needs to figure out a way to only provide to those who are truly in need.

      Emily Rogers TR 12:25-1:40 PSCI 100.03

  2. I think Americans are to dependent on our government in certain ways such as for the people who can work who are just to lazy to but our government helps anyways. I dont think anyone should get help from the government if they did not atleast graduate from high school. I do think we need the government to help with natural diasters because if a whole state is basically destoyed then that state of individuals arent going to be able to help themselves. So i think we are dependent but it has bad and good effects. David Gladden T-TH 12:25-1:40 100:03

    1. I agree with this statement. Alot of Americans are to dependent on the government. If people are able to work and choose not to they should not recieve government assistant. I believe in some situations their should be government in cases of natural diasters or in time of terror.
      Melissa Taylor 100.03

  3. I feel that Americans are too dependent onthe government. In a state of emergency and attack from a foreign state, yes, I feel that the government should intervene; because, government is there to have security for those that it governs. Yes our over-dependence on the government limits many of our freedoms- the TSA invades personal privacy and a lack of effort to join the workforce only stunt ours econimical growth. You know there is too much government assistance when, people say that they " could make more money sitting on their asses at home, collecting welfare checks, than coming to work and working 40 hours a week at a steady job."


    1. I agree with Allison here. I think that over time the government has made policies and laws that in return make us as citizens very dependent. I don't see how we couldn't be dependent however when the government has as much control as it does. I feel like that is part of the point, create aid so people will use it. The problem with aid is that the regulations are often less promoting towards getting a job and more promoting towards living off the government because of the way it is set up. If you make a certain amount per month, you lose your benefits, even if your still not making enough to make ends meet.


  4. Carlos Canino- PSCI 100.02October 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    Americans are generally dependent on the gov't. The chart doesn't really surprise me that so many don't even know they receive any gov't assistance. So many are willing to complain about gov't but so many don't even realize what they even utilize from the gov't. As a foundation I believe gov't should provide security or national defense even if they need to monitor people to some extent to provide security. To conclude most people want their piece of cake and eat it too. People want things but not really sacrifice or pay for them.

  5. Angela Raco -PSCI 100.03October 29, 2012 at 3:03 PM

    I believe that people are way too dependent on the government. There is a huge percentage of people in this country that just expect things to be handed to them. They survive off of government aid when they don’t necessarily deserve it. There are people that are able to work, however they would rather sit around and rely on their welfare check to come in. I do believe that there is a time and place for the government to intervene, such as natural disasters. When disasters hit, the government should provide aid because with everything being destroyed, people are not going to be able to rebuild without assistance. There is a difference between the government providing aid for daily support opposed to them providing for security in result of a natural disaster.
    TR 12:25-1:40

    1. I defiantly agree with your statement. There are a lot of Americans out there today that don't work hard for what they have. They would just sit on their ass on wait for their welfare check or child support check and then not work because of it and because they don't have to. Karmas a bitch and it will defiantly come back around and bite someone in the ass who abuses it.
      mwf 910-10

  6. I believe that we are too dependent on the government. However I also believe that some government assistance is necessary. Governments are suppose to provide a sense of security for the people that they govern. People take advantages of the services that the government provides. If those people surveyed were stripped of the support they receive from the government, they would complain a lot more about the government not doing anything for them. Governments should help with natural disasters and things because there are enough greedy people out there who wouldn't help others and who wouldn't help donate supplies. People are hypocritical of the government. They complain when it doesn't help and complain when it does.
    Paige Albert PSCI 100.03

  7. Oh heck yeah people rely way too much on the gov't. They think they are unable to work or they just milk injuries or sickness and want free handouts. This country was founded by hard workers and not on free handouts. The gov't is great in terms of security and other things here and there but not to help everyone that cries about something. Further investigation needs to go into that stuff before every handout. People complain about everything such as-- being helped, not being helped, fighting war, dont fight war, etc. So yes they help when it is absolutely needed but not everyone needs it!!

    Colin Barry

  8. I defiantly think that Americans are wayyyyyy too dependent on the government. For example, those who abuse the system with wick or food stamps, for example. I understand that people don't have a lot of money because I don't have a lot of money either including my family. But if someone decides that they want to make the commitment to have a child they should take full responsibility for it and not make those that work hard for what they got suffer even more. GET A JOB AND WORK HARD FOR THE THINGS YOU NEED AND HAVE. Its simple. But I do believe that the government should defiantly step in when there is a natural disaster occurrence, attack by a foreign country or even an attack on an individual. The government is there to help you and that's what they should do. We don't pay tax dollars for no reason. We pay taxes to help with the things we need, not to abuse or "milk" the system because then the rest of us suffer. For example, the hurricane we just had, hurricane sandy, if we wanted more freedom away from the government then there would still be millions of people without power or a way to live. Sometimes I admit I take the government for granted myself, but then something terrible happens and the government steps in and tries to help us the best that they can. Then I realize I shouldn't take it for granted so much.

    Mariah Bacon
    910-10 mwf

  9. Ashlee Barrett PSCI 100.02October 31, 2012 at 10:40 AM

    I think that Americans are a bit too dependent on the government. The chart does not surprise me one bit. Most people have no idea that they are being aided by the government and frankly, take it for granted. I believe that every human being should be able to freely do what they choose to do to themselves as long as they are not harming others. Yeah, drugs and alcohol and cigaretts can kill you-- and that's your fault if you die. You made that choice. If people want to sell their bodies, do drugs, or any other type of damage to their owbn body, let them. It is not harming any one else in any way. I do also think that government should be there to inervene in times of need such as natural disaters. That is not something that an human being can help, and if they lose their home or any other kind of material in that disaster, I believe that the government should help those in need.

    Ashlee Barrett
    PSCI 100.02

    1. I agree with Ashlee! I think we are too dependent on the government some things I don't even think that people know we use the government for. I don't think that we need the government to control as much as they do. People should have the right to do what they want as long as its not harming others.
      Amber McFadden
      PSCI 100.02

  10. I believe that Americans are too dependent on the government. The only times I believe government should help out citizens with aid is whenever they get laid off a job AND ARE CURRENTLY TRYING TO FIND A NEW JOB. The national government should provide aid to those who lose their house due to a natural disaster. I am suprised at the chart that food stamps has a lower percentange rate than student loans. Food Stamps is, in my beliefs, not helping us reduce the national debt whatsoever. Food Stamps should be taken away for a period of time so that the people who live off of them can realize what will happen if the government ever decides to cut that social program. In other words, I believe that citizens that feed off from social programs should contribute something back to society, even if they don't have a job. For examplethey can at least help out by picking garbage off the streets. Summer Fitzwater
    PSCI 100.02

  11. I believe that Americans are very dependent on the government in certain situations such as Welfare and food stamps. I understand that there are people out there that absolutely cannot work, but then there are those people that sit on there butts everyday and expect the government to pay for everything and provide everything for them. Stuff like that aggrivates me. I'm a full time student and I have a job it's really not that hard. A look in the other direction though for instance is like student loans or pell grants I can understand because at least people are going to school and trying to get an education so that they don't have to sit on their butts all day and do nothing. I believe that there are some situations where the government has the right to intervene such as natural disasters. Also as a person that flies around 3 -4 times a year I would rather get patted down and make sure that their are no bombs/ knives on a person than be up in the air and have my plane being highjacked!

    Ashlea McKenzie
    PSCI 100-02 MWF 9:10-10

    1. I completely agree with you about Welfare. I also work and go to school full time and it is very aggrivating to watch people just simply be lazy.

      McKena Munson
      PSCI 100.03

    2. I agree with you on the welfare issue as well! When I lost my job over the summer I had to collect unemployment and there were people that would come in to the office and make comments like they weren't really trying to get a job because they make more money off of welfare than they would with a job. I work at a job that accepts food stamps and there are some that come in an abuse the purpose of a food stamp and then there are others that know what the real purpose of a food stamp is and use it for that purpose. Anymore I feel that welfare is just kinda handed out to anybody whether they deserve it or not! I like the fact of going places like an airport or other big places like that and having security! It makes us as citizens feel safer about where we are at!

  12. I believe that Americans are extremely dependent on the government but I also feel that the government needs to take a step back and think of a few things. As another person said before that people relay heavily on the government when it comes to food stamps and welfare. I believe that system has been hacked and a lot of people are living off welfare that don't need to. I know people on welfare that drive better cars than I do and have better phones. I also know people that know how to work the welfare system so they don't need to work at all. I get very upset with him because I am a full time student who works about thirty-five hours a week. I work really hard and to watch people get paid for nothing disgusts me. The way our world works today, we need a government to intervene sometimes. An example would be hurrican Sandy. The people that have had damage to their home or their communitees need help.

    McKena Munson
    PSCI 100.03

  13. I strongly think that americans are dependent on the government. If we all woke up tomorrow and the government as a whole was nonexistent many people would be lost. The government has indeed "shut-down" all nonessential personal recently but not long enough for people relying on aid to feel the effects. I currently work in a convenience store and deal with cash sales, food stamp sales, and both. It's the transactions where someone uses cash for tobacco/alcohol sales and their food stamp card for their child's food. The abuse of the system disgusts me. I am a firm believer in living within my means and I believe everyone should follow that trend. If one is living on welfare benefits they need to collect themselves, prioritize, and become INdependent. It's not that hard to do...I did it.
    PSCI 100.03

  14. Elaina Feliciano PSCI 100.03 MWF 9:10-10:00November 2, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    I personally believe that americans are far to dependent on the government. We rely on them for everything. I know that the libertarian party wouldnt condone the aid of the governemt if a hurricane or tornado hit, but i think that the government should help because they have the means to supply us with the things we would need after a natural disaster if a lot was destroyed such as Hurrican Katrina. As a whole community they helped eachother as much as they could but it wasnt enough they def need the aid of the government. I do agree with the libertarian party with a lot of their views such as its your body and you do with it what you want. That holds a lot of truth to it for example in aspects such as abortion. All in all I believe that when distater hits communities NEED help that the government should provide

  15. Kendra Harvey 100.03November 3, 2012 at 11:51 AM

    I believe the government does great things. It keeps order as it is supposed to. It also does it's job when the country needs it by helping out when there are disasters and also providing mechanisms through which people who need help financially for their family can get the help they need. However, when it comes to those same helpful things like unemployment, welfare, and food stamps etc., people may be too dependant and take advantage of the system and slip by using the system unfairly. Otherwise, I think the government provides a fair organization to things and does not limit our freedom in a bad way. I myself am glad there are limits on things like guns and drugs. I do not want to be around people doing drugs and if it were legal, it would be a fairly often occurrance. I also think it is safer to have gun control. Guns are a weapon and just that. The police are here for protection, people don't need to be able to so easily and readily shoot someone.

  16. I believe that we are VERY dependent on our government. We depend on them for so many things, I don't believe we even think about it anymore and it has just become second nature to expect the government to provide (as shown by the chart above.) I do think it it necessary for the government to intervene to provide assistance in the case of natural disaster and foreign attack. I think that depending on citizens alone to provide all of this for themselves would simply not work. I think that there must be organization behind this and just relying on some random citizens to pick up the pieces or to defend the country would not work as strongly as a system like the government would. It is necessary that we have the government because it provides us so much protection and assistance.

    Veronica Victor, TR 12:25-1:40, 100.03

  17. I think we are very dependent on the government because they provide many things that people don’t even think about. Living with a government that we depend on has become second nature to everyone. Without the government to provide roads for people to travel on, it would take longer for people to get to work or get where they need too. I believe that the government should help people that were affected by natural disasters or foreign attacks because there is no way to protect houses from being destroyed during these things.
    Sarah Myers
    Section 100.03

  18. The Americans are too dependent on the government. Those individuals who do not have jobs rely on the government's money. If they didn't have that money to rely on then they would be forced to find another way to receive money. The chart doesn't shock me. People take the government for granted. People should be able to do what they want to do as long as it doesn't harm anyone. I believe the government should help those who really need it. Problems like a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, but if a person cannot provide for their family? No. They shouldn't even have kids if they cannot provide for them. If they had a job and then lost it, then they should be able to find another job. Yes, it takes time, but no it is not impossible.

    Lauren Williams
    PSCI 100.03

  19. Megan Hart MWF 9:10-10November 4, 2012 at 12:07 PM

    I do believe that we are to dependent on the government. Some of us relay on them for everything. Their are so many people on welfare and foodstamps, i'm not saying that not everyone should be able to get welfare but their are people who are just to lazy to work and they should not be on welfare. I also believe we should have less government control. We should be able to do what we want as long as we are not hurting others. Though i am against abortion because i feel like an abortion is hurting another life, so government should be able to intervene with that. Also if their is a natural diaster then the government should defnitely intervene because that is no ones fault and their are people who need government help. So i believe we need a government but just less of one.

  20. I think that Americans are too dependent on the government when you do not have to be. But at times like this, with hurricane Sandy, the people that lived in the areas where it hit should be funded with aid. We will have our time again when there will be another big war and we will need troop in the United States and where ever the war is happening.
    Anthony Varbero
    PSCI 100.03

    1. Brian Fletcher MWF 9:10-10November 4, 2012 at 2:50 PM

      i agree, people need the government at many times. The government has the power to organize a mass effort to repair or create something from destruction. Without the gov stepping in and doing something about the all the damage from the storm then many people would be stuck right where they're at. Peope need the Gov in many situations no matter what many people think, people need some form of gov intervention on almost every subject.

  21. Despite seeing this as a very nuanced issue, I do believe America is overdependent on the government. However, I'm not asking to do away with these programs that assist people during times of crisis like experiencing the aftermath of natural disasters or checking belongings when boarding a plane. What I'm asking is reformation to how these policies are carried out. Airport security, like the TSA, should handle their business without perverse invasiveness. That is they should professionally work with calm, leniency so as not to give others the stigma of being a terrorist or enemy, as well utilizing common sense (such as removing the policy that does not allow babies who share a black-listed name on board). I don't deny that there are people who choose to squander their potential and exploit the wellfare system as a means to obtain free money, heck, I know a dispicable man who is incompetent, can't hold a job for more than a few months because of his unpleasantness, and uses his toddler daughter solely as a means to get a free check. But I digress, in that there are people who fell into a string of bad luck and have no choice but to use wellfare such as suffering a disability/disfigurement, death of the main breadwinner, or being stuck at a dead end job despite having and knowing the potential to do more. Some even hate themselves for being in such a situation. Like I said this a nuanced issue, there are people who make bad choices, there are parents who shouldn't have kids, but there are also good, loving people who are victims of circumstance. What I believe in is that government should reform itself to do background checks on individuals who are deserving and in need of help as opposed to the ones who don't or refuse to make an effort to improve their state of living.

    Brian Ardel
    PSCI 100.03

  22. I do think American citizen's of every social class are too dependant upon the government. I also think the United States government is way to dependant on it's citizens.I believe there are times the governemt can intervene when it is required. One recent explain when the government needs to lend a hand is after the wrath the hurricane Sandy. The government can provide the resources to prompt a recovery.

    Cody Barrett
    PSCI 100.02

  23. Phillip Rhoden mwf 9:10 - 10November 4, 2012 at 8:06 PM

    i believe the government is too dependent on the people especially the middle and lower class because of the tax rate. i dont think the people can be "too" dependent on the government becuause thats why the government was built to control, provide, and secure americans so you cant blame the people for taking advantage of that.

  24. I wouldn't say that Americas are to dependent on the government. The goverement has always been there to support in events such as natural disaters. The people, rather they know it or not, pay for the releifs via taxes.
    Jordan Rodriguez
    PSCI 100.02

  25. Americans are dependent on the government. Most of the people that complain about government dependency receive government aid as well, but most of them probably don't even know it. I always hear the term "You can use, but don't abuse" and that goes for government assisted programs as well. We live in different times now, and there are people who are just not fortunate enough to take care of themselves 100 percent. In actuality most Americans are not. Most government assisted programs are paid for by Americanetax dollars. If Americans are paying for these programs with their hard earned money, then it shouldn't be an issue if they need to receive government aid.

    Cher'ie L. Dixon
    PSCI 100.02 MWF

  26. I feel like many Americans are too dependent on the government. There are a lot of people today who are more than capable of working but instead choose to live off things like the state giving them money. It is unfair to the people who actually have to work in order to support themselves. THen if someone who works hard does need the money they have to jump through hoops to get it.

  27. I do think people are too dependant on government. They wait for things to be handed to them and that creates issues. The government cannot deal with every little issue in a persons life like they want them too. I do feel it is ok or the government to intervene in a crisis though but in cases such as welfare, the government should not assist anyone without a disability or anyone who cannot pass a drug test to get the aid. Some people are just too lazy to do their part and expect government to hold their hand through it.

    Jena Wright
    PSCI 100.03
    TR 1225-140

  28. Americans are dependent on the government in a way, but at the same time without a lot of government our country wouldnt be America?! We need government as much as possible for certain issues. Especially in natural disasters. Im not really going to get on the welfare topic because I can not judge something that I have never experienced. Government does help a lot with education, like a lot of us college students need. Without that, some of us wouldnt be here. So yeah there are a lot of bad sides to government but without it, what would you have?

    Carissa Pearrell
    MWF 910-1000

  29. Kelli Crider PSCI 100.02November 9, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    People are too dependent on the government. Many people rely on the government to make it so everyone gets taxed for certain things to make it so poorer people do not have to pay for a lot of things. While helping poor people is a good thing, I think the requirements for things like welfare and food stamps should be more strict. The fact that many people rely so heavily on the government limits the freedom of the rest of us because we end up having to pay more.

    1. Good point. I also feel that government should help people in need, but they should really be in need. When it comes to situations such as females having as many kids as they want and then depending on the government to pay for all of them is wrong. Another situation I have seen when male or female will not even make a serious effort to get a job and then apply for benefits such as food stamps and phone card is also wrong. These are just some of the situations that people are too reliant on the government and the government should have more strict regulations.
      Anthonie Jefferson
      PSCI 100.02 MWF 9:10-10:00
